Monday, December 10, 2007

Don't get sick under Labor!!

Hardly surprising that yet another Labor-led state government is refusing to take responsibility for it's constituents and tries to blame all & sundry for their own ineptitude.

What makes Phillip Island a special case that they're not entitled to a hospital or medical care? I don't know for sure but I wouldn't mind betting that it may not be in a strong Labor electorate. Never let it be said that "incompetence and Labor" doesn't go hand-in-hand like "Labor & Jobs-for-the-union-boys", "Labor & corruption", "Labor & nepotism" and *.... (and the list goes on....)

Hospital troubles not my problem: Premier

Posted Wed Dec 5, 2007 3:38pm AEDT

Victorian Premier John Brumby says his government will not be saving the only hospital on Phillip Island.

The board of the Warley Hospital has appealed for government help but the Victorian Premier John Brumby says it is not the responsibility of the State Government.

The Victorian Government is refusing to step in and save Phillip Island's only hospital.

The management of the privately run, not-for-profit Warley Hospital, has held a crisis meeting to discuss ways of staying open, as it faces severe financial problems and was forced to sell equipment to pay staff and bills.

Warley management is now hoping the Federal Government will come to the rescue.

The Premier John Brumby says his government has no responsibility for private hospitals such as Warley.

"It's not a government-run hospital and it's not a bush nursing hospital, where there are often ah [sic] half-way in between a private and a public," he said.

"So it's really an issue for the hospital itself and for the Federal Government, it's not something which the State Government directly funds."

The Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson says the hospital's imminent closure is a test for the new Health Minister, Nicola Roxon.

"The extent to which Nicola Roxon shows her early commitment to keeping the Warley Hospital open and the commitment to the Phillip Island community through it will be the yardstick against which her performance in this portfolio will be measured in its early days," he said.

Ms Roxon has been unavailable for comment.
It's clear that your health is unimportant to the Victorian government if it means that they have to do their job in supplying and assisting health-care facilities.

Prison - nice place to visit but....

(actually - no it's not!)

Sorry - I have an archive of news stories to make comment about and I've only just gotten to this one...

Graphic video of prison assault sparks sacking call

By Keith Moor
November 22, 2007 03:26pm

AT least three prison officers involved in the alleged savage assault of a remand inmate should be sacked, the state watchdog has said.

Graphic footage of prison officers allegedly assaulting the inmate was tabled in State Parliament by State Ombudsman George Brouwer today.

At least three Melbourne Custody Centre (MCC) staff may be charged over the incident.

Victoria Police is investigating what Mr Brouwer described as "serious mistreatment involving an excessive use of force" against the prisoner.


It shows a seemingly compliant prisoner in the early stages of being strip searched.

One MCC staff member lunged at the prisoner and grabbed him around the throat as a second officer helped wrestle him to the ground.

Several other officers entered the room seconds later and a female officer allegedly punched the already restrained prisoner.

Here's a tip... If you don't like the idea of being strip-searched nor run the risk of having the snot beaten out of you (by a woman, yet) - then DON'T do shit that is liable to land you in prison. I don't know how much clearer a concept that could be.

Everyone knows that prison isn't a fun place to be - so why do things that will put you there - STUPID??!!

Cowardly Taliban

I've said it before and I will say it again:

The Taliban are COWARDS!

& the supporters of the Taliban are lower than pig-shit

(and this includes the Saudi Royal Family!)

What gives me cause to say this?

I take every right to say this about these Dune Coons when they indulge in practices such as this. Why pick on a kid for knowing another language and teaching his mates?

Taliban kill boy, 16, for teaching English to mates

By Elyas Wahdat in Khost, Afghanistan

November 16, 2007 12:42am

TALIBAN militants shot dead a teenage boy in southeastern Afghanistan for teaching English to his classmates, police said.

Taliban militants have killed a number of teachers and students in recent years for attending government-run schools, taking part in classes for girls or what the hardline Islamist militants consider un-Islamic subjects.
"...un-Islamic subjects..."
And just would qualify as an "Islamic subject"? Would these be good examples?
- Goat Raping 101: Basic techniques and how to tether.
- Goat Raping 102: How to 'do' not only the jenny & the kid but also the Billy (incorporating all aspects of Islam: deprivation of liberty & terrorism; misogynism; paedophila; beastiality & homosexuality).
- Female circumcision 201: how to perform with ceremonial knives.
- Female circumcision 202: how to perform with fingernails and stones.
- Islamic Justice for Women: How a rape victim is always to blame while the perpetrators are just "...doing Allah's will"
- Islamic Justice for Men: *deleted course* as no real 'men' exist in Islam.
- "Allah says so...": How to be a big, tough, strong, Muslim 'man' when beating women and how to cry like a little bitch when meeting someone who will not cower in fear.
- Media Manipulation 301: How to pretend to have the high moral ground on any topic and have the fools in the media believe any garbage you say.
- Stupidity & Judaism 401: "I throw rocks at you, Jewish Pig, but you can't shoot back at me as I hide in a temple on hallowed ground as I am a holy man!"
- Stupidity & Judaism 402: How to push an Israeli just so far until the media shows up.

Armed men arrived at the school in the Sayed Karam district of Paktia province and grabbed a 16-year-old student and dragged him outside.

“Taliban militants took the boy out and killed him outside the school just because he was teaching English to his classmates,” said General Esmatullah Alizai, the police chief of Paktia province.

Police arrived on the scene and in the ensuing gun battle, two policemen and two militants were killed, he said.

A Taliban spokesman denied the group was involved in the killing.

The militants often deny carrying out unpopular actions.

Sure they will deny carrying out unpopular actions - did I not make it clear that the Taliban are cowards and will not take responsibility for their actions? Something to do with "crying like little bitches"?

Friday, December 07, 2007

Saudi Royals Family reaffirm terrorist stance.

This is an absolute crock of shit!

A promise from a terrorist is as good as a promise from a thief - unless, of course, those accepting the promise share the same ideals....

It would appear that the Saudi Royal Family are sympathisers to the Al Qaeda cause. I hope this fact is remembered when it comes to demonstrating how terrorists and their supporters are treated when captured.

These people show nothing but contempt for Westerners and their own women so it wouldn't be a big deal if the whole lot were thrown back into their own country and had the borders sealed.
1,500 Qaeda Members Freed After Counseling
(Part 2)

Staff Reporter of the Sun
November 27, 2007

WASHINGTON — On the eve of the Annapolis summit on the Middle East conflict, the Saudi royal family released 1,500 members of Al Qaeda from prison, requiring them only to promise to refrain from jihad within the Arabian Peninsula.

The presence of the Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, at the peace parley has been touted by the White House and the State Department as an important diplomatic breakthrough.

Mr. Faisal has said he was reluctant to attend the meeting, the first time the Saudis would be formal participants in an international peace conference dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. In an interview with Time magazine, he said he would not shake the Israeli prime minister's hand and that he was only interested in a response to his kingdom's peace offer, a full withdrawal from the territory Israel won in 1967 in exchange for peace.
Mr. Faisal is nothing more than an immature coward with no intention of having peace.

However, while the State Department was wooing the Saudi foreign minister, the kingdom's Interior Ministry released about 1,500 Al Qaeda members arrested in crackdowns that began in 2003 against the group headed by Osama bin Laden.

The story first broke over the weekend in the Saudi newspaper Al Watan. In an interview with the newspaper, a member of a special committee to reform jihadists in the kingdom, Muhammad al-Nujaimi, said the newly released prisoners had been reformed.

"The committee has met around 5,000 times to offer counseling to 3,200 people, who were accused of embracing the takfir ideology. The committee has successfully completed reforming 1,500 people," he said.
What utter, contemptible lies! "The committee met 5,000 times"... Since 2003?
Right! I believe you halfwits! Millions wouldn't - but I do!
Let's do some sums.... Take a full year in 2007 & a full year in 2003 (when the 'crackdowns' started); add 1 for the leap year -- that becomes 1,826 days. That equates to a near repetitive sequence of 2 meeting per day for 2 days and then 3 on the third day. Since WHEN does any committee get ANYTHING done let alone meet that frequently to discuss strategies and solutions?
Whoever told this figure of 5,000 meetings is a LIAR!
[Continued from page 1 of 2]

The ideology of takfir is prevalent in both fundamentalist interpretations of Sunni and Shiite Islam, and it holds that there are separate rules that allow Muslims to kill, lie to, and steal from nonbelievers.

While the Saudi state has at times been targeted by Muslims embracing the philosophy of takfir, its mosques and Ministry of Culture and Information also have been exporting the strain of Islam that encourages this doctrine.
And yes, we still have airheaded cocksuckers telling the world that Islam is not dangerous; it's followers are peace-loving and kind; and that even joking about The Prophet being a war-mongering paedophile ("peace be upon him") won't get you killed. There's that believability thing again....

Yesterday, an American intelligence analyst who was following the story said he was wary about the release of the prisoners. "This Saudi process of reform has been so opaque. What no one knows right now is whether the people who have gone through this program have pledged to stop practicing terror or whether they are only pledging to stop terror inside the kingdom."
Considering that dealing with towel-heads in general - they change the rules to suit themselves. They think everyone as stupid as they are to believe their childish lies.

