Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Movie Charges

OK, so it's old news but I've never claimed to be ahead of the pack on anything.

I was just perusing this (extract) about an Aussie woman in the US....

AN Australian woman charged with assault after trying to shush an American movie goer who was on a mobile phone has been fined $176.

Pauline Clayton was in Texas on holidays when she decided to catch Australian actor Heath Ledger's movie Brokeback Mountain last week.

Halfway through the picture, a woman film patron took a mobile phone call, and began talking.

Annoyed by the disruption, Ms Clayton, a former Sunshine Coast councillor, put her finger to her mouth, signalling to the woman to shush, then touched her on the shoulder twice.

The other woman then stood up and started shouting expletives at Ms Clayton before storming out of the cinema.

Police arrived and escorted Ms Clayton out of the theatre.

The maligned woman told officers Ms Clayton had been "invading her private space" and accused the Australian of assault.

Police subsequently arrested Ms Clayton and charged her with assault.

Ms Clayton was fined $176, the Seven Network reported today.

Considering that I've been known to walk up to 2, 3, and 4 blokes in a movie theatre and told them to shut up (as well as children who've been allowed to roam free) - I hate to think what the result would have been had I been the Aussie.

I think a mobile phone doing a pegged arc across a theatre and smashing into a wall would be extremely funny - almost to the point that I'd be happy to pay the fine :)

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Health Crisis Whistleblower

Really? A whistleblower in the Queensland Health system? Now?

Funny - I knew about the problems in the Redcliffe Hospital Emergency Ward nearly 2 years ago when I needed to be rushed for help with a possible heart problem. It was blatantly obvious after the fact that the Ambo was trying to talk me out of it but he couldn't directly say so.

"Where would you like to go? Redcliffe or RBH?" (Royal Brisbane Hospital)
"Which one is better?"
"Both are about the same distance but it may take longer to be seen at RBH."
"Oh well then... I dunno... just go to Redcliffe - saves taking you through traffic and dickheads on the roads."
"Are you sure?"
"Should I go to RBH?"
"Oh, RBH is good, it's just the waiting..."
"Well, if it's a heart thing, I should probably get seen to sooner, eh? OK, let's go to Redcliffe."
"Oh... OK then...." (and then a strange silence)

I don't even have time to write about all the problems I saw in the 2 days I was in that hospital. THEN I was chastised by doctors for wanting to transfer to the Wesley because I had top shelf private cover (they wouldn't let me out before the 2nd day even though it took a day and a half to see a doc!)

In short, NONE of the problems in the health system are going to be fixed until Petie Beater, Annada Blight, or any of those other socialist meatheads need to be hospitalised in the public system.

Miami High School

It seems that news of the bullying and subsequent lying about it taking place at Miami State High School on the Gold Coast isn't very newsworthy. I can't seem to find any links to the issue - not even from the local rag (The Gold Coast Bulletin).

In short: Last week, a year 9 student had his femur (leg bone) smashed (not just broken) in a crash tackle received from a year 12 student. The young kid is still in hospital with various pins, screws & staples holding his leg together. Calls came from the boys parents about the vicious attack and the endless bullying at the school.

Channel 7 News tracked the boy down and asked him about it and this deadbeat couldn't even lie straight in bed!!

First it was: "I was fooling around with someone else and I fell over a chair and accidently landed on {name}". Then followed: "...I was playing a joke on him to teach him a lesson" (the injured boy).

So, which was it? An accident or a "lesson"?

Then, just to prove that the apple didn't fall far from the tree, the sperm donor for this lying sack of shit came on TV and started saying that it was the fault of the teachers for not watching the students and that it was the fault of the year 9 students for needing supervision. Great - another deadbeat blaming everyone else in the world for what his son did EXCEPT his son for doing the tackle in the first place!

It's is plain to see that not only has the boy's old man failed to actually BE a man but he's also teaching his gutter spawn that it's OK to not take responsibility for his actions provided that he can conjure up someone else to blame as well as labelling it an "accident".

This was no accident. While a smashed leg and expensive medical costs were probably not the intention, ham was still intended on the boy and now he's playing the run'n'hide game.

Make them all pay:
- send half the bill of the medical costs as well as a tutor (for the time that the injured boy is off school) as well as pain and suffering AND the cost of books and uniforms to attend a new school (including transport costs if further away). This bit goes to the parents for trying to dodge responsibility.
- send the other half to the student who inflicted the pain. He will have his wages (or more likely, his social security payments) garnished with interest to pay it all back. He will be given a loan to pay the money and will be inelligible for a passport so that he can run away from his responsibilities.
- take the education minister to task over the issue of bullying in schools. Unruly students cannot be punished anymore and Miami SHS is recognised as being a den of dickheads. The minister can personally pay for security to protect the bullied students and patrols past their homes. Maybe that will help her smarten up her act?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


No wonder I'm terrified to let a woman into my life if this is an example of the lunacy that can occur when a lie can be submitted without the onus of proof being required.

How does a bloke compete when the family court system is set up in such a way that he is immediately guilty regardless of the evidence?

Don't believe me?
Have a woman go into a cop shop and get a restraining order on something she makes up and see how easy it is.
Have a bloke go into a cop shop seeking one against a woman and they usually laugh in his face.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Media Ignorance #674,536

(Yeah, OK - so the number is a bit low.... we've lost count...)

News from the ether:

During the strike of the train drivers on Friday, February 3, 2006: A television crew from Channel 10 started something with a Queensland Rail employee that was NOT on strike and was at work doing his job.

At some time during the day, a camera crew turned up to Nerang station on the Gold Coast to film ... something... whatever.

The crew were approached by an employee of Queensland Rail. They were asked once to cease filming and to leave the property because they did not have permission to do so. They refused on some bullshit basis that they were filming. The crew were asked again and this time the camera operator went "ballistic" with the end result was more than a bit of push and shove - closer to a full-on punch up according to my source.
Railway Police had to be called in to break up the melee.

I am quite certain that Channel 10 will whine some excuse about "freedom of the press" but the cameras in the station tell quite a different, and more factual story.

Who wants to bet that there will be no charges laid against the camera operator?

I wonder how many people realised on this day that the staff who were on duty that day were NOT on strike and were doing their jobs as per normal? Was it the drivers who copped abuse all day?

Further news is that some drivers are now whinging about having to go on stress leave because they have been copping abuse over the weekend and today from passengers that were well-and-truly fucked over in their travel requirements on that day. I wonder how many people lost jobs or failed to make a job interview because of their greed?

The unionists say that those who work during strikes are scabs - seems to me that those who hold the commuting public to ransom are the scabs.

eBay iDiots

Yeah... good.

"Bid now to spend a boozy weekend with 4 drongos who have just ripped you off for a stupid amount of money because you *seemingly* need to pay to be a party guest. You could have gone to a pub in any town in the land and met new people for a fraction of the cost; never mind the fact that this has all been done before by 2 groups of 4 women over in Germany something like 3 years ago."

Let me think about this.... spending the weekend with 4 blokes... spending the weekend with 4 women... Hmmm...

No contest, actually. German girls win over Aussie yobbos any day of the week (especially the tall women.... YUM! :)

[The only reason I remember the auctions in Germany is because a mate of mine was one of those in the second auction. She is definitely one worth bidding on :D ]


Q. What do you call a drunk Muslim?
A. Hammed (hammered).

Q. What do you call a *really* drunk Muslim?
A. Mohammed (more hammered).

Q. What do you call an attractive Lebanese male?
A. Azif. (work it out for yourself)

Oh gee - were these offensive to someone?
Do I look like I give a shit? >:)