Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Monday, November 21, 2005

Muslims or Media??

I noticed on the 'news' this morning that Muslim groups are (apparently) going off their tree about some drug-taking bimbette who goes to Bali and gets caught with some ecstacy tablets; says she is a Mulsim; is found guilty of possession; and gets to come home.

Is she a druggo? I don't know & I don't care. She's a model - this tells me that having a conversation with her would be slightly more painful than repeatedly stabbing myself in the eye with a sharpened house brick. I think it may be part of the job description to take drugs.
In any case, models are paid to look good and not much else - I don't know how anyone can live with a model unless they too happen to be just as much of an airhead (I will also acknowledge that there are some who *are* intelligent and can carry a decent conversation. Would both of you put your hands up, please?)

The question I have is:
Why are the Muslim groups complaining about what this woman is wearing and her imbibing of alcohol but nothing was said about the group of 5 dickheads who chose to beat up a cameraman outside court after they went and showed (idiotic) solidarity for accused terror suspects?

Is it OK for Muslim MALES (none of them are men! Childish pricks that they are!) to beat up someone in the street simply because he is an onlooker with a camera and that women must do as they're told and cover up?

Did the Muslim groups kick up as much of a stink about the cowardly thugs but the media chose to ignore the statements from them because it wasn't as "Newsworthy"?

It seems that Muslim extremists aren't the only terrorists in this country while we have a media that thinks it has a god-given right to disseminate information that suits its own political agendum - something which is not too dissimilar to the one-eyed propaganda that a population were given thanks to the Taliban.

What makes it funnier is that the media are the most critical of blogs - something which has propagated IMMENSELY thanks to the ineptitude and incompetence of the media and their distinct inability to be fair and balanced.

Mini-sub mystery may be solved

The Mini-sub Mystery may be solved, eh?

I don't really know a great deal about the mini-sub ordeal as events like this are stricken from the educational curriculum in Australia as I think that, according to the higher-ups, it has the tendency to breed anti-Japanese sentiment.

What I do know is that there are people still around who were around back then during WW2 in Sydney. I also know that there are a lot of people around who claim to have served in various elite parts of the defence forces or were at events that are high-profile in our history when in fact they have not even served. While I firmly believe the following story to be true (as I know the teller personally), I have no way of authenticating it.

The lady in question became friends with my mum and would often come over home to do some ironing in order to make a few extra bob. One day she told us the story about how she was a radio operator down in Sydney during WW2 where they would listen for strange or different transmissions. On the day in question (that is, the day that the war came to Sydney), she heard something strange on the radio - it was a sound that defied all explanation. If I remember correctly, the story went that she asked others about it and nobody had a clue - she came to the conclusion that it had to be a mini-submarine in the harbour.

With this conclusion in her mind, the lady approached her superiors (in rank only, I might add) and put this information to them. She was told that she was talking absolute rubbish; that there was no such thing as a mini-submarine; that nobody would dare come into the harbour to perform such a preposterous attack; and words that flowed something like: "Go back to your post you stupid woman - you don't know what you're talking about!"

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The net is the future

"The net is the future" - Murdoch

RUPERT Murdoch said yesterday it did not matter whether newspapers were being sold in paper form or online in 20 years; they would succeed as long as they retained a focus on quality journalism.

And therein lies the problem: "...focus on quality journalism".

Looking at this from the angle of reality, what Rupert has said equates to:
"Publication of the news is going to be around regardless of whether it is in print form or online. We're still going to only deliver either half the news and then it only be the bits we want you to know so that you will be swayed towards our left-wing bullshit ideology. We will continue to use half-witted morons who know nothing about anything to write this rubbish that you think keeps you informed. Truly a case of the blind leading the blind!"

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Volunteer Hangman

Again, I'm a bit behind the times as I tend to only catch the news here and there and I'm being relatively productive at work by not looking at news sites when I should be working :)

Here is a piece that came out on the 3rd of November about a pensioner in the Northern Territory who wants to apply for the job as Official Hangman in Singapore to replace the 73yo bloke who wants to retire but the government over there can't find anyone to replace him.