Mr. Nujaimi told Al Watan that the reformed prisoners have pledged to end their campaign to rid the Arabian Peninsula of infidels. "After several graded sessions with the committee, and having been convinced of their misguided vision, they renounced their erroneous ideologies, including the concept of driving out all infidels from the Arabian Peninsula," he said.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

This is America - speak Spanish you Gringos!

What a crock of shit!

Spanish-Speaking Workers Challenge English-Only Policy at Sheet Metal Factory
Monday, November 26, 2007
By Catherine Donaldson-Evans

After a sheet metal plant in Connecticut ordered its employees to speak only English on the job because of safety concerns, five Spanish-speaking workers decided to take the company to court.

The employees, who are legal immigrants, say the rule amounts to discrimination and actually makes the workplace more hazardous.

No, DICKHEAD - it makes it more hazardous to have multiple languages in a predominantly english-speaking country! If someone yells out to a co-worker to "LOOK OUT!" in a language that is not that on which the country is based: chances are that the other worker will be injured from not "looking out".

"I can think of no good reason for them to institute this policy," said Steven Jacobs, the lawyer for the workers who are suing GC Industries in Deep River, Conn. "It's offensive to people who speak Spanish and is potentially dangerous. It inhibits them from communicating in their native tongue in situations that could put people at risk."

You're a lawyer - what the fuck would you know about common sense or working in a factory anyway?

According to the lawsuit, the plant's "Common Language Policy" was suddenly posted in fliers on the factory bulletin board on March 15, 2006.

The notice stated that "there be one language spoken during working time at all plants and facilities of GCI, and that language is English." It specified that the policy would be enforced when "any employee is 'on the clock,'" and said violations could lead to warnings and dismissal.

Damn straight! Three cheers for the company in this instance!

Court documents show that the announcement, which was also posted in Spanish, was signed by company president Thomas Arbella.

But Andres Moran, who speaks fluent English, said he and his four co-plaintiffs needed to communicate in Spanish in order to do their jobs.

BULLSHIT! If they want to converse in Spanish in order to do their jobs - how about they fuck off back to Mexico where they will be expected to speak in Spanish and their coworkers can understand them?

"Not everybody over there is fluent in English," said Moran, 22. "How would I be able to talk to them? I wouldn't be able to communicate with them. That was my argument. ... I kept on speaking Spanish to whoever understood my language."

Why are they in America seeking new opportunities and a new life if they don't wish to leave behind their old ones?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has discouraged such blanket English-only mandates at work, unless they are justified as a business necessity.

Maybe not a business necessity but I would suggest that it is a safety aspect.

"A rule requiring employees to speak only English at all times on the job may violate Title VII, unless an employer shows it is necessary for conducting business," the EEOC says on its Web site. "If an employer believes the English-only rule is critical for business purposes, employees have to be told when they must speak English and the consequences for violating the rule."

A company must also specify why the use of another language hurts or interferes with productivity and efficiency, according to the EEOC.

Moran said that although the rest of the GCI employees "kind of shut their mouth and didn't speak at all," he and the other four continued to use Spanish with their coworkers who weren't well-versed in English.

Again - here's a hint... Learn the language or piss off back to South America if you can't leave it behind!

The five plaintiffs received a second warning to stop speaking Spanish while at work — or face dismissal. Executives told the workers that they could institute any policy they liked because GCI is a private company.

"I felt like I was a slave, basically," said Moran. "I felt discriminated against, violated. I didn't know what to do."

He had the English stick shoved up his arse? He was violated because he wanted everything his way and couldn't have it? Hint: there is a reason why Mexico and South American countries are the way they are - don't come to a prosperous country and expect everything to change to suit how it was "back home" or it will just become a slum as well!

Moran was later transferred from being a packer — which involves packaging sheets of metal — to the more strenuous and less desirable job of hanger, which requires workers to hang heavy sections of metal on racks on the assembly line.

Despite the fact that it was harder work, he said, he was paid the same $9 an hour.

When he persisted in speaking Spanish and asking for his old job back, Moran was laid off after about nine months with the company, he said.

"Richard [Gordon, GCI general manager] took me outside and said, 'We don't need you working anymore. We're not getting as much production,'" Moran remembered. "The next week, they hired somebody else."

You kicked the wrong shit on that one and got what you deserved.

A woman answering the phone at GCI declined to give her name or comment on the legal battle.

The five workers filed their discrimination lawsuit against GCI last week, and are seeking compensatory and punitive damages in the amount of $100,000 per employee, according to Jacobs. The civil suit could ultimately go before a jury.

Jacobs said he also filed a discrimination complaint on behalf of the men with the EEOC and the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights in late spring of 2006.

The plaintiffs contend that GCI hasn't demonstrated how speaking Spanish has had a negative impact on business. To the contrary, they argue, the common-language rule could actually hurt workflow, since so many employees have limited knowledge of English. Most of the GCI employees are of Hispanic origin, according to Jacobs.

"The company claims that the reason for the rule was to enhance the safety of the workplace," he said. "I find that excuse hard to accept when 75 to 80 percent of the workforce speaks Spanish."

He and his clients remain bewildered about what triggered the change in policy.

"I still don't know why they did it," Moran said. "Nobody complained. Nobody cared. ... They're still trying to tell people not to speak Spanish."

Since when was Connecticut in South America? 75-80% of the entire workforce speaks Spanish? Wow - Connecticut really is south of the border! Is it like Hawaii? A seperated state from the mainland?
Idiots >:(

Shitty poems

You know - I never really thought about Islam having poets amongst it's followers - let alone one that would be thought of as a msytic

Prince Charles Visits Muslim Mystic's Tomb in Turkey

Monday, November 26, 2007

KONYA, Turkey — Prince Charles and his wife visited the mausoleum of one of Islam's greatest mystic poets Monday and watched the traditional whirling dance of his followers, the dervishes.

The heir to the British throne and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, are on a four-day tour of historic sites in Turkey.

I bet the minders kept a close eye on her to ensure that she didn't get rounded up into some camel sales....

In Konya, central Turkey, they visited the mausoleum of the 13th-century poet Mavlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, who is considered to be the father of Sufism — the mystical form of Islam that preaches tolerance and love.

There's a form of Islam that teaches tolerance and love??? Since when??? Going on the deadshit variety of followers that they let into this country, I'm inclined to believe that this form no longer exists.

The two looked at handwritten books and costumes as well as verses of the Quran painted on the ceiling.

"Verses of the Quran painted on the ceiling"?? I had the impression that their holy book and the verses contained therein could not be used as artwork or taken in any variation outside the book lest it be deemed blasphemous?
Hmmm... Yet another example of followers of the Cult of the Paedophile making up 'the rules' as they go along.

Charles and Camilla later watched dervishes whirl in a traditional trancelike meditation, called sema, one palm turned up toward heaven, the other turned down toward earth.

In a speech after the sema ceremony, the prince said: "What better place then here near the resting place of (al-Rumi) to rededicate ourselves to the purpose of reacquiring an understanding heart and a rebalance of the East and West in ourselves."

What will reacquire a rebalance of the East and West is for these towel-heads to mature as a people OUT of the bronze age and allign their thinking with the rest of the planet in accepting others who may not be believers in the same things that they use to guide their lives. Until then, I feel perfectly justified in saying all that I do about this "religion" and it's false prophet!

As for the "great" mystic poet, Mavlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi - I might suggest that being a follower himself of the famous child-rapist/war-monger, his poetry may be something like this:

I saw a 9-year-old
I thought for a moment
Would it seem so bold
To buy her for a goat?

I never said he was a good poet but I suppose it loses a bit in the translation.... >:)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why Didn't she die??

Go on - call me racist - I dare ya!
If you do, then that puts you squarely in the typically-illiterate-numbnut-do-gooder category - that is: someone who hears a snippet of a point of a conversation and immediately springs to the defence of an individual if they happen to be one of the 'downtrodden' types.

One thing I have discovered is that those who charge to the defence of blacks / aboriginals / Africans / Mexicans / whatever stating that these people need special requirements to allow them to integrate with society - THEY are the racists! Instead of saying: "Hey - life's tough for everyone - pull your socks up and get on with the job.", these people will infer: "Hey - you're just a dumb coon that clearly isn't as intelligent as I am, so I will make special conditions so that my special mentally-retarded-through-race friend can integrate with us nice white folk."

Life is tough for everyone - not just minorities - and being condescending to people, regardless of race, is insulting and ignorant to those people. Many will notice that I dislike Islam immensely and I'm not about to change the way I think because I refuse to tolerate the bad behaviour that is propagated by a not insignificant number of followers of the Cult of the Paedophile. This behaviour is not "cultural" and the rest of the world shouldn't have to put up with it because some greenie thinks it's because the stone-chucker is stupid. It's not cultural - it's bullshit! They need to grow up as a people and realise that if they are to exist in a world with 5+ billion other people that the lies they believe are not the law for every single person on the planet.

Similarly - people who traffic drugs and are happy for others to die, thanks to addiction, and show no remorse for it - they too need to learn the hard way.

I just find it annoying that this story didn't have a happy ending. The kind of happy ending where the mule dies and the world is less one person willing to make life shit for others.

Woman charged over 'kilo of drugs in stomach'

November 27, 2007 09:54am

AUSTRALIAN Federal Police (AFP) have charged a South African woman with smuggling more than a kilogram of illegal drugs in her stomach.

