Monday, December 10, 2007

Don't get sick under Labor!!

Hardly surprising that yet another Labor-led state government is refusing to take responsibility for it's constituents and tries to blame all & sundry for their own ineptitude.

What makes Phillip Island a special case that they're not entitled to a hospital or medical care? I don't know for sure but I wouldn't mind betting that it may not be in a strong Labor electorate. Never let it be said that "incompetence and Labor" doesn't go hand-in-hand like "Labor & Jobs-for-the-union-boys", "Labor & corruption", "Labor & nepotism" and *.... (and the list goes on....)

Hospital troubles not my problem: Premier

Posted Wed Dec 5, 2007 3:38pm AEDT

Victorian Premier John Brumby says his government will not be saving the only hospital on Phillip Island.

The board of the Warley Hospital has appealed for government help but the Victorian Premier John Brumby says it is not the responsibility of the State Government.

The Victorian Government is refusing to step in and save Phillip Island's only hospital.

The management of the privately run, not-for-profit Warley Hospital, has held a crisis meeting to discuss ways of staying open, as it faces severe financial problems and was forced to sell equipment to pay staff and bills.

Warley management is now hoping the Federal Government will come to the rescue.

The Premier John Brumby says his government has no responsibility for private hospitals such as Warley.

"It's not a government-run hospital and it's not a bush nursing hospital, where there are often ah [sic] half-way in between a private and a public," he said.

"So it's really an issue for the hospital itself and for the Federal Government, it's not something which the State Government directly funds."

The Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson says the hospital's imminent closure is a test for the new Health Minister, Nicola Roxon.

"The extent to which Nicola Roxon shows her early commitment to keeping the Warley Hospital open and the commitment to the Phillip Island community through it will be the yardstick against which her performance in this portfolio will be measured in its early days," he said.

Ms Roxon has been unavailable for comment.
It's clear that your health is unimportant to the Victorian government if it means that they have to do their job in supplying and assisting health-care facilities.

Prison - nice place to visit but....

(actually - no it's not!)

Sorry - I have an archive of news stories to make comment about and I've only just gotten to this one...

Graphic video of prison assault sparks sacking call

By Keith Moor
November 22, 2007 03:26pm

AT least three prison officers involved in the alleged savage assault of a remand inmate should be sacked, the state watchdog has said.

Graphic footage of prison officers allegedly assaulting the inmate was tabled in State Parliament by State Ombudsman George Brouwer today.

At least three Melbourne Custody Centre (MCC) staff may be charged over the incident.

Victoria Police is investigating what Mr Brouwer described as "serious mistreatment involving an excessive use of force" against the prisoner.


It shows a seemingly compliant prisoner in the early stages of being strip searched.

One MCC staff member lunged at the prisoner and grabbed him around the throat as a second officer helped wrestle him to the ground.

Several other officers entered the room seconds later and a female officer allegedly punched the already restrained prisoner.

Here's a tip... If you don't like the idea of being strip-searched nor run the risk of having the snot beaten out of you (by a woman, yet) - then DON'T do shit that is liable to land you in prison. I don't know how much clearer a concept that could be.

Everyone knows that prison isn't a fun place to be - so why do things that will put you there - STUPID??!!

Cowardly Taliban

I've said it before and I will say it again:

The Taliban are COWARDS!

& the supporters of the Taliban are lower than pig-shit

(and this includes the Saudi Royal Family!)

What gives me cause to say this?

I take every right to say this about these Dune Coons when they indulge in practices such as this. Why pick on a kid for knowing another language and teaching his mates?

Taliban kill boy, 16, for teaching English to mates

By Elyas Wahdat in Khost, Afghanistan

November 16, 2007 12:42am

TALIBAN militants shot dead a teenage boy in southeastern Afghanistan for teaching English to his classmates, police said.

