Monday, February 06, 2006

Media Ignorance #674,536

(Yeah, OK - so the number is a bit low.... we've lost count...)

News from the ether:

During the strike of the train drivers on Friday, February 3, 2006: A television crew from Channel 10 started something with a Queensland Rail employee that was NOT on strike and was at work doing his job.

At some time during the day, a camera crew turned up to Nerang station on the Gold Coast to film ... something... whatever.

The crew were approached by an employee of Queensland Rail. They were asked once to cease filming and to leave the property because they did not have permission to do so. They refused on some bullshit basis that they were filming. The crew were asked again and this time the camera operator went "ballistic" with the end result was more than a bit of push and shove - closer to a full-on punch up according to my source.
Railway Police had to be called in to break up the melee.

I am quite certain that Channel 10 will whine some excuse about "freedom of the press" but the cameras in the station tell quite a different, and more factual story.

Who wants to bet that there will be no charges laid against the camera operator?

I wonder how many people realised on this day that the staff who were on duty that day were NOT on strike and were doing their jobs as per normal? Was it the drivers who copped abuse all day?

Further news is that some drivers are now whinging about having to go on stress leave because they have been copping abuse over the weekend and today from passengers that were well-and-truly fucked over in their travel requirements on that day. I wonder how many people lost jobs or failed to make a job interview because of their greed?

The unionists say that those who work during strikes are scabs - seems to me that those who hold the commuting public to ransom are the scabs.

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