Friday, March 31, 2006

Agatha Christie meets BB06

Well, it seems that the Big Brother curse is about to be inflicted upon us again.

I've offered many suggestions in the past with regards to this show and obviously the show supporters and producers didn't like them, so how about this one?

Tonight's episode of Big Brother mixes old & new when the script for tonight involves interpretation by fans of Agatha Christie. At intervals randomly happening between 5 & 12 minutes, the lights will go off. When they come back on, another housemate will be murdered using anything in the house that can be found. Viewers are invited to speculate who gets murdered next and who the eventual winner may be. $100,000 prize for the first person to get it right - must provide the room and by what means.
Hurry - enter now for this premier (and last) episode.

Monday, March 20, 2006

What is it for?

An old joke rehashed but it's relevant considering the latest bastardisation of the cowboy genre in the movies.

Brokeback Mountain, Wyoming ......

A rugged cowboy from Brokeback Mountain, Wyoming, goes into the doctor's office and has some tests run. The doctor comes back and says, "I am not going to beat around the bush, You have AIDS."

The cowboy tugs at his Stetson and sets his jaw and says, "Doc, what can I do?"

The doctor says, "I want you to go home and eat 5 pounds of spicy sausage, a head of cabbage, 20 un-peeled carrots drenched in hot sauce, 10 Jalapeno peppers, 40 walnuts and 40 peanuts, 1/2 box of Grapenuts cereal, and top it off with a gallon of prune juice."

The cowboy squares his rugged shoulders and asks, "Will that cure me, Doc?"

"No, but it should leave you with a better understanding of what your ass is SUPPOSED to be used for."

Go on - tell me that I'm a 'homophobe' - then go buy a dictionary and break the word down to its components and discover what it really means.

My dislike for this act stems purely for the damage it does to the body and the ease with which it allows infection in. 'Butt Buddies' can do what they like provided that they don't expect the publicly-funded health system to pay for the repairs.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

God Save The Republic!

So... while Queen Elizabeth the second is here, the usual dickheads are touting the whole republic issue again and saying that 'God Save the Queen' should not be played at the opening of the Commonwealth Games - and presumably everywhere else.

What don't they understand about the fact that we ALREADY have a republic? Australia is not a democracy. The United States of America is NOT a democracy - the founding fathers and writers of the US constitution knew what they were doing when they wrote that. A democracy was the LAST thing they wanted.

The ONLY reason some politicians want a CONSTITUTIONAL republic here in Australia is because the bludgers want to get their hands on the current Australian Constitution.

We know for a FACT that when a politician says that they want to do something "...for the good of the country!", you can place every cent you have on the bet that they are wanting to do it "...for the good of ME!"

There are bigger issues and problems in this country that need to be dealt with before you bludgers should even consider touching the constitution. HANDS OFF YOU PACK OF FUCKWITS!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

More False Advertising

Who is the half-witted MORON who decides what advertising goes on the TV for Queensland Transport, Main Roads, and the Queensland Police?

There is a concerted campaign on at the moment showing the old 'Blood on the streets' advert saying that police will be out in force "this weekend" and that speeding won't be tolerated.

This advert has been around for a few years and it is a waste of taxpayers money as well as intentionally trying to deceive the public.

The road toll in Queensland is DOUBLE what it was last year at the same time so it is blatantly obvious that the methods that the government is condoning and the police are using is TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE.

There was a transport safety summit on up here a couple of weeks ago and it's not hard to guess what the result was: introduction of fixed speed cameras into Queensland. Nick was right but he guessed at '6 months' at the end of 2005 - it happened much sooner than that.

No bets will be taken on whether money for speed camera infrastructure will be found before money for hospital and school infrastructure. Anyone who bets on the latter will be making a losing bet.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Raising kids....

With regards to the previous post and the boys on the railway line being turned into mince-meat (literally), I wonder if this is going to make other parents wonder if they are doing their own job with any modicum of competence.

I know how this sounds... that everything a child does is the problem or fault of the parents. I know myself that I did things at 8 and 10 that I'm not proud of and that I made the choice myself to do them - but in saying that, there were also MANY times in my life when I was causing trouble or about to cause trouble but could not because I was brought under control and not allowed to loiter in areas and ways that would have enabled me to be a debt to society.

