Well, it's clearly been a while between posts - and anyone thinking that I've mellowed or will have anything earth-shattering to say should probably just give up now. You just know that this is going to be the same old soap-box subject that I crap on about - namely: females (amongst other things).
I don't know if I've put this in another post as I only write this crap (I don't read it - that's your job :) but I'll point out again that I took myself off the market sometime about September or October last year. It was around the time when I became friends with a bird I had met but she'd developed a few mental issues over the years thanks to being perpetually flogged by yet another one of those gutless arsewipes that are allowed to exist in our society: the-bloke-who-hits-women. Nice bird with similar interests to myself but I wasn't going to string her along nor was I going to use her.
"...not use her"...
What a strange concept that is in society today....
Is it an idea that is SO alien today that people figure that since everyone is using someone in some way then it is OK to do it themselves? What happened to principles? What happened to integrity? Oh yeah - forgot... They don't rate in this world today.
So now it comes around to the propagation of double standards that is ever-present today - and particularly from the female of the species.
Once upon a time, a bloke could rely on a woman to be the objective one while she lovingly gazed upon her other half: the typical beer-swilling, bug-killing type that would act like a child in all the wrong situations. Mind you - this is the bloke of the 80's or whenever - not the kind of bloke that was around in the 40's and 50's when being a 'man' was a big thing and meant something. Now it's just a title that the adult-sized boys think they can bestow upon themselves when they turn 18.
Now there is an ever-increasing number of women (I think the percentage must be about 98% of the population) who are so full of their own bullshit that they think that the words they say are actually relevant and are as good as gospel. Excuse me, but imagine a bird who is 5'4" tall, weighs 60kg and her exercise regime consists of trotting to the kitchen cupboard to attack her stash of potato chips, and she stands in front of me telling me what a temper she has and that she's going to belt me one if I happen to disagree with her personal dogma.
The only response I can offer is: "What are *you* going to do to me? Bleed on me?" (in reference to the most-likely outcome of her hitting me being that she will hurt herself in the process).
Which tends to lead me onto the topic of this post.... double standards aka: the believing-of-one's-own-bullshit aka: SLUT!
To the women reading this: how many are you going to say the usual crap: "Oh yes - if a bloke sleeps around, he's a stud but if a woman does it, she's a slut!" Well - yeah - but you're only half right. A bloke who sleeps around is ONLY a stud in YOUR eyes because that is the title YOU gave him - not me! I don't respect any bloke who hasn't the honour to commit to one woman nor possesses the principles to treat any of them like a lady - which, I guess, is contradictory in itself as there are very few young women in this world that are worthy of the treatment that goes with the title of 'lady' but I still treat them as such anyway. I have one mate who claims to have lost count after being with 100 women over the years. Another kept a diary because he wanted to bang one from every race and religion (and only missed that goal by about 3 or so - over 200 according to him).
Note: I do NOT respect them for this. I also do not take advice from them on how to treat a woman because that is NOT my goal in life. I do NOT believe that getting my end wet as many times as possible and spreading social diseases is going to enrich my life in any way, shape or form. So to the majority of women out there: this is called "Practicing what one preaches" - and I have no problem in suggesting that it is a concept that is alien to most of you.
I also believe that anyone (male or female) who sleeps around while single is not going to change their ways when they "commit" to someone if the opportunity presents itself where they think that they will not get caught. This way of thinking, to me, is a clear lack of self-respect as well as a lack of respect for anyone else. Of course, these same people also get all high and mighty when anyone questions their integrity. Can anyone see a point developing about double standards?
Has anyone worked out why my tirade is on this particular subject today? It shouldn't be hard to guess....
Yes - it happened to me *again* where I made a promise to myself that I am going to stay off the market and if the right one comes along then hopefully I will know it (because actually looking for a good woman clearly doesn't work!).
As many already realise, I go to dance classes a few times a week and I meet a lot of different women. Tall, short, fat, thin, smart, dumb, sweaty, overbite, underbite, buck-teeth, no teeth, honest, dishonest, broke, wealthy - all sorts. The point is that I go to class to learn a skill that I currently do not posses and not to pick up anything with a pulse.