Aussie pensioner volunteers to kill Nguyen

A NORTHERN Territory pensioner has applied for the job as Singapore's official hangman.

And Keith Sauerwald, 65, says he would have no qualms about executing convicted Australian drug trafficker Van Tuong Nguyen, who is waiting his fate in Singapore's Changi Prison.

"I hate drugs and I hate drug dealers," said Mr Sauerwald, who lives at Parap in Darwin.

"Nguyen has no right to live.

Amen to that!

If Singapore thinks that the bloke who wants to do the job is too old at 65 and if they're happy to pay me a decent wage (like what I'm getting now or a bit better) then I will definitely step up to the plate. Does it help that I know how to tie a noose and know how to locate it? :)

If it means that I can do my little bit to remove another drug trafficker or dealer from the face of this planet, then I am more than happy to do so! These people are the lowest form of life and they deserve to die in a little bit more pain rather than twitching at the end of a rope that just snapped their neck. My problem would be that I would get creative about it and think of ways of saving them up so that it can be done as a group session.

Of course, people would tend to not like my idea of leaving the carcass out on display (ie: near an airport) so that it will serve as a vivid warning of what will happen to human trash who have no qualms in trafficking death and bringing despair and grief to so many lives so that they can have lots of money!

Big Bludger


It seems that the nongs of society have squarely convinced the nongs of TV programming that yet another sLeason (yes, I did type it that way) of Big Brother is in order.

I hate the show - it is utter crap! It is even lower down the entertainment food chain than Jerry Springer, Neighbours, Home & Away, and other shitty shows like this that bank on no-talent halfwits to carry them through season after season after season.

"Why watch it?" you say? I DON'T!! Why? Because it is the televisual version of diarrhoea on a most explosive scale. SHIT - and lots of it!! What makes it worse is that you can't turn certain radio stations on during the time that this avenue-of-fame for the most dimwitted-of-society because it is flooding the airwaves as well! Then you have life-lacking dickheads talking about and idolising these contestants - or *other* life-lacking dickheads! There is no escape!

Then there is the hostess. Sure she looks alright being the resident mutton-dressed-up-as-lamb but so can anyone when they apply make-up with a trowel and the network smears vaseline over the camera lens!! OK, so maybe that was a bit harsh - there is definitely worse in the world and I am definitely no oil painting. Fair is fair.

I seem to recall though that she came from a field of endeavour that required some form of intellect (don't remember what though) - so how the hell did she allow herself to stoop so low as to be a part of this parcel of steaming horse shite that seems to form the pinacle of television programming in Australia?

You may now be asking how I know that this tripe is starting again….. I know about it because a mate (I'm starting to wonder now) came to me at work and suggested that I audition for the show. "ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING????"

The thing is: other people at work heard him make this statement and all joined in and said that it would be great if I were to go on it. They said that the most opinionated ones don't last long (which means that I won't have to tolerate the pack of losers for very long) and it would be worth watching them all get told where they can go and what they can do with their stupid little attention-seeking egos. I think I would greatly enjoy telling the resident homosexual (they always have at least one - well, I think they do - every other 'reality' show has one for some STUPID reason) that I don't give a shit that they are gay. They can go suck dick day and night in public dunnies and be raped repeatedly in the arse by some bloke and his horse - but the point being that I don't give a flying frag about what they do. F*CK GAY PRIDE!! You wanna be gay and introduce infection into your bodies and do all sorts of injurious activites to your body - go right ahead - just leave the attention seeking side of it with the 50c that you're going to use to call someone who gives a rat's arse!

Same goes for carpet-munchers - piss off and write your number on the wall of the shitter and hopefully you'll meet that someone 'special'.