The 35-year-old woman arrived at Sydney airport on Saturday and was selected for a baggage examination by Customs officers, the AFP said.

During questioning, officers became suspicious that she might have been concealing drugs internally.

The AFP took the woman to hospital for a medical examination and it will be alleged in court that she passed a total of 54 pellets weighing approximately 1.35 kilograms.


Those who are soft between the ears and go mad at me for being racist obviously think it's OK to traffic drugs and deal in death if you're a member of one of their 'less intelligent' races who don't know the difference when it comes to working out right from wrong.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Labor Party = Corruption

I found this article as a printout while cleaning my desk the other day (yeah yeah - don't give me grief about having a messy desk. People with clean desks obviously don't have enough to do!)

Anyway - interesting little story to remind those staunch Labor supporters out there that if the state governments (all Labor) are going to be dishonest when it comes to financial matters: how much worse will it be when they get the national chequebook? (without trotting out the old "interest rates" chestnut).

Simple fact: The Labor party does NOT know anything about financial management other than spend, spend, spend until there is nothing left and then putting the country into hock while they spend some more - far too much of it going on aid to other countries with their own corrupt governments who pass nothing on to the people. Think: Ferdinand & Imelda Marcos.
Then we need to get the Liberals back in to make all the hard decisions and bring the country back into the black.

That is the difference between a government who manages the economy and one that works to keep their mates in the cooshy jobs; pander to the unions and keeping up a pretense that they support the people while living the high life themselves at the cost of taxpayers. Think: Bob Gibbs: The Beattie government stooge and cretin who is responsible for 1,500 people losing their (minimum of) $1,000 (each) when he decided to sell off Queensland Raceway when the three other Receivers (Queensland Govt being the fourth) had received advice from the government's own advisor to allow the track to trade out of its financial problems. One thousand people times $1,000 (individual life memberships) plus five-hundred times $1,500 (family life memberships) were not honoured by the new owners.

Incidentally, Bob "Cretin" Gibbs is now in Los Angeles as a "Trade Commissioner" for Queensland (why, nobody knows - more jobs for the boys...). I recall his meal bill a few years ago being around $80,000 because he eats at restaurants for every meal and refuses to eat anywhere that isn't rated at 5-stars. Guess who pays for all this as well as his first-class travel bill? Hint: it's not him.

But I digress... I will be updating the Wiki page for Queensland Raceway though at some time in the future....

Premiers squander $50bn tax bonus

By Samantha Maiden

June 05, 2006 07:51am
Article from: The Australian

THE states have squandered a $50 billion windfall on higher wages for public servants instead of cutting taxes or investing in infrastructure.
A new analysis, prepared by the Institute of Public Affairs, has found that since the GST was introduced in 2000, revenue distributed to the states has increased by more than 9 per cent a year, delivering an extra $22 billion to state governments.

State tax revenue over the same period was $28 billion more than expected, with big increases in stamp duty from property sales contributing an extra $4.1 billion.

However, this unexpected revenue growth has been pumped into higher wages for bureaucrats and public servants rather than being invested in infrastructure and delivering a new reform agenda.

The states' wage Bill has been rising much faster than inflation for the past three years, with a big increase in the number of administrators, leading the report to question the states' commitment to improving frontline services. "The main focus of the states' spending spree has been public servant salaries," the report finds.

The report, published on the eve of the NSW and Queensland budgets, is highly critical of the states' waste of what it terms the "reform bonus".

At the same time, spending on health and education has increased, waiting lists for elective surgery have grown and public school enrolments have fallen.

The report, Opportunity squandered: how the states have wasted the reform bonus, by the IPA's Mike Nahan, found the states also secured the unexpected windfall without honouring an agreement to cut state taxes when the GST was introduced.

"The funds received in the form of higher-than-expected GST payments alone have been sufficient to have allowed all states to meet their tax-cutting commitments under the inter-governmental agreement," the report states.

"But so far, none has done so."

As NSW Premier Morris Iemma prepares his first budget, the IPA report has found his Government has failed to invest the proceeds of state taxes and GST windfalls on infrastructure upgrades.

The public service wage bill in NSW has increased by 8.9 per cent a year since July 2003, the report finds. "NSW, which has been the most aggressive on the tax front in terms of raising taxes and reluctance to meet its GST obligations to cut taxes, received a grant-tax windfall of $14.3 billion - equivalent to 10.5 per cent more revenue than forecast at the time the GST deal was agreed," the report finds.

"The current crisis affecting NSW - declining revenue, budget deficit, public sector lay-offs, could spread to other states, with Tasmania, South Australia and the ACT being the most likely to follow suit, given their heavy dependence on conveyancing fees to fund large increases in wages."

State public servants' remuneration has been rising much faster than inflation in all states and territories since 2003.

The ACT leads the way with an annual increase to the wage bill of 12.6 per cent, with Tasmania close behind at 11.3 per cent.

The report also notes the growth in the size of the state public sector workforce.

Overall, the ranks of state bureaucrats swelled by 11.7 per cent between November 1999 and November last year.

"The states would argue that this spending was justified as it was used to attract and retain the best frontline professionals," the report says.

"During this same period, however, the states increased their administrator or bureaucrat workforce by 44,000, or 30.5 per cent. Clearly, therefore, frontline staff have not been the state's sole focus."

Peter Costello said yesterday the IPA report underlined the risk that the states' lack of action was holding back economic progress.

"The GST has brought a massive revenue windfall to the states," the Treasurer told The Australian.

"This windfall could have gone to accelerating the abolition of agreed taxes, particularly stamp duties.

"Far from accelerating, the states have lagged on the abolition of agreed taxes, keeping the windfall and delaying the abolition of offsetting taxes."

The states have traditionally justified the failure to eliminate or reduce state taxes on the grounds they need to invest in infrastructure or reform services.

However, the report finds only Queensland and Victoria allocated a sizeable share of record GST and tax revenues to capital investment or debt reduction.

Tasmania spent the entire windfall and NSW increased recurrent spending by more than its windfall from the GST and booming state tax receipts.

"Since the introduction of the GST, the states and territories have experienced phenomenal, indeed record, growth in revenue - far in excess of the rate expected at the time the GST was introduced," the report finds.

"The net result was that the states received $70 billion or about 14 per cent more revenue than expected over the first five years of the decade."

According to the report, payroll and land tax - the state's broadest-based taxes - grew on average by 6.9 per cent and 17.4 per cent over five years.

However most of their revenue growth came from elsewhere. "Revenue from stamp duties on conveyances grew over the period by a massive 73.3 per cent or by $4.1 billion," the report states.

"Revenue from stamp duties on insurance grew by 63.7 per cent over the period, thanks primarily due to the inflation in insurance prices following the collapse of HIH, the imposition of the GST."

While the states had forecast a 3.2 per cent increase in revenue, the GST grant income had risen by 10.7 per cent.

The GST is expected to generate an extra $14 billion for the states over the next five years.

The GST has entrenched the commonwealth as the states' "paymaster", assuming direct responsibility for collecting 45 per cent of state revenue, according to the report.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Another Dealer to Die.... WHOOPEE!! :)

*Sniff* it's the Good News stories like this that bring a tear to my eye....

I applaud the Vietnamese government for doing to drug traffickers what should be done to them all over the world.

I still dream of the day when I see my great plan come to fruition: Swing a Dealer a Day. Wouldn't that be great?

Death sentence for Aussie drug smuggler

By staff writers

November 22, 2007 02:37pm

A NEW South Wales man convicted of trafficking heroin in Vietnam will be put to death, a court has decided.

The People's Court of Appeals in Ho Chi Minh City reaffirmed the sentence for Tony Manh, 40, at a hearing yesterday after hearing no new evidence for a reduction in his sentence, a court official told the Associated Press.

Manh was convicted in September of trafficking 948g of heroin and sentenced to death.

He was arrested in March when security officers at Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh City found drugs hidden on his body as he was about to board a plane to Sydney.

State media said Manh was paid $US10,000 ($11,445) by a Vietnamese to smuggle the drug into Australia.

Manh has seven days to appeal to President Nguyen Minh Triet for leniency.

About 100 people are sentenced to death in Vietnam each year for drug offences.

Allah says: "Screw your attractive daughters!"??

Hmmm... Funny how when caught doing something a person knows is morally wrong - and that person is a devotee of Islam (that is: blessed with a subnormal intellect) - they think that a stupid, brainless lie will save them. I knew someone like this once but he was a catholic (in name only). He used his religion as a means of getting favours off people when it suited him.

So... A father in India marries his daughter; knocks her up; knows that it is a reprehensible act; yet tells the biggest load of shit story (ie: "Allah told me to be an incestuous paedophile") to his wife, who believes him and he thinks he's free & clear.

It's a good thing that Hindus aren't stupid like the followers of the war-mongering child-rapist, Mohammad. Maybe Allah told him to do the same thing all those years ago?

Indian Man Who Married Teen Daughter Saved From Lynch Mob

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A man who married his teen daughter and impregnated her after he claimed Allah told him to do so barely escaped with his life when he was attacked by a mob of angry villagers, the BBC reported Tuesday.

