Monday, March 13, 2006

Raising kids....

With regards to the previous post and the boys on the railway line being turned into mince-meat (literally), I wonder if this is going to make other parents wonder if they are doing their own job with any modicum of competence.

I know how this sounds... that everything a child does is the problem or fault of the parents. I know myself that I did things at 8 and 10 that I'm not proud of and that I made