Besides - someone here at work said that there was a psych test and that I wouldn't pass it anyway. I have the real snakey suspicion that they are going to make me bet something or coerce me into trying out for it as I could really use the car……

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

International Security Levels

Sent to me via email recently. Looks to be pretty much spot on about the French and the Italians! :)

The British are feeling the pinch in relation to recent bombings ... the level has just been raised from Miffed to Peeved. Soon though, the levels may be raised yet again to Irritated or even "a bit cross".

Londoners have not been "a bit cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies all but ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from Tiresome to "a bloody nuisance". The last time "a bloody nuisance" warning level was issued was during the Great Fire in 1666.

Be aware that the French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from RUN to HIDE. The only two higher levels in France are Surrender and Collaborate. The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing their military capability.

It's not only the French that are on a heightened level of alert ... the Italians have increased their alert level from "shout loudly and excitedly" to "elaborate military posturing". Two more levels remain, "ineffective combat operations" and "change sides".

The Germans also increased their alert state from "disdainful arrogance" to "dress in uniform and sing marching songs". They have two higher levels: "invade a neighbour" and "lose".

Seeing this reaction in continental Europe the Americans have gone from Isolationism to "find another oil-rich nation in the Middle East ripe for regime change". Their remaining higher alert states are: "attack the world" and "beg the British for help".

Finally here in middle England, we've gone from "pretend nothing's happening" to "make another cup of tea". Our higher levels are: "remain resolutely cheerful" and "win".

Thursday, November 03, 2005

John Safran on SBS again.

I think this bloke is great! He says what he thinks and questions the practices of various religions while being a good Jewish boy.

Makes for good TV while everyone else is busy running around watching what they say for fear of insulting the feelings of some half-witted minority group.

Definitely worth watching :)

Program Details : Monday 7 November 2005
9pm - 9.30pm : Speaking in Tongues
Part 1
Comedy Premiere (Australia/English)

In this is 12-part series John Safran teams up with his maverick match in wit and weird wisdom, Father Bob Maguire. Father Bob and Safran continue their oddest of the odd couple television relationship in this current affairs-cum-chat show with a spiritual twist. This series is mould-breaking, demonically inspired television and will feature guests including cult-busters, scientists and a dog whisperer who has the ability to communicate with Father Bob's dog, Franklin. Different phenomena is explored in the series which features guests who have witnessed inexplicable events and lived to tell the tale, including one guest who experienced a golem-sighting in Prague.
(source: www.yourtv.com.au)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Philips Senseo #2

With regards to my previous post about the Philips Senseo, I have received a reply from a very helpful member of the Consumer Connections team of Sara Lee (who must own Harris Coffee, who must subsequently be associated with or own Moccona - not quite sure on the details though).

Many thanks for the reply:

From: {name deleted for privacy reasons}
Sent: Monday, 31 October 2005 2:19 PM
To: {my email}
Subject: RE: Philips Senseo

Hi {myname}

Thank you for contacting the Senseo Consumer connections.

We are glad that you are so happy about Senseo being available in Australia. As we are all here.

Yes we all very aware of Coffee Milk, unfortunately due to Food Laws in Australia, Customs will not allow the product into Australia yet. Maybe sometime soon.

We can only hope and wait.

We currently have 4 flavours available in Australia – Medium Roast, Dark Roast and Extra Dark Roast. Decaffeinated has just been released into WW supermarkets. Look for it next time you shop.

New flavours to follow next year (mid year) so keep an eye on in the coffee isle.

Yes, currently retailers have the $20 cashback of the Philips Senseo coffee pod machine available from most retailers. Best of luck in converting your friends.

If you would like to take part in promotions, research or receive information concerning Senseo newsletters, bulletins – please advise us, we would only be too happy to provide you with this information.

Kind regards


SENSEO- Consumer Connections

Sara Lee Australia
18 Forrester Street
Tel: 1800 794 329

My further reply:


Thank you for replying to my letter.

Considering that I am so happy with the machine, I will gladly accept any information regarding it and participate in promotions and research.