Afazuddin Ali, 36, married his oldest daughter, 15, after telling his former wife that Allah had ordered the arrangement, the BBC reported. The ex-wife, Sakina Ali, went along with it, saying that Ali was a deeply religious man who “would not lie in the name of Allah.”

Not convinced of the divine order, outraged villagers in West Bengal, India, nearly lynched Ali for what they called a clear case of incest, the BBC reported. A police team had to rescue the couple.

"We wanted to smash his head, we were so angry,” village leader Sheikh Ramzan told the BBC.

The couple appeared before a magistrate in Jalpaiguri Monday but were released without being charged because the lower court has no jurisdiction over criminal matters, a sub-divisional officer told the BBC.

Sea Shepherd: "YAY!" Greenpeace: "Fuck off!"

I love this. At last there is an environmental group out there actually doing something about helping the endangered species other than collecting money to support the great-unwashed lifestyle of the Greenpeace bludgers and the Rent-a-Crowd mentality of the tree hugging hippies.

Singing songs; collecting social security and hassling celebrities (ie: PETA - for more info on what this organisation is really about, check out PETA Kills Animals.

If you want to donate to a truly worthy cause, then Sea Shepherd is the way to go.

Environmentalists vow to ram whaling vessels

November 20, 2007 08:39am
Article from: AAP

RADICAL environmentalist group Sea Shepherd has again vowed to ram Japanese vessels involved in the hunting of whales, including humpback whales, in the Antarctic Ocean.

Japan's six-vessel whaling fleet took off from the western port of Shimonoseki for its five-month voyage on Sunday heading to the Antarctic Ocean for a hunt that will include humpback whales for the first time.

The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society says it will physically stop the hunt by ramming whaling vessels if necessary.

"Basically we're going down there to stop them," Sea Shepherd's Jonny Vasic told Channel 9 this morning.

"We're not going down there to protest; we're going down to directly intervene and put an end to this criminal behaviour.

"We've been known to ram a vessel that's engaged in illegal activity as a last ditch effort to get them to stop.

"We have a reputation of direct action and we mean business.

"We, too, are a non-violent group, but we don't have a problem with economic destruction when it's engaged in illegal activity."

During the last expedition, Sea Shepherd activists threw bottles of chemicals at the whalers in hopes of disrupting them.

The group was also involved in a ramming incident with the Japanese whalers.

Karli Thomas from the environmental group Greenpeace, said they were determined to stop the hunt once the fleet reached the Southern Ocean, but would not go to the same lengths as Sea Shepherd.

"We will do what we can in the bounds of non-violent direct action to stop them hunting whales," Ms Thomas told Nine.

"So that means putting ourselves between the harpoon and the whales, preventing them from taking a shot, and being able to save individual whales from the harpoon.

"We certainly have never rammed a vessel, and we don't intend to."

Humpback whales have been protected under a 1966 worldwide moratorium after years of overhunting.

Japan, which argues that whale meat is part of its culture, planned to kill 950 whales on the five-month mission using a loophole in a global moratorium that allows lethal research on the giant mammals.

Australia, Britain and New Zealand have condemned the decision to go ahead with the catch.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I noticed this article the other day about a woman in Saudi who was raped 14 times by 7 different "men".

Female rape victim gets 200 lashes and jail

From correspondents in Riyadh

November 16, 2007 08:45am
Article from: AAP

A COURT in the ultra-conservative Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia is punishing a female victim of gang rape with 200 lashes and six months in jail.
The 19-year-old woman - whose six armed attackers have been sentenced to jail terms - was initially ordered to undergo 90 lashes for "being in the car of an unrelated male at the time of the rape,'' the Arab News reported.

But in a new verdict issued after Saudi Arabia's Higher Judicial Council ordered a retrial, the court in the eastern town of Al-Qatif more than doubled the number of lashes to 200.

A court source told the English-language Arab News that the judges had decided to punish the woman further for "her attempt to aggravate and influence the judiciary through the media.''

Saudi Arabia enforces a strict Islamic doctrine known as Wahhabism and forbids unrelated men and women from associating with each other, bans women from driving and forces them to cover head-to-toe in public.

Last year, the court sentenced six Saudi men to between one and five years in jail for the rape as well as ordering lashes for the victim, a member of the minority Shi'ite community.

But the woman's lawyer Abdul Rahman al-Lahem appealed, arguing that the punishments were too lenient in a country where the offence can carry the death penalty.

In the new verdict issued on Wednesday, the Al-Qatif court also toughened the sentences against the six men to between two and nine years in prison.

The case has angered members of Saudi Arabia's Shi'ite community. The convicted men are Sunni Muslims, the dominant community in the oil-rich Gulf state.

Mr Lahem, also a human rights activist, said yesterday the court had banned him from handling the rape case and withdrew his licence to practise law because he challenged the verdict.

He said he has also been summoned by the ministry of justice to appear before a disciplinary committee in December.

Mr Lahem said the move might be due to his criticism of some judicial institutions, and "contradicts King Abdullah's quest to introduce reform, especially in the justice system.''

King Abdullah last month approved a new body of laws regulating the judicial system in Saudi Arabia, which rules on the basis of sharia, or Islamic law.

All this proves is that the stories I've heard about Saudi are true. There is NO legal system there other than what one of these goat-fuckers thinks might help him and his mates out at the time. I've heard from a few sources that if a Westerner is involved in a motoring collision with a Saudi then then Westerner is automatically at fault regardless of the circumstances.

Where the hell does this moron of a judge get off thinking that it is OK to punish the victim regardless of what she was doing? Was he a member of the Queensland "Justice" System recently? I say that it is now fair game for the family of this woman to cut the balls (literally) off the rapists once they are set free.

Can you imagine what the result would have been had it been Westerners that performed the rape on a Muslim woman?
Can you imagine how much worse it would be if the victim had been a western woman?

Oh, and I notice that our government is acting French again in refusing to denounce the punishment being handed out to the woman. This has resulted in one of the writers for the site creating a blog/petition to be presented to (and most-likely ignored by) the Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Save this rape victim

Wednesday, November 21, 2007 (01:13pm)

Politicians have refused to stand up for a gang rape victim sentenced to 200 lashes in Saudi Arabia.

So it’s up to us.

The US and Australian governments have effectively abandoned the woman, who was raped 14 times by seven men. US Democrat Senator Hillary Clinton has urged President George W. Bush to call on Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah to drop the charges, while Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has asked diplomatic staff to “raise Australia’s concern” over the sentence with the Saudi Government.

Compounding the obscenity of the sentence is the fact that it has been increased from 90 lashes. The victim, a 19-year-old who has become known as “Qatif girl” after the Shiite-populated area of Al-Qatif in the Eastern Province she comes from, has vowed to challenge the ruling, even though the judge has warned her sentence could be increased if she loses her appeal.

The politicians’ silence doesn’t stop us from speaking out for her.

Today we are collecting your comments and views in a petition that we will present to the Saudi embassy in Canberra.

Please post your comments below and we will pass them on to the embassy.

We also encourage Australians to protest directly to the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. You can telephone the embassy in Canberra at (02) 6282 6999 and ask to speak with the Australian and New Zealand ambassador Mr Hassan Talat Nazer.

You can also send faxes to (02) 6282 8911 or post letters to:

P.O. Box 9162
Deakin ACT 2600

So, simply put: If Saudi Arabia considers itself to be a righteous, forward-thinking country with any resemblance of maturity, then they are wrong.
Who would have thought that a country with links to the oldest and smartest civilisations this planet has ever known could be so brainless and pathetic in their thinking: punish the victim.

I bet if a group of women attacked a male and repeatedly shoved a sex toy in his back passage that he wouldn't get whipped for his trouble. It is no wonder that many people, including myself, consider Saudi Arabia and the Middle East to be remnants of the Bronze Age with Stone Age thinking and that the world tolerates them only because the most effective way of dealing with them (ie: turning the region into a glass carpark) will irradiate the area too badly to get the oil out. If it wasn't for this, they and their reverence for a paedophile could have been eradicated generations ago and the world would be a much safer & pleasant place for it.

Remember this story the next time one of these Tent Merchants tells you that women are revered in Islam. They lie.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Bad Smokers! Bad!

Here is an interesting opinion piece where it is blatantly obvious that the author does not like smoking in any way, shape or form - and this is her method of attacking smokers. Maybe she thinks that if she does a but-what-about-the-children-?? piece that she will somehow shame some smokers into quitting and therefore not foul the air she wants to breathe.

In a way, she has a simplistic, idealistic view of how it should be when it comes to smoking - but she does make some valid points.

Some people just shouldn't have kids

By Rita Panahi

November 06, 2007 12:00pm
Article from: Herald Sun

LET'S be honest, some people just shouldn't have kids.
Criminals, junkies, the violent, the insane and smokers.

Yes, smokers.

They are a hazard not only to themselves but to the poor kids who are unfortunate enough to have them as parents.

Who cares if a smoker is a hazard to themself? If it is someone of legal age and they want to smoke then that is their prerogative.

The author appears to have a larger problem with smokers in society than criminals, junkies, violent people, idiots, and pretty-much any sort of undesirable.

If an adult with the full knowledge of the dangers of smoking chooses to inhale cancer causing toxins then that's their business but they have no right to expose unwilling children to their filthy habit.

This is very valid point that applies to many facets of life.

