Sunday, February 12, 2006

Miami High School

It seems that news of the bullying and subsequent lying about it taking place at Miami State High School on the Gold Coast isn't very newsworthy. I can't seem to find any links to the issue - not even from the local rag (The Gold Coast Bulletin).

In short: Last week, a year 9 student had his femur (leg bone) smashed (not just broken) in a crash tackle received from a year 12 student. The young kid is still in hospital with various pins, screws & staples holding his leg together. Calls came from the boys parents about the vicious attack and the endless bullying at the school.

Channel 7 News tracked the boy down and asked him about it and this deadbeat couldn't even lie straight in bed!!

First it was: "I was fooling around with someone else and I fell over a chair and accidently landed on {name}". Then followed: "...I was playing a joke on him to teach him a lesson" (the injured boy).

So, which was it? An accident or a "lesson"?

Then, just to prove that the apple didn't fall far from the tree, the sperm donor for this lying sack of shit came on TV and started saying that it was the fault of the teachers for not watching the students and that it was the fault of the year 9 students for needing supervision. Great - another deadbeat blaming everyone else in the world for what his son did EXCEPT his son for doing the tackle in the first place!

It's is plain to see that not only has the boy's old man failed to actually BE a man but he's also teaching his gutter spawn that it's OK to not take responsibility for his actions provided that he can conjure up someone else to blame as well as labelling it an "accident".

This was no accident. While a smashed leg and expensive medical costs were probably not the intention, ham was still intended on the boy and now he's playing the run'n'hide game.

Make them all pay:
- send half the bill of the medical costs as well as a tutor (for the time that the injured boy is off school) as well as pain and suffering AND the cost of books and uniforms to attend a new school (including transport costs if further away). This bit goes to the parents for trying to dodge responsibility.
- send the other half to the student who inflicted the pain. He will have his wages (or more likely, his social security payments) garnished with interest to pay it all back. He will be given a loan to pay the money and will be inelligible for a passport so that he can run away from his responsibilities.
- take the education minister to task over the issue of bullying in schools. Unruly students cannot be punished anymore and Miami SHS is recognised as being a den of dickheads. The minister can personally pay for security to protect the bullied students and patrols past their homes. Maybe that will help her smarten up her act?


Caz said...

Yeah, some "joke".

What really pisses me off is that all the excuses and lies in these situations are given SO much air time, and newspaper inches, as if the lies have a legitimacy.

It's often quite blatant, as in this example, that claims of long term bullying are 100% true; the smashed leg was clearly deliberate; and no-one holding responsiblity - the parents or the teachers or the principal - have taken the young lad seriously; no steps to protect him, or to punish the bullying little dick-head; and then they all pretend that a smashed leg is just an unfortunate accident. FUCK!

And they wonder why some kids have no respect for adults.

You wonder what this poor little kid has gone through up unitl the broken leg. Going to school each day must have been a real hoot.

Friends of mine have a little 'un in kindy, the private type, paying a few thousand a year for airy fairy philosophies about learning & nurturing the kiddies. Twenty little folk, three teachers to look after them. Guess what? Little thugs in the school ground; three teachers who manage to never "see" the bullying; and the bullied kids get blamed when they defend themselves or defend their friends - the teachers ALWAYS seem to "see" some poor little kid on the defending end, and the bully gets off scott free.

This is kindy, with a ratio of three teachers to a class of 20. What the hell happens when they move onto big school with one teacher to more than 20 children?

Jai Normosone said...

What is worse about this is that this kid's leg is NEVER going to be the same again. He will NEVER be able to run or jump or do many things as well as before now that it's had to have been cut up just to set everything in place.

I've heard of a 5yo girl who was pushed over no less than 6 times on a school parade (with teachers watching) by a 7yo boy behind her. She told the boy to stop on the 2nd time. She tried to avoid on the 3rd and was moved back to her position by a teacher. She approached a teacher on the 4th. The boy was given an 'ultimatum' by the girl on the 5th. On the 6th - she decked him (no joke - learns martial arts under a bloke I know). The girl was suspended from school.

I had similar troubles when I went to school and I have ABSOLUTELY no respect for the vast majority of teachers. Most of them are incompetent bludgers that are not fit to shovel shit let alone be responsible for teaching the next generation!

It's almost a good thing that I don't have kids because I can tell you that I would be dragging a principal over their desk if my kid were beat up at school by a bully - then it would be a visit to the parents of the kid for the same.

I detest bullies and those who ignore the problem. I used to be a quiet, shy little kid because I was beaten into submission by everyone.
Fortunately that stopped when I got bigger and strong enough to defend myself.

I would happily plow in the face of this kid and its sperm donor father for doing what they did to the yr-9 boy and then not have the balls to take responsibility for their actions. Both need their balls cutting off.

Anonymous said...

I would love to plow into the face of the bully and into the face of the father for saying the crap he said on TV.

I would also love to smash a basball bat around the leg of the bully. make him go through what the young kid is going through.