Taliban militants have killed a number of teachers and students in recent years for attending government-run schools, taking part in classes for girls or what the hardline Islamist militants consider un-Islamic subjects.
"...un-Islamic subjects..."
And just would qualify as an "Islamic subject"? Would these be good examples?
- Goat Raping 101: Basic techniques and how to tether.
- Goat Raping 102: How to 'do' not only the jenny & the kid but also the Billy (incorporating all aspects of Islam: deprivation of liberty & terrorism; misogynism; paedophila; beastiality & homosexuality).
- Female circumcision 201: how to perform with ceremonial knives.
- Female circumcision 202: how to perform with fingernails and stones.
- Islamic Justice for Women: How a rape victim is always to blame while the perpetrators are just "...doing Allah's will"
- Islamic Justice for Men: *deleted course* as no real 'men' exist in Islam.
- "Allah says so...": How to be a big, tough, strong, Muslim 'man' when beating women and how to cry like a little bitch when meeting someone who will not cower in fear.
- Media Manipulation 301: How to pretend to have the high moral ground on any topic and have the fools in the media believe any garbage you say.
- Stupidity & Judaism 401: "I throw rocks at you, Jewish Pig, but you can't shoot back at me as I hide in a temple on hallowed ground as I am a holy man!"
- Stupidity & Judaism 402: How to push an Israeli just so far until the media shows up.

Armed men arrived at the school in the Sayed Karam district of Paktia province and grabbed a 16-year-old student and dragged him outside.

“Taliban militants took the boy out and killed him outside the school just because he was teaching English to his classmates,” said General Esmatullah Alizai, the police chief of Paktia province.

Police arrived on the scene and in the ensuing gun battle, two policemen and two militants were killed, he said.

A Taliban spokesman denied the group was involved in the killing.

The militants often deny carrying out unpopular actions.

Sure they will deny carrying out unpopular actions - did I not make it clear that the Taliban are cowards and will not take responsibility for their actions? Something to do with "crying like little bitches"?

Friday, December 07, 2007

Saudi Royals Family reaffirm terrorist stance.

This is an absolute crock of shit!

A promise from a terrorist is as good as a promise from a thief - unless, of course, those accepting the promise share the same ideals....

It would appear that the Saudi Royal Family are sympathisers to the Al Qaeda cause. I hope this fact is remembered when it comes to demonstrating how terrorists and their supporters are treated when captured.

These people show nothing but contempt for Westerners and their own women so it wouldn't be a big deal if the whole lot were thrown back into their own country and had the borders sealed.
1,500 Qaeda Members Freed After Counseling
(Part 2)

Staff Reporter of the Sun
November 27, 2007

WASHINGTON — On the eve of the Annapolis summit on the Middle East conflict, the Saudi royal family released 1,500 members of Al Qaeda from prison, requiring them only to promise to refrain from jihad within the Arabian Peninsula.

The presence of the Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, at the peace parley has been touted by the White House and the State Department as an important diplomatic breakthrough.

Mr. Faisal has said he was reluctant to attend the meeting, the first time the Saudis would be formal participants in an international peace conference dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. In an interview with Time magazine, he said he would not shake the Israeli prime minister's hand and that he was only interested in a response to his kingdom's peace offer, a full withdrawal from the territory Israel won in 1967 in exchange for peace.
Mr. Faisal is nothing more than an immature coward with no intention of having peace.

However, while the State Department was wooing the Saudi foreign minister, the kingdom's Interior Ministry released about 1,500 Al Qaeda members arrested in crackdowns that began in 2003 against the group headed by Osama bin Laden.

The story first broke over the weekend in the Saudi newspaper Al Watan. In an interview with the newspaper, a member of a special committee to reform jihadists in the kingdom, Muhammad al-Nujaimi, said the newly released prisoners had been reformed.

"The committee has met around 5,000 times to offer counseling to 3,200 people, who were accused of embracing the takfir ideology. The committee has successfully completed reforming 1,500 people," he said.
What utter, contemptible lies! "The committee met 5,000 times"... Since 2003?
Right! I believe you halfwits! Millions wouldn't - but I do!
Let's do some sums.... Take a full year in 2007 & a full year in 2003 (when the 'crackdowns' started); add 1 for the leap year -- that becomes 1,826 days. That equates to a near repetitive sequence of 2 meeting per day for 2 days and then 3 on the third day. Since WHEN does any committee get ANYTHING done let alone meet that frequently to discuss strategies and solutions?
Whoever told this figure of 5,000 meetings is a LIAR!
[Continued from page 1 of 2]

The ideology of takfir is prevalent in both fundamentalist interpretations of Sunni and Shiite Islam, and it holds that there are separate rules that allow Muslims to kill, lie to, and steal from nonbelievers.