I consider it to be very unfortunate that our food laws do not allow the importation of coffee milk as it really does improve the taste. I would suggest that we (as Aussies) would be more than capable of producing the product ourselves but there has obviously never been a need for it in marketing terms. The funny/sad thing about Australia is that if we don't know that something exists: we don't need it. I think I may write to Pauls milk and Pura and see if they have plans for such an item considering the proliferation of coffee machines on the market now (just open any Myer/Grace Brothers catalogue). I would encourage Harris (Moccona) to do the same as it will benefit not only myself but will also assist in market share once people become aware of the product. An Australian-made coffee milk product would be a wise route as well instead of an imported product. A win-win situation in my opinion :)

I hope that the future of Senseo is set here in Australia as it will mean that the machines with the larger water tank may make it here. I can understand the full range not being available at this time while the market is uncertain about the machine.

There have been a few people interested in the machine through my weblog so I will post your replies on there as well (slightly edited to remove contact details, of course :)

I hope to hear from you soon.


Now I need to start petitioning the major milk manufacturers in the hopes that they are looking towards creating such a product. More to come on this very soon (I hope).

Bird Flu Stupidity

What the hell is going on???

Yes, tell me that I'm an idiot but I do like to turn on Sunrise on 7 in the mornings because the people are happy and a little bit forthright and it's entertaining (as opposed to the other morning show on the Packer network - piss off Richard Wilkins and that dickhead that does the weather - they SUCK!!!) It's nice to wake up to a smile while getting ready to go to work.

There was a report this morning about how Australia is going to donate some of it's Bird Flu treatment to neighbours to the north. Considering the talk in the media lately (scare mongering?) that Australia has not got enough stockpiles to be ready for the flu, there is talk of giving some away?

What about looking after our people first? More importantly, and this is based on their contempt for us, our fishing zones and our people even though our support for their tourism industry helps keep them afloat: Fuck Indonesia (if indeed the remedy is to go there).

I say that we help those who are willing to actually be friends and neighbours rather than bludgers who will take what they can while they can! I would say to send New Zealand as much as they want because at least they work with us and look to the future rather than pursue a life that is squared firmly in medieval times!

This post is NOT based on racism. I have NO problem with Asians or any other race (religion is a different matter though). I have a LOT of respect for the Japanese people because they have respect for themselves and are not into telling the rest of the world how to live or that they are infidels. The basis here is to look out for your FRIENDS and to tell the bludgers of the world to piss off!
This includes the members of The Great Unwashed who collect their dole cheques before going to the beach to surf or protest something new this week.

Death Penalty by Proxy

Mick Keelty has gone on the Lateline on the ABC to say that he refuses to apologise for informing the Singaporean police know about the drug smugglers on the way to their shores.

Mr Keelty made a decision of life or death over the lives of 9 individuals and has probably enacted a legal death sentence by proxy over these people.

GOOD ONE, MICK!! When are you running for PM so that at least there will be someone WITH a spine to look forward to running the country in the future?

People may say that John Howard is kissing Bush's arse but at least the little twerp can make decisions on what is right and wrong - as opposed to Captain Blunder who looks like he just stumbled out of an RSL after the afternoon on the bar!
Don't get me wrong - Kim Beazely has some damn good thoughts (it would help if you saw the Geoffrey Robertson Hypothetical on Terrorism a few months ago where he effectively showed a stance very similar to Mr Keelty), unfortunately his balls have been cut off due to having to run to caucus every time he wants to enact something. (Fuck Caucus! Arsewipe unions running/ruining the country with their dickhead brand of politics!)

If I were in the position of Mick Keelty, I would have done the same and I would NOT lose a minute of sleep over it.

People who traffic and deal in drugs are worthless. They are a debt to society and do nothing for anyone other than themselves. I say to churn them into worm food - the world will be a much better place for it!

I realise that it may be tough on the families of those involved but THEY made their decision and they knew the penalties. If it were your son or daughter that had their life f*cked up by drugs thanks to one of these people, you'd gladly be holding the knife to their throat yourself!