So... Can anyone tell me what it is that makes people think that the world is their child care centre? What is it? Is it just because the parents/carers are just bludgers or are they just plain ignorant and stupid? I'm inclined to think it's all of the above.

Kids play at home under supervision.
Kids play at friends houses under supervision.
Kids play in parks; at the beach; on the footpath - under super-$%^#ing-vision!!
Can anyone see the common link here?

They are KIDS - not adults - not young adults - KIDS! Small people with minimal wisdom and cognitive skills to think ahead about the consequences of their actions - this is why the big people MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for *their* actions and monitor the little individual and train them to handle situations and grow up as a well-adjusted member of society - not as a welfare-sucking debt to that society who wants to slag off and steal from those who have a job with one hand and happily take booze and cigarette money with the other.

I was in a situation last Friday night that would have ruined my night out had I not forced myself to not get uptight about it.

I went out with some friends to a local food outlet to have some dinner. Note that this is a venue that people with classic cars go to at the end of the working week to relax and spend time with other people who share their passion, so there are vehicles moving around, albeit slowly, but still a danger to children.

WHERE in this is a small diner or the carpark where vehicles are moving, a playground for children under 10? If these kids want to play, why are they not at home with at least one of those people who created them? Do the parents think that they're the only ones who have worked all week and need a break? Hmmm... obviously NOBODY else in this world works besides them and we need to just tolerate their screaming shitrats as they ride their scooters around under the feet of everyone else.

I can also tell you that the ears of the parents pricked up the very second that I said something to one of the children. At least they had the common sense to dare not chastise me because I chose not to tolerate their laziness.

This is not being written by a child-hater by any means. Some parents out there take their responsibility very seriously and teach their children manners. I met one over Christmas that, as a 3yo, has better manners than some people I meet. Definitely a credit to her mother. In fact, she would be a child that you could almost take anywhere and know that she would behave. Again - something you can't expect from a lot of kids or even teenage-children, or even adult-age children nowadays.

Parents: Teach those manners AT HOME and have the kids USE those manners BEFORE you take them into public. Out in the world is where their BEST manners should be on display - not their worst. Your efforts will be appreciated far more than the laziness you exhibit when you allow them to run riot.

Be also aware - if *I* have to correct your child, I will also be more than happy to teach some manners to those that created them as well.

Boys hit on Railway Line

Isn't it strange how the media only prints half a story? Is it really strange or is it just ineptitude? Maybe it's a case of trying to stir people up over an issue that already has the public tense at the moment?


Now it's Trains-killing-boys.

Don't get me wrong but WHERE WERE THE PARENTS??? Why were 3 boys aged 6, 8 and 10 out roaming around rail lines after 6pm?

I feel for the parents as nobody should have to lose a child like that but the fact still remains that they weren't doing their job and I think it will be a fair bet that some arse-sucking shyster will represent them to try and wrangle some form of payout from Queensland Rail.

Interestingly enough, I have a source who tells me more about this tragic situation...

To be blunt, I am more sorry for the driver of the train who hit the boys and even more sorry for the guard who has to get off the train and go down onto the tracks and confirm that 3 boys have been killed (1 decapitated). Then, the same Police who moved the boys on earlier in the afternoon were called in to identify them. Those who have children have to be affected by this.

Some questions came up:
"Were they aboriginal?"

"Why were they pulled up by the Police in the first place?"
"They were throwing things at the trains going past and hitting the emergency alarm buttons on the platforms (the ones that people use if they are in trouble at the station)."

So the boys weren't exactly innocent tots out for a walk with their friends - they were causing trouble. In saying this, they didn't deserve to die in such a horrible way - or even need to die at all - but the question still remains over whether parents in general are going to be responsible for their spawn?
I think not.

It's also worth noting that this is the 3rd child in this family to die with another son being in a stolen car when it crashed. Yep - definitely children with a quality upbringing that showed respect for other people in our society.

Thursday, March 02, 2006