Yes - we, as adults, do have the right to smoke - but we do NOT have the right to inflict the by-products on anyone else. Just like I'm not allowed to shit on the footpath and then scoop it up and fling it at people (if I did, I would probably be issued with a Queensland Drivers Licence and sent on my way in some turbo 4-cylinder piece of junk. That appears to be where diminutive monkies with big egos hang out....).

What about the retards who think it's OK to turn their CRAP "music" up to concert hall volumes with the windows open (on house or car) so that everyone else has to notice their presence?

Certainly, a woman who smokes while pregnant is not worthy of having children let alone receiving a generous government grant for every nicotine-addicted baby she brings in to this world.

This point is extremely pertinent in many ways!

Why should I pay taxes so that some cheap slag can get a handout for spitting out a kid that will, in all likelihood, predisposed to illness?

If you willingly want to harm yourself then you have NO right to demand government handouts nor health care over and above someone who does not cause self harm.

Preferential care should be particularly prevalent for drug-users when they get picked up by the ambulance and taken to hospital. If an ambulance does not need to attend a genuine emergency and the hospital is not overflowing (thanks to yet another inept Labor Government cutting back on spending because they want overseas trips instead) then maybe the druggo can receive some treatment. My preference is that they die instead and remove the blight that they have become from the community landscape.

It's sad that in these enlightened times of children's rights the biggest single danger to a child isn't some unknown predator but the very people who should be loving and protecting them above all else.

There's one of those statements that the author thinks will make people quite because she is *such* a wordsmith. Sheesh....

The overwhelming majority of abuse suffered by children is at the hands of a parent; this damning statistic is also true for children who don't survive the abuse, with 81 per cent of child murders committed by a primary caregiver.

Don't these statistics relate to physical abuse rather than second-hand smoke? The author wouldn't be trying to suggest that a portion of the statistics relating to the harm of children comes from cigarette smoke, would she? Do stats on that even get kept? I doubt it...

Interestingly the data shows an equal proportion of mothers and fathers killing their children.

Yep - and all caused by second-hand smoke. There doesn't appear to be any reference to torture in the form of burns from the cigarettes; incest; beatings; carnal knowledge from the mothers boyfriend; or anything else that may harm a child included in this data.

It's easy to make a case against violent, unstable types having kids, yet latest research shows that smokers also pose an imminent danger to their offspring, particularly in infancy.

Generally, I've found that smokers don't really become violent unless some self-righteous prat preaches to them about giving up the smokes. Some get irate at the mere mention of it - others are more serene until the preacher starts shoving the filters up their bum-hole so that they might infuse the cigarettes with a genuine shitty taste.

What does make smokers violent, more often than not, is alcohol. It just seems that having a smoke and having a drink go hand-in-hand.

The leading cause of death among infants aged between one month and one year continues to be Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and a new comprehensive study from Bristol University has found that nine out of 10 babies who die from SIDS had mothers who smoked during pregnancy.

So now she trots out a study about how smoking can harm an infant rather than the dodgy stats listed above.

If that fact alone isn't enough to persuade selfish mums-to-be to butt out their final cigarette, then nothing will, short of legislation banning them from using nicotine-based products.

Ban alcohol first. I've never heard of a woman getting knocked up and left to raise a child on her own because she smoked too many fags and forgot which member of the team actually dropped his load in there.

Such a ban would be difficult to enforce but the clear message it sends - that smoking while pregnant is tantamount to child abuse - would hopefully shame a few more women into give up their nicotine habit.

Why pick on a legal drug when the author seems to ignore any mention of other substances that one may smoke and *genuinely* cause more problems in society?

Maybe then we will stop seeing heavily pregnant girls happily puffing away on their cancer sticks outside every shopping centre.

I don't really care if heavily pregnant girls puff away outside malls. It's the fat trollops that drop yet another kid to yet another bloke and continue to turn up to Centrelink with their chubby mits out wanting more money.

Perhaps shame will work where education campaigns, gentle persuasion and counselling have failed.

Not bloody likely. Have you seen some of these muffin-topped slags? If they can go out in public looking the way they do, they clearly have NO shame. I won't even go into how low their esteem must be if you see the trash they hang around with AND allow the unwashed bludger to put a cock in them.

Recent research suggests up to 30 per cent of Australian women smoke while pregnant, putting their child at higher risk of not only SIDS but a myriad other health and developmental complications.

You mean like the STD they got from being banged in the carpark of the Bottle-o while pissed by some Bogan and his brother?

Even women receiving IVF treatment aren't required to be nicotine-free before undertaking the procedure.

It may not be a requirement but I've noticed that when a woman goes for the silver-tube daddy, they want a family and will make the sacrifices needed voluntarily in order to get a child.

It doesn't augur well for a woman's mothering skills if she cannot make the smallest sacrifice in quitting cigarettes for the sake of her unborn child. Could there be a more selfish, un-maternal act than to knowingly harm your child to satisfy your own immediate needs of a nicotine fix?

Isn't that what society has become? "Me! Me! Me!"? It's all about what I want and I want it all now. "I want people to stop smoking so I'm going to write an article about it! Me! Me! Me!"

We've long known about the devastating effects nicotine has on an unborn child; it's time we tackled this problem without the constraints of political correctness and the usual hogwash from civil libertarians about personal freedoms.

I get the impression that the author is one of these civil libertarians when it involves a topic that doesn't irritate her so much - like rights for criminals over the rights of victims.

Laws banning pregnant women from buying and using cigarettes would have an immediate impact.

No they wouldn't.

A further measure can be the linking of the baby bonus to mothers remaining smoke-free for the term of their pregnancy, a simple test for nicotine can be conducted at the same time other routine blood work is completed during pregnancy.

I quite like this idea but it doesn't go far enough. The tests MUST also include checks for illicit drugs as well - that is: anything that is illegal. This include the "social" drugs that some people think are good to have at parties.

In fact, ALL recipients of monies through Centrelink should be subjected to completely random tests for illicit drugs whereupon their payments are IMMEDIATELY cut off and sent to DeTox upon detection of such substances. If someone wants to be a stupid prick and take drugs - fine - but don't stick your grubby paws out expecting MY tax money to help support your habit!

This year South Australia introduced laws that banned smoking in cars where children under the age of 16 are passengers.

Oh great... not only do the Police not enforce the road rules we have now except for speeding - here is something else that they'll have to look out for thanks to some idiot politician wanting to look like they're acting for the common good.

This legislation was as much about changing attitudes as it was about fining offenders.

Bullshit. The author just wants more laws to support her personal views.

This is exactly what is needed here: make it socially unacceptable to smoke while pregnant and enforce punitive measures to motivate responsible behaviour.

How about instead of giving more bullshit work to the law-enforcement departments that the funds for this be directed towards correcting more of the social ills - that is: ILLEGAL DRUGS!

I still say we should "Swing a Dealer a Day" - hang them by the neck until they are dead.
Who cares if it is painful or degrading? It's not like they cared about the lives they ruined or who they used in the process of them getting wealthy. Remove trash like this from the face of the planet and the planet will become a better place for everyone.

RITA PANAHI is a social commentator.

RITA PANAHI is only interested in what RITA PANAHI wants - and it's clear that she cannot direct her ability to get words to the greater public to help cure the ailments of society. She just wants less cigarette smoke around her cafe while she sips a decaf soy latte (blecch!!)

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Another One Bites the Dust :)

I never got around to writing something about this story because I've been so busy lately, but I'm getting it off my chest now....

Skylarker plunges to death from 24th floor

By Paul Weston

September 09, 2007 12:00am
Article from: The Sunday Mail (Qld)

TYSON Leader was a daredevil "clown" who loved to entertain his family and friends with his crazy stunts.

Sounds more like Tyson was just a stupid cunt.

But the Sunshine Coast teenager's luck ran out on Friday night when he fell from a Gold Coast highrise after hanging by one hand from a balcony on the 24th floor.


The 18-year-old carpenter from Buderim had been at several Surfers Paradise nightclubs to celebrate a friend's 18th birthday before the group returned to their luxury holiday unit at the Aegean Apartments in Laycock St, Surfers Paradise.

Who cares what he was doing there - he's dead and the world is a better place for it.

His best mate Jimmy Atkins, 18, from Coolum, yesterday recalled how the birthday celebrations swiftly switched to a tragedy which has shattered the close group of friends.

Boo hoo.... I'm so sad... this has really broken me up as we*... he look - a seagull! Cool! :)

"It was one of our mate's 18th. We went out to a few clubs and came back. He was good old Tyson – the loosest of us, and he just went over the rail," Mr Atkins said.

He was pushed over the rail?
He tripped and fell and tried to catch himself?
It was an unfortunate series of circumstances that led to the death of a truly philosophical and wise human being who will forever be remembered as having a dramatic effect on the lives of those around him?
Whaddya mean "he climbed over the rail and fell?" So he really was *just* a stupid cunt.

"Tyson was like a cat. He had lives. He's cheated death plenty of times.

Maybe a retarded cat with 3 legs and no sense of direction....

"He doesn't think about what he does. I saw him – I was standing on the balcony and if I was a foot closer, I could have grabbed his arm."

That right: He didn't think - ever - and now he's dead. The world is a better place for it that he went and didn't take an innocent person with him.

