Friday, December 07, 2007

Saudi Royals Family reaffirm terrorist stance.

This is an absolute crock of shit!

A promise from a terrorist is as good as a promise from a thief - unless, of course, those accepting the promise share the same ideals....

It would appear that the Saudi Royal Family are sympathisers to the Al Qaeda cause. I hope this fact is remembered when it comes to demonstrating how terrorists and their supporters are treated when captured.

These people show nothing but contempt for Westerners and their own women so it wouldn't be a big deal if the whole lot were thrown back into their own country and had the borders sealed.
1,500 Qaeda Members Freed After Counseling
(Part 2)

Staff Reporter of the Sun
November 27, 2007

WASHINGTON — On the eve of the Annapolis summit on the Middle East conflict, the Saudi royal family released 1,500 members of Al Qaeda from prison, requiring them only to promise to refrain from jihad within the Arabian Peninsula.

The presence of the Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, at the peace parley has been touted by the White House and the State Department as an important diplomatic breakthrough.

Mr. Faisal has said he was reluctant to attend the meeting, the first time the Saudis would be formal participants in an international peace conference dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian Arab conflict. In an interview with Time magazine, he said he would not shake the Israeli prime minister's hand and that he was only interested in a response to his kingdom's peace offer, a full withdrawal from the territory Israel won in 1967 in exchange for peace.
Mr. Faisal is nothing more than an immature coward with no intention of having peace.

However, while the State Department was wooing the Saudi foreign minister, the kingdom's Interior Ministry released about 1,500 Al Qaeda members arrested in crackdowns that began in 2003 against the group headed by Osama bin Laden.

The story first broke over the weekend in the Saudi newspaper Al Watan. In an interview with the newspaper, a member of a special committee to reform jihadists in the kingdom, Muhammad al-Nujaimi, said the newly released prisoners had been reformed.

"The committee has met around 5,000 times to offer counseling to 3,200 people, who were accused of embracing the takfir ideology. The committee has successfully completed reforming 1,500 people," he said.
What utter, contemptible lies! "The committee met 5,000 times"... Since 2003?
Right! I believe you halfwits! Millions wouldn't - but I do!
Let's do some sums.... Take a full year in 2007 & a full year in 2003 (when the 'crackdowns' started); add 1 for the leap year -- that becomes 1,826 days. That equates to a near repetitive sequence of 2 meeting per day for 2 days and then 3 on the third day. Since WHEN does any committee get ANYTHING done let alone meet that frequently to discuss strategies and solutions?
Whoever told this figure of 5,000 meetings is a LIAR!
[Continued from page 1 of 2]

The ideology of takfir is prevalent in both fundamentalist interpretations of Sunni and Shiite Islam, and it holds that there are separate rules that allow Muslims to kill, lie to, and steal from nonbelievers.

While the Saudi state has at times been targeted by Muslims embracing the philosophy of takfir, its mosques and Ministry of Culture and Information also have been exporting the strain of Islam that encourages this doctrine.
And yes, we still have airheaded cocksuckers telling the world that Islam is not dangerous; it's followers are peace-loving and kind; and that even joking about The Prophet being a war-mongering paedophile ("peace be upon him") won't get you killed. There's that believability thing again....

Yesterday, an American intelligence analyst who was following the story said he was wary about the release of the prisoners. "This Saudi process of reform has been so opaque. What no one knows right now is whether the people who have gone through this program have pledged to stop practicing terror or whether they are only pledging to stop terror inside the kingdom."
Considering that dealing with towel-heads in general - they change the rules to suit themselves. They think everyone as stupid as they are to believe their childish lies.

Mr. Nujaimi told Al Watan that the reformed prisoners have pledged to end their campaign to rid the Arabian Peninsula of infidels. "After several graded sessions with the committee, and having been convinced of their misguided vision, they renounced their erroneous ideologies, including the concept of driving out all infidels from the Arabian Peninsula," he said.


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