While the Saudi state has at times been targeted by Muslims embracing the philosophy of takfir, its mosques and Ministry of Culture and Information also have been exporting the strain of Islam that encourages this doctrine.
And yes, we still have airheaded cocksuckers telling the world that Islam is not dangerous; it's followers are peace-loving and kind; and that even joking about The Prophet being a war-mongering paedophile ("peace be upon him") won't get you killed. There's that believability thing again....

Yesterday, an American intelligence analyst who was following the story said he was wary about the release of the prisoners. "This Saudi process of reform has been so opaque. What no one knows right now is whether the people who have gone through this program have pledged to stop practicing terror or whether they are only pledging to stop terror inside the kingdom."
Considering that dealing with towel-heads in general - they change the rules to suit themselves. They think everyone as stupid as they are to believe their childish lies.

Mr. Nujaimi told Al Watan that the reformed prisoners have pledged to end their campaign to rid the Arabian Peninsula of infidels. "After several graded sessions with the committee, and having been convinced of their misguided vision, they renounced their erroneous ideologies, including the concept of driving out all infidels from the Arabian Peninsula," he said.


Thursday, December 06, 2007

This is America - speak Spanish you Gringos!

What a crock of shit!

Spanish-Speaking Workers Challenge English-Only Policy at Sheet Metal Factory
Monday, November 26, 2007
By Catherine Donaldson-Evans

After a sheet metal plant in Connecticut ordered its employees to speak only English on the job because of safety concerns, five Spanish-speaking workers decided to take the company to court.

The employees, who are legal immigrants, say the rule amounts to discrimination and actually makes the workplace more hazardous.

No, DICKHEAD - it makes it more hazardous to have multiple languages in a predominantly english-speaking country! If someone yells out to a co-worker to "LOOK OUT!" in a language that is not that on which the country is based: chances are that the other worker will be injured from not "looking out".

"I can think of no good reason for them to institute this policy," said Steven Jacobs, the lawyer for the workers who are suing GC Industries in Deep River, Conn. "It's offensive to people who speak Spanish and is potentially dangerous. It inhibits them from communicating in their native tongue in situations that could put people at risk."

You're a lawyer - what the fuck would you know about common sense or working in a factory anyway?

According to the lawsuit, the plant's "Common Language Policy" was suddenly posted in fliers on the factory bulletin board on March 15, 2006.

The notice stated that "there be one language spoken during working time at all plants and facilities of GCI, and that language is English." It specified that the policy would be enforced when "any employee is 'on the clock,'" and said violations could lead to warnings and dismissal.

Damn straight! Three cheers for the company in this instance!

Court documents show that the announcement, which was also posted in Spanish, was signed by company president Thomas Arbella.

But Andres Moran, who speaks fluent English, said he and his four co-plaintiffs needed to communicate in Spanish in order to do their jobs.

BULLSHIT! If they want to converse in Spanish in order to do their jobs - how about they fuck off back to Mexico where they will be expected to speak in Spanish and their coworkers can understand them?

"Not everybody over there is fluent in English," said Moran, 22. "How would I be able to talk to them? I wouldn't be able to communicate with them. That was my argument. ... I kept on speaking Spanish to whoever understood my language."

Why are they in America seeking new opportunities and a new life if they don't wish to leave behind their old ones?

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has discouraged such blanket English-only mandates at work, unless they are justified as a business necessity.

Maybe not a business necessity but I would suggest that it is a safety aspect.

"A rule requiring employees to speak only English at all times on the job may violate Title VII, unless an employer shows it is necessary for conducting business," the EEOC says on its Web site. "If an employer believes the English-only rule is critical for business purposes, employees have to be told when they must speak English and the consequences for violating the rule."

A company must also specify why the use of another language hurts or interferes with productivity and efficiency, according to the EEOC.

Moran said that although the rest of the GCI employees "kind of shut their mouth and didn't speak at all," he and the other four continued to use Spanish with their coworkers who weren't well-versed in English.

Again - here's a hint... Learn the language or piss off back to South America if you can't leave it behind!

The five plaintiffs received a second warning to stop speaking Spanish while at work — or face dismissal. Executives told the workers that they could institute any policy they liked because GCI is a private company.

"I felt like I was a slave, basically," said Moran. "I felt discriminated against, violated. I didn't know what to do."