Mr Atkins recalled how he had watched Mr Leader swing himself over the railing, holding on with two hands in a crouching position, then just one hand before he slipped and fell.

Did he say: "HEY STUPID! Get back in here! Don't you give a shit about your family and friends and everyone who cares about you? Jesus, that was dumb!"
I think he may actually have said: "HAHAHAHA! That looks cool! You're crazy, dude! Hey...? Where'd he go?"

Anyone who thinks this MORON was a top bloke almost deserves to grab him and try to save him - and then get dragged over the edge as well. The only truly sad thing about the whole incident is that he didn't land on one of those taxis driven by the usual shit-for-brains cabbie who stops anywhere and doesn't give a rats arse about how much traffic they hold up.

Another friend, Christie Marrett, said they were all in shock.

I could have told her to not look over the edge to see the splat....

"Tyson was the clown of the group. He was always doing crazy stunts," Ms Marrett said. "He was doing what he always does. It just went wrong this time."

He was definitely a clown.

Dying is what he did best? Great - just great! At least the retarded-cat-like-daredevil, STUPID CUNT could have made some money while he was alive by showing a few more Muslims how to do it.

Mr Leader's mother, Jan, agreed, saying her son had escaped a serious car accident in September last year and as a youngster had to be revived after almost drowning following a jump at a waterfall.

"Tyson is a daredevil," Ms Leader said.

Did he cause the car accident due to his "not thinking" and "daredevil" attitude? Who was at fault? Hmmm?

"He had nine lives. He lived life to the fullest.

Looks like lives 4-through-9 went in one hit. Anyone know if he bounced off a few balconies on the way down? I bet the coroner had a bloody tough time looking for brain matter even though his head probably didn't split open until it hit the ground.

"His life was just starting for him. He had just got a car. He'd just got a great job and he had a gorgeous girlfriend. Everything was starting to go right."


Let me guess... I bet he bought a 6-cylinder Commodore; lowered it to the ground; put a fart can exhaust on it; and drove like he owned the road? Why do I make this generalisation? Hmmm... I only have observational evidence to confirm behaviour like this from MORONS like him.

At least now his "gorgeous girlfriend" might find someone with some smarts about him. Oh wait - young Australian female... she'll just go out and find another idiot like him. It seems that there are plenty to choose from.

Here we go again....

Here we go again....

What the hell is wrong with these DICKHEADS in the media???? This FOOL, Tony Keim... is he a dedicated cretin or does he just simply not understand the *true* definition of what it is the be a "man"?

Check out this example from the site this morning....

Court told of girl's torture, rape

By Tony Keim

November 06, 2007 01:00am
Article from: The Courier-Mail

* Man charged with 10 offences
* Alleged torture over three days
* Victim assaulted with machete

A MAN cried uncontrollably yesterday as he fronted court charged with tying up his teenage girlfriend and then torturing, raping and molesting her while armed with a machete.

Oh yes - a big, tough "man". Thought it was OK at the time to torture and rape a woman but now cries like a little bitch when he gets caught out and faces punishment for his actions.

The 21-year-old man raised his shackled hands out to his family and friends seated in the Caboolture Magistrate's Court and, in an anguished gesture, begged them to "please" help him.

Yes - do! Please help him to become the landfill that he deserves to be. Preferably before the piece of shit breeds!

The gesture prompted a woman, understood to be his mother, to say: "I love you, baby."

This must be the trailer trash that brought it into the world. She must be ever so proud of herself.

Prosecutor Samantha McGee said police had charged the man, who cannot yet be identified under Queensland laws, with 10 offences after his arrest on Sunday night.

There it is again.... "man".... Grrr-rrr.

Police allege the man tortured and raped his girlfriend, 19, over a three-day period.

I hold absolutely no blame over the girl on this but I can't help wondering if she chose this gutter snipe because he was a "bad boy"? She is now laden with mental torture for the rest of her life because she, like every other stupid female in this country, want mental midgets who treat women like shit rather than trying to find a half-decent bloke that will treat her with respect.


Prosecutors are expected to allege the teenage girl was assaulted with a flat blade machete, burnt with a cigarette lighter, assaulted with a knife and raped while her feet were bound for up to 72 hours.

The only consolation I have is that someone will hopefully do similar things to his arsehole once he gets into prison. If he's crying like a little bitch now, I can only sing with joy at the feelings he's going to experience when that first fist gets rammed up his date and he has to swallow his first load.

Solicitor Timothy Hishon, for the man, simply requested the matter be adjourned for mention on a future date.

"I can advise at this time there will be no application for bail," Mr Hishon said.

Yes - start his own rape sessions now. Why deprive the real bad buggers in society their own bitch?

The man said nothing but continued to cry while standing in the dock when told he faced counts of torture, rape, deprivation of liberty, assault with intent to commit rape, two of assault causing bodily harm and three of assault while armed.

"Boo Hoo! Boo Hoo! Poor me! All I did was deprive her of her liberty, burn her, torture her, rape her, leave her with mental scars for life, and quite possibly cause her to distrust any male in her life ever again - but what about ME? Oh Boo hoo - wahhhh...."


Just before being removed from the court, the man held up four fingers to his friends and family and then stroked his thumb across his throat - a gesture normally used to suggest someone's throat being cut.

He wants to commit suicide before the trial and remove his oxygen thieving soul from the face of the planet? Where can I send the razor blade to? Does anyone have his address?

Outside the court, his visibly distressed supporters shoved a number of television cameramen filming them.

The supporters are distressed and are taking their anger out on reporters because they too have been caught out in that one of their own has shown his true colours and they were too stupid to put him down at birth. Nothing like having the world discover that you're genuinely stupid, no matter how carefully you keep it hidden.

Muslim "men" can't sleep or pray. Fuck 'em.

WOO HOO!!! There should be more of it!

Cleric: Women's Sexy Clothing Distracting Muslim Men From Sleep, Prayers

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Malaysia's Muslim men are suffering sleepless nights and cannot pray properly because their thoughts are distracted by a growing number of women who wear sexy clothes in public, a prominent cleric said.

Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, the spiritual leader of the opposition Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party, said he wanted to speak about the "emotional abuse" that men face because it is seldom discussed, the party reported on its Web site Wednesday.

"We always [hear about] the abuse of children and wives in households, which is easily perceived by the eye, but the emotional abuse of men cannot be seen," Nik Abdul Aziz said. "Our prayers become unfocused and our sleep is often disturbed."

Nik Abdul Aziz has made controversial comments about women in the past, including that women should stop wearing lipstick and perfume to lower the risk of being raped. Women's groups have slammed his statements, saying Islam teaches both men and women to be responsible for modesty. They say comments like these encourage rapes because it puts the onus on women.

Nik Abdul Aziz's fundamentalist party has about 800,000 members. He is also the chief minister of northeastern Kelantan, the only one of Malaysia's 13 states that is not ruled by the moderate National Front governing coalition.

His party's Web site published an illustration Wednesday of how women should dress — in long, flowing headscarves covering their hair and chests and "baggy and loose" long-sleeved, floor-length dresses.

Most women from Malaysia's Malay Muslim majority wear a modest form of Islamic clothing, though younger women in cities sometimes wear body-hugging dresses or tight T-shirts and jeans.

In Kelantan, the Islamic party has fined Muslim women for not wearing headscarves in workplaces and implemented separate check-out lines for men and women in supermarkets.

How about this for a solution for these "men" of Islam?
- GROW THE FUCK UP and realise that YOU are responsible for YOUR actions.
- If a woman gets raped that it is YOUR fault that it happened and NOT hers.
- If you commit rape then YOU deserve to drown in a vat of pig shit for your efforts.
- You also need to have your worthless carcass dismembered and partially buried; partially burned; and the remainder fed to cannibalistic Jewish types (do these exist?) so that those virgins in heaven can see you for what you are.

[*Sorry to the Jewish types that aren't cannibalistic for the inference that such types exist and to those that are for offering to feed you the worst meal imaginable]

Child Killer wants to leg it

I found this a few days ago and it makes me think that I would so dearly love to be the Judge sitting on this case. Not only would I mark the case to ONLY come back before me on every appeal, I'd take great delight in pointing out to the child murderer that he should be thankful that he is still alive. Then I would add that he would get his prosthetic legs and he will get plenty of exercise with them - once he is placed back in general population with the knowledge being put out there that he killed an innocent child.

It would be his choice: prosthetic legs and general population or cop it sweet and stay where he is. He's not going to get life easy now that he is one of the "protected" criminal minority.

Idaho Child Killer Who Lost Legs in Suicide Attempt Sues After Being Denied Artificial Ones

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho — A child killer who lost his legs in a suicide attempt is suing the state prison system for $1 million after being denied artificial legs in prison, saying he was promised prosthetics in plea negotiations.

According to the case filed recently in U.S. District Court, Barry L. McAdoo, 32, of Coeur d'Alene, is experiencing muscle degeneration and may never walk again if he remains confined to a wheelchair.


McAdoo, convicted of beating his 15-month-old son Brandon to death, is serving 15 years to life at the Idaho State Correctional Institution in Boise.

He told authorities that when the little boy stopped breathing on Jan. 14, 2005, he downed 50 sleeping pills and rat poison, left the trailer where he lived with his pregnant wife, Angela Cowles, and wandered outdoors in freezing weather for three days before he sought help.