Earlier this year, I meet a bird who is *not* Australian. This is a good omen for me because I am now firmly of the opinion that the women here work at being brainless skanks whose personal goal seems to be as much a drunken fuckwit as the average bloke. This essentially equates to a complete and utter void of class and the qualities that a bloke such as myself can admire in a woman, so I look elsewhere.
This bird is nice. She has looks and muscle-tone and a bit of class. She's also got one of the best qualities that I admire in a person: honesty - and she has it in spades (when it suits her).
So, me being me, after hanging around and going out with her for a while, I develop feelings for her. I also put my usual practice into play of NOT trying to get intimate for at least 2 months because I want to know what she's like as a person first. How many of us know people who've fucked on the first date - most likely while drunk - and become attached to someone for a few months before discovering that when the sex runs out, the person they're with is complete turd?
You may equate this to mean that I can't get laid - but I can. I can get it anytime I want if I wanted it because there are professionals out there who cater to people who want meaningless sex. There is no need to go out and give a girl drugs or get her drunk or pack-rape her with your football or muslim buddies when the services are there for someone who will, chances are, do a much better job on a bloke AND she won't want to move in with you or claim half your possessions.
Back to the girl-of-interest....
She's got manners and class and all the things I admire in a woman - and yet again I fall for the time-honoured lie that all women give when a bloke shows interest in her: "I'm not looking for a relationship right now." OK - fine. I always take this line and her at face value and back off even though I know for a fact that it really means: "I just don't want a relationship with YOU unless you have no job, no prospects, no education, huge debts, will treat me like shit, want to do a threesome with my sister / mother / best friend / brother, and make crude comments in public about wanting to fuck me up the arse!"
Think I'm lying? Prove me wrong!
You can't.
This one tells me that she doesn't want a relationship but has a couple of drinks one night and allows herself to be screwed by some bloke who has been whinging at her for months to come across even though she openly admits that she doesn't like him.
Again... WTF???
Has this moron never heard of batteries? Doesn't a dildo make a suitable non-diseased solution until a decent bloke comes along? Evidently not.
And there was the reasoning behind it.... "A girl has to have fun sometime."
Yeah... right... A bloke with a good job; good income; a career; his own home; lives clean; has a can-do attitude; treats the girl with respect and values her opinion is NOT wanted while some dickhead who never wants to aspire to do anything more in life than drink and fuck sluts gets rewarded for his behaviour.
Let me think about this a second... so - if your dog gets up on the bed and shits on your pillow - you're going to give him doggie treats and allow him to continue sleeping on the bed and you will leave the shit there on your pillow while you sleep. Is that not the same thing? Negative reinforcement? How about the child who screams loudly in the supermarket because they know that they will get lollies instead of a boot in the arse that they really deserve?
But I get over this. I put it down to me not having the right to decide how she should live her life and if she chooses to do that then that is her perogative and I decide that she's not for me.
A couple of months go by and she's calling me up most weeks to go out dancing somewhere and inviting me around to dinner and stuff and I'm starting to think that maybe she's thought that I'm a bit of a catch after all. How fucking stupid am I?
I mention again that we've been doing things together than that I would like to maybe start something with her because we get on so well and like a lot of common things and this time there is no utterance of what I call "the usual lie" (I take this to mean that there is hope for me....)
Then some "friend" from the distant past who doesn't keep contact all that often and could not be bothered to actually come to this country to see her pays for her ticket to a halfway destination whereupon I say "Yay! You should always stay in touch with friends! Go! Have a great time!" - and she does. She has a GREAT time getting fucked 4 ways from Sunday for the entirety of the trip. And the excuse is.... (wait for it) "A girl's gotta have fun sometime...."
If this isn't a lying, conniving, using slut, I don't know what is - and since I've never personally met Paris Hilton, this girl will fit the bill quite nicely. I've cut off all contact and deleted all ways of contacting her just in case my forgiving nature (and yes, I do have one!) gets the better of me again.
So now I am back to being OFF the market because I'm am again firmly of the opinion that there are NO decent women out there that are worth finding. I make a point of eating good food and looking after myself (personal grooming) and being the kind of bloke that a woman would want. Such a shame that it seems that they all seemingly want to be a proverbial "ho" until they decide they're getting old and want to marry a bloke - then it seems I'll be wanted - when they're all clapped out (emphasis on "CLAP") and proven to the entire football team that she really can suck-start a Harley Davidson!