He had the English stick shoved up his arse? He was violated because he wanted everything his way and couldn't have it? Hint: there is a reason why Mexico and South American countries are the way they are - don't come to a prosperous country and expect everything to change to suit how it was "back home" or it will just become a slum as well!

Moran was later transferred from being a packer — which involves packaging sheets of metal — to the more strenuous and less desirable job of hanger, which requires workers to hang heavy sections of metal on racks on the assembly line.

Despite the fact that it was harder work, he said, he was paid the same $9 an hour.

When he persisted in speaking Spanish and asking for his old job back, Moran was laid off after about nine months with the company, he said.

"Richard [Gordon, GCI general manager] took me outside and said, 'We don't need you working anymore. We're not getting as much production,'" Moran remembered. "The next week, they hired somebody else."

You kicked the wrong shit on that one and got what you deserved.

A woman answering the phone at GCI declined to give her name or comment on the legal battle.

The five workers filed their discrimination lawsuit against GCI last week, and are seeking compensatory and punitive damages in the amount of $100,000 per employee, according to Jacobs. The civil suit could ultimately go before a jury.

Jacobs said he also filed a discrimination complaint on behalf of the men with the EEOC and the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights in late spring of 2006.

The plaintiffs contend that GCI hasn't demonstrated how speaking Spanish has had a negative impact on business. To the contrary, they argue, the common-language rule could actually hurt workflow, since so many employees have limited knowledge of English. Most of the GCI employees are of Hispanic origin, according to Jacobs.

"The company claims that the reason for the rule was to enhance the safety of the workplace," he said. "I find that excuse hard to accept when 75 to 80 percent of the workforce speaks Spanish."

He and his clients remain bewildered about what triggered the change in policy.

"I still don't know why they did it," Moran said. "Nobody complained. Nobody cared. ... They're still trying to tell people not to speak Spanish."

Since when was Connecticut in South America? 75-80% of the entire workforce speaks Spanish? Wow - Connecticut really is south of the border! Is it like Hawaii? A seperated state from the mainland?
Idiots >:(

Shitty poems

You know - I never really thought about Islam having poets amongst it's followers - let alone one that would be thought of as a msytic

Prince Charles Visits Muslim Mystic's Tomb in Turkey

Monday, November 26, 2007

KONYA, Turkey — Prince Charles and his wife visited the mausoleum of one of Islam's greatest mystic poets Monday and watched the traditional whirling dance of his followers, the dervishes.

The heir to the British throne and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, are on a four-day tour of historic sites in Turkey.

I bet the minders kept a close eye on her to ensure that she didn't get rounded up into some camel sales....

In Konya, central Turkey, they visited the mausoleum of the 13th-century poet Mavlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, who is considered to be the father of Sufism — the mystical form of Islam that preaches tolerance and love.

There's a form of Islam that teaches tolerance and love??? Since when??? Going on the deadshit variety of followers that they let into this country, I'm inclined to believe that this form no longer exists.

The two looked at handwritten books and costumes as well as verses of the Quran painted on the ceiling.

"Verses of the Quran painted on the ceiling"?? I had the impression that their holy book and the verses contained therein could not be used as artwork or taken in any variation outside the book lest it be deemed blasphemous?
Hmmm... Yet another example of followers of the Cult of the Paedophile making up 'the rules' as they go along.

Charles and Camilla later watched dervishes whirl in a traditional trancelike meditation, called sema, one palm turned up toward heaven, the other turned down toward earth.

In a speech after the sema ceremony, the prince said: "What better place then here near the resting place of (al-Rumi) to rededicate ourselves to the purpose of reacquiring an understanding heart and a rebalance of the East and West in ourselves."

What will reacquire a rebalance of the East and West is for these towel-heads to mature as a people OUT of the bronze age and allign their thinking with the rest of the planet in accepting others who may not be believers in the same things that they use to guide their lives. Until then, I feel perfectly justified in saying all that I do about this "religion" and it's false prophet!

As for the "great" mystic poet, Mavlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi - I might suggest that being a follower himself of the famous child-rapist/war-monger, his poetry may be something like this:

I saw a 9-year-old
I thought for a moment
Would it seem so bold
To buy her for a goat?

I never said he was a good poet but I suppose it loses a bit in the translation.... >:)