McAdoo was taken to Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash., where both legs had to be amputated because of frostbite.

McAdoo was given no promise the state would provide him prosthetics, Kootenai County Deputy Public Defender Lynn Nelson said, nor does the plea agreement signed by McAdoo, Nelson and Deputy Prosecutor Marty M. Raap mention the issue.

When McAdoo pleaded guilty to second-degree murder, 1st District Judge Charles W. Hosack asked whether he had been promised anything other than what was included in the plea agreement and McAdoo said he had not.

Nonetheless, Nelson asserted that McAdoo is entitled to prosthetics and has legal precedent on his side.

As for Kootenai County Deputy Public Defender, Lynn Nelson: I reckon this is the best solution for someone of their ilk who willingly defends such a creature as McAdoo.

Pakistani police baton-charge lawyers

By Augustine Anthony in Islamabad

November 05, 2007 04:08pm

PAKISTAN police baton-charged lawyers protesting against President Pervez Musharraf's emergency rule today, as police continued to detain his opponents in the face of US pressure to hold elections in January.


"Police beat lawyers with batons as they came to High Court in the morning. Many of them have been arrested," Akhtar Hussain, a former president of Sindh High Court Bar Association, said.


Yeah, I know that the stories aren't linked and that the second one is about protesting about freedoms and unconstitutional acts but you have to admit that lawyers getting beaten with batons always has to bring a smile to your face.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another whinging fucking towelhead

Well, yet again we have another story in the media about someone being put into prison for good reason and the shithead crim starts crying about "human rights".

Supreme Court Reviews Muslim Inmate's Allegations of Harassment in Prison

Monday, October 29, 2007

WASHINGTON — A Muslim inmate says prisoners around the country are regularly mistreated by their jailers because of religious faith. The Supreme Court is considering his case Monday.

The issue in the inmate's lawsuit is whether he can sue prison officials for allegedly confiscating two copies of his Quran and his prayer rug.

Abdus-Shahid M.S. Ali, a convicted murderer, says the books and rug are among the personal items that have been missing since 2003, when he was moved from a federal penitentiary in Atlanta to a facility at Inez, Ky.


Ali is serving a sentence of 20 years to life in prison for committing first-degree murder in the District of Columbia.

Somehow they, and their do-gooder supporters, seem to forget that the reason they're in prison in the first place is because they deprived someone else of their rights. In this case, the piece of shit whinging this time is there for murder. OK - so I use the term "piece of shit" because he is a Muslim more than anything because I wouldn't mind betting that when he committed the murder, he probably felt justified in doing it. Note that this is first-degree murder.
Screw the rights of the victim is the impression I get here.

Muslim inmates have been subjected to "very hard times and bad treatment" at the hands of federal, state and local prison employees because of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Ali says in court papers.

So, is he saying that non-Muslim inmates have it easy in prison? Considering the definitive class society that exists in prison, I would suggest that life is tough all round for everyone in prison as far as it goes with treatment from other convicts. With all the "human rights" that inmates are granted - many of which are NOT available to the homeless or even the average joe in society as repayment for breaking the law - the treatment from the Watchers would be the least of ones worries.

It seems as though "the many prison employees think that they can hurt you best taking your personally owned property," Ali wrote.

Ali added that because he has "practiced his faith to the fullest" he has been subjected to prison officials repeatedly confiscating and destroying his legal and religious property.

He said he has been harassed for his religious beliefs "year after year" in both the District of Columbia Department of Corrections and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

Ali says the items he turned over to prison officers in Atlanta for shipment never arrived at Inez.

In the Supreme Court, the question is whether federal prison officials qualify as law enforcement officers and are therefore exempt from suit under the Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946. The statute bars liability claims against law enforcement officers involved in detaining property. Two lower federal courts ruled against Ali.

Besides the two copies of the Quran and the prayer rug, Ali is missing stamps and other personal items worth $177 that he says weren't sent along to Big Sandy penitentiary in Kentucky.

Let me think about this for just a second.

It is truly a bad thing to judge someone on the colour of their skin, hair, looks and race, because, quite honestly, how someone looks doesn't dictate the kind of person they are and how they will behave. It is commonplace here to suggest that if someone is from New Zealand or is of aboriginal descent then there are 3 things that you cannot give them: A fat lip, a black eye, and a job. This is actually incorrect as I know quite a few people from both groups that have much higher personal standards than a lot of white trash that live in this country.

Where the difference comes in is the beliefs that a person may have.

If a group of people read Mein Kampf and believe in the ideals contained therein, then that makes their behaviour a constant. Similarly, if a group of people of various races read a text glorifying the practices of a war-mongering paedophile who decries death and destruction to non-believers, and the reader declares that they're a firm believer in that text - does that not dictate that they are someone to be wary of, regardless of the fact of whether they wear a sheet on their head or not?

So - a people not of this "religion" who believe in plurality and acceptance are attacked and 3000+ like-minded (ie: accepting) people are killed simply because they don't adhere to the 'prophetic' teachings of the hateful misogynist, I think it is exceedingly easy to comprehend why the book that reaffirms this hate might be thrown into a furnace and a blanket that facilitates the prayer might be used for the dogs to lay upon at night.

The solution is has many simple and easy-to-follow steps:
- Don't plan and carry out a murder and then claim hardship when caught.
- Don't openly follow a "religion" that preaches hate towards the people in the country in which you live.
- Don't openly follow a "religion" whose proponents dance in the street when cowardly attacks kill 3000+ people in an attack in that country in which you live.
- Secure those "Human Rights" in the countries that is predominantly that "religion" and then you can whinge and complain about minor inconveniences in the country in which you reside (and commit crime).

In other words: I'll gladly burn your knee rag and your book of hate while your double standards continue to drive the cowardly, French-like do-gooders into dictating how I live in my country!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dumb black fellas

Oh wow... like "DUH!" Anyone with any inkling of knowing what it's like to work for something just to see another person come along and be handed all manner of additional privileges simply because they claimed a minority status.

Nothing makes the blood boil quite like slogging your guts out just to be passed over thanks to some rich arsewipe or a half-witted bureaucrat who want to grant favours to relatives or friends. It goes without saying that with Australia about to go to a federal election in just over a month that, if Labor gets in, the favours that will be granted to the union bosses (more bludgers!) will make your head spin.

As a sidebar - Just in case anyone confuses me for a Liberal Party supporter: it is more a case of being a hater of the Labor party rather than a supporter of anyone else. The Labor Party, by and large, exist PURELY to create jobs for the boys and to enact a policy of "Do as I say, not as I do!" This has been proven time and again by every Labor government in this country for far too many years.

Anyway - back to the topic of giving Black Americans* extra favours based simply on their skin colour....

[* = they are "BLACK Americans" - NOT "African Americans" - NOT unless they were born IN Africa and became citizens and then emigrated to the USA! Actually - they're just plain old "Americans" - just like everyone else that is a citizen of the country. How about everyone stop trying to make themselves into a down-trodden minority and looking for ways to get special treatment from everyone else?]

State Bar of California, Civil Rights Group Spar Over Affirmative Action

Monday, October 15, 2007

By William LaJeunesse

Does affirmative action work? An explosive study that suggests it does not is pitting the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights against the State Bar of California in a battle over admissions data that could determine once and for all if racial preferences help or hurt minority students.

"Currently only about one in three African-Americans who goes to an American law school passes the bar on the first attempt and a majority never become lawyers at all," says UCLA law professor Richard Sander.

In an article published in the Stanford Law Review, Sander and his research team concluded several thousand would-be black lawyers either dropped out of law school or failed to pass the bar because of affirmative action.

Known as the ‘mismatch’ effect, Sander claims students who are unprepared and whose academic credentials are below the median are admitted to law schools they are unqualified to attend. If those same students instead were to go to less elite or competitive schools, more would graduate, pass the bar and become lawyers.

So if I understand correctly what is being said: They're saying that if you lower the standards to get onto the difficult & challenging career paths for certain people then more of those people are going to fail because they can't handle the difficult & challenging part. GENIUS!

Hey, while we're at it - let's get that minority of dwarves (all 7 of them, even) into the NBL. I mean, they won't make it on their own merits, so let's just put them there anyway so that they can prove that they can do the job.

What's that? They can't do the job? You racist! What did the pudgy, short-arse, singing dwarf population do to you that you have to be elitist and want to exclude them from opportunities that everyone else can have? Oooohhh... that's right - they're not being excluded because of some pre-conceived BULLSHIT notion that it's their skin colour or fatness or singing - it's because the little shits are NOT UP TO THE JOB!!

Similarly -- if a member of a minority is being excluded, in todays world, from embarking on a particular career path - chances are that it's because THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO DO THE JOB!!

Do we send skinny Asian girls out on road games to swing sledge-hammers or drive heavy machinary? NO! It's not because they're Asian - it's because they aren't physically able to do the work (ignoring the fact that most cannot drive to save their lives anyway - and that IS because they're Asian! Go on... prove me wrong...)

Lowering the standards for black Americans to get into law only panders to the notion that the standards have to be lower because we white folk think they're dumb - and THAT is truly insulting.

Friday, October 05, 2007

About bloody time!


Three cheers for the judiciary! (Finally)

A murderer got his just desserts after sitting in prison for 20 years when he should have been put to death when the sentence was passed!

Court 'closed', inmate executed
From correspondents in Washington

October 04, 2007 07:50am

* Court refuses to stay open to hear appeal
* Inmate Michael Richard subsequently executed
* Local media outraged by attitude of court

A TEXAS death-row inmate was executed after a local court refused to stay open an extra 20 minutes to hear an appeal.

At 10am on September 25, the US Supreme Court announced it would review in early 2008 an appeal by two Kentucky death row inmates challenging the legality of the lethal injection.

The same day, Michael Richard, 48, was due to receive the deadly cocktail at 6pm in southern Texas for the rape and murder of a woman in 1986.

His attorneys said they rushed to draft an appeal to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the state's highest court for criminal cases.

At 4.50pm, the lawyers called the court to ask it to remain open 20 more minutes after they were stalled by a computer malfunction.

"We close at five,'' was the response from the court clerk, a quote widely reported by local media.

In a last-ditch effort, Richard's attorneys took their case to the Supreme Court, which remains open for executions.

The legal move delayed the execution by a few hours, but since the convict did not file his appeal with a local court first, his arguments were not accepted in Washington.

The execution went ahead that evening and Richard was declared dead at 8.23pm.

It's quite easy to see that the writer of this article is some anti-death penalty do-gooder. Obviously they've never known anyone close to them to be raped or murdered.

The court's behaviour angered a leading Texas daily newspaper, the Dallas Morning News, which expressed outrage in an editorial entitled "We Closed at 5".

"Hastening the death of a man, even a bad one, because office personnel couldn't be bothered to bend bureaucratic procedure was a breathtakingly petty act and evinced a relish for death that makes the blood of decent people run cold,'' the newspaper said.

This has to be one time when I say that I love bureaucracy. It's just a shame that the same bureaucracy is what was responsible for this person being allowed to remain alive for another 20 years while his victim could not.

Justice needs to be swift and sure and seen to be done. In this case it was seen to be sure - now all they need to do is work on the other 2 requirements and the crime rate might actually go down.

Can't even buy a pig from a Muslim

Yeah - it's a bit late but I just found this article about Muslims who get jobs in shops and then refuse to touch certain products while suggesting that it somehow insults their religion.

Target shifts Muslims who won’t ring up pork

Department stores in Minn. reassign some cashiers over religious conflict
Updated: 12:14 a.m. ET March 18, 2007

MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.


Islam teaches that pigs are unclean and eating pork is a sin, and some Muslims feel selling or handling pork is also forbidden because it would make them complicit in the sins of others.

Damn straight! I don't give a shit if you don't like what I'm buying. I am there in that store to buy a product that I wish to purchase and you, ask a checkout-monkey, have no right nor say in the matter on what I purchase.

I was going to say that if the cultist types don't like it then they can quit but I'd almost do what I can to prevent that happening since it is bloody rare to see a Muslim with a job. All of the Islamic types that I see around the place are on welfare and seemingly expect my taxes to pay for their bludging, whinging, anti-western lifestyles (while living in the west).

Collision of work and faith.

As the local Muslim population grows, fueled by immigration from East African countries such as Somalia, efforts by Muslims to live by the rules of their faith often come into conflict with the realities of the American workplace.

Disputes over how employers should accommodate prayer times surface from time to time, and there’s an ongoing dispute involving cab drivers who serve Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport—many of whom are Muslim—who refuse to take passengers who are carrying alcohol.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission is expected to vote in April on a proposal that would hand out 30-day license suspensions to cabbies who refuse service for any reason, with a second refusal leading to a two-year revocation.

I love that bit. Just like a checkout operator who thinks that they have the right to tell you what you can and cannot buy because of their worship of a paedophile - some shithead cab driver thinks that he can refuse your fare because you're carrying an unopened container of liquor.

It makes me want to get a bag of pigshit that will leak everywhere in the boot when placed in there just to annoy the cretin.

Worker walks over issue
Muse Dahir told the AP this past week he quit his job at the Sam’s Club in Bloomington after he was transferred from another position to cashiering and was ordered to ring up pork purchases.

Fuck it... the only Muslim out there with a legitimate job that he didn't get through his family - and he quits... :(

He said it doesn’t matter if the pork product is packaged. “Even if you just sell it to someone, you break a promise to Allah,” he said.

FUCK ALLAH!!! If that piss-poor excuse for a deity was really all-powerful, why are there pigs in the first place?

You stupid pack of c*nts!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Burqa-bomber hides identity

I can't say that I'm surprised about this.

Burqa-bomber kills 13 in Pakistan
By Saad Khan in Peshawar

October 01, 2007 04:11pm

A SUICIDE bomber wearing a woman's burqa struck at a police checkpost in northwestern Pakistan today, killing at least 13

people and wounding 20 others.

The blast happened on the outskirts of Bannu, a key garrison town near Pakistan's troubled tribal areas bordering

Afghanistan where the army is battling al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.


"A man disguised in a burqa got out of an auto-rickshaw when police stopped the vehicle for a search. He then blew himself

up, killing at least 13 people,'' police officer Asar Islam said.


Police sources said they had earlier received intelligence that male suicide bombers dressed in all-covering women's burqas,

a common garment in conservative northwestern Pakistan, would soon launch attacks.

We've heard in the latest year or so about various states in various western countries allowing Muslim women to be photographed for their drivers licence while wearing a burqa.

I just hope that the MORONS who preach acceptance of a religion that detests us non-believers, are the ones who are on the receiving end of a shotgun barrel when someone thinks it's a good idea to go and hold up a bank or a gas station using one of these 'ghost costumes' as a disguise.

Do-Gooder: Help! Police! I was robbed! Help!
Police: Did you get a good look at your attacker?
Do-Gooder: Um....
Police: What did they look like?
Do-Gooder: Uh....
Police: Was it a man or a woman? A child or an adult? Skin colour? Hair colour? An amputee maybe?

Daylight Saving in Qld

The Gold Coast wants Daylight Saving:

Gold Coast threatens to go it alone on daylight saving
By Greg Stolz

* Queensland Government rules out daylight saving
* Gold Coast threatens to go it alone in new time zone
* Most Queenslanders in support of daylight saving

THE Gold Coast is considering defying the the Queensland Government and going it alone on daylight saving.

Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke was seeking legal advice yesterday about whether the tourist strip could have its own time zone

after the Government controversially ruled out a daylight saving referendum, despite a majority of Queenslanders supporting it.

Coast business and tourism leaders joined Cr Clarke in condemning Premier Anna Bligh's decision to reject a referendum, daylight saving trial or southeast corner zonal system. Ms Bligh justified the decision on Government-commissioned research showing minority support for daylight saving outside the state's southeast.

A frustrated Cr Clarke said he had asked the city solicitor to investigate the legality of the Gold Coast going it alone on daylight saving.

He said ideally, southeast Queensland would introduce daylight saving under the banner of the Council of Mayors.

Cr Clark is frustrated? Maybe Cr Clark should think about where the boundaries of Queensland actually begin & end. Hint for this self-absorbed idiot: QUEENSLAND doesn't start at Tweed Heads & end at Labrador! There is more to this state than your shithole corner!

"It's a really stupid decision by the Government – the people want daylight saving,"

Which people?
Was this an actual poll taken of people on holiday on the coast or your mates at the golf club?

"It's just ridiculous, absolutely ludicrous, that the Premier can bow to the wishes of the minority," Gold Coast Licensed Venues spokesman Jim Bell said. "The majority want it and we should have it."

As opposed to the minority on the Gold Coast who think it should be implemented and a state full of people be forced to change so that they may increase their profits?

Gold Coast Tourism chief executive Pavan Bhatia said the multibillion-dollar tourism industry would fight the Government's decision.

"There's lot of investment in this town that is dependant on something called sunlight," Mr Bhatia said.

Bullshit! The Gold Coast only has sunshine as an ancillary feature. It's the drug-life that is the popular attraction in that dump!

Government polling this week showed that 51 per cent of respondents statewide supported the adoption of daylight saving – a level that increased to 63 per cent in the southeast corner. Support throughout the rest of the state, however, was much weaker at 31 per cent.

I actually support the dual time-zone for Queensland idea but object greatly when power-mad local councils start dictating what the time should and shouldn't be in their regions.

Let the Gold Coast have their daylight saving - it's not like anything of any consequence happens down there other than an increased crime-rate; drug-taking; drunkenness; and tolerance of debauchery.

Does Malaysia have Daylight Saving? What about Singapore? Bangkok? Has anyone worked out that the closer you get to the equator, the more STUPID an idea it is to have Daylight Saving? Evidently not.

I admit that I was dubious about what Anna Bligh was going to do when she fell into the job of Premier of Queensland - she's got big shoes to fill if she's going to be anywhere near as incompetent as Petie Beater. It seems though that she got it right on this one in that she is sticking up for QUEENSLAND.

Let the Gold Coast secede from the state. How about the Gold Coast also not stick its hand out to the State Government for monies (ie: taxes from ME and people from ALL over the state. Ie: the "minorities") to maintain facilities that are often neglected while corrupt councilors vote themselves pay-rises and new cars.

It's not like Ron Clark has made much sense in the last couple of years anyway. What can be expected of someone who employs an abusive cretin like Jim Soorley to be your "advisor" after hitting public office?