Friday, August 15, 2014


Holy crap. Two whole years since my last post?

I know that I've had my share of things to say because I've been unfriended by a few people on Facebook for daring to speak my mind - or rather, daring to say something to someone who claims to have an open mind but suddenly gets insulted when your opinion differs from theirs.

To be honest, I am surprised that many of the people who call me 'friends' on Facebook haven't left me long before now. Oh well - I must be entertaining or some shit like that.

Anyway, over the last couple of years, I have developed a distinct dislike for tattoos and moreso for a large portion of the population who have them.

I don't mean the person who gets a rose on their back or a dragon on their shoulder - you know - the stuff you do as a means of disobeying society and thinking yourself a rebel. I also do not mean the old sailor-types who seem to have these faded tatts that always seem to turn blue after about 30 years or so.

No, what I mean is the people who have an entire arm done - or both arms - or a leg - whatever.... and then you get the spastics that are trying to scream "I'm a gangsta!" by getting one on their neck or the teardrop under an eye.

You know what? You're all a bunch of faggots. I don't mean that you're homosexuals - I mean "faggot" in the most insulting way that you can conjure in your mind because, quite frankly, you're just a dumb cunt.

What do tattoos prove?
Not a fucking thing when you're a tool living in the city or on welfare.

Tattoos were used by tribal types as a message to enemies of their association with a particular tribe. Many also used them as a rite of passage to manhood.

Some poofter sitting around with his drinking buddies thinking of a pattern for a skull with a snake through it and gesturing that so'n'so over in a-certain-shop is the only one with the skill to do it just proves that you're a wanker with no sense of value of what you're doing.

A sense of value?


Spending thousands of what one hopes is cash you earned by working hard at something you do well so that you can get a series of Celtic patterns down your arm because your great-grandmother's neighbour knew someone from there doesn't make you a great warrior.

Getting the names of your kids in capitalised Old English script?
Are you fucking retarded? Can you not remember their names?
What does it prove other than you probably cannot spell the name of your screaming bunch of yard apes?

Seriously... what value do you get from them?
Respect? Oh yeah... The respect of the kind of people who trash public housing (while many others wait) and consider a double-axle caravan to be luxury living quarters?
Pretending that you might be some sort of drug kingpin?
Announcing to the world that you're totally badass because you know someone who knows someone who once glassed someone and would probably do it again if they were drunk (or high) enough (and generally showed no remorse for fucking up the life of another individual who probably did nothing more than call them names for spewing on their shoes).

How about this as food for thought?
1) The people with real power in this world don't cover themselves in tattoos such that they cannot be covered so that they can look respectable.
2) If you decide that you'd maybe like to not shovel shit for the rest of your life and maybe get a job where there is better money and status? Think again - nobody wants to hire the jerk that looks like Lydia The Tattooed Lady. You're an embarrassment to any service-oriented business.
3) The class of people you will be with for the rest of your life will be losers like yourself.

All I know for certain is that there is a massive increase in a tribal mentality in society - a regression back to a bronze age way of being.
"I've got a tatt so that makes me tough. Don't look sideways at me while I'm driving in my Prius or I'll give you a stare that you'll wish you'd never seen!"

I'm, like, totally scared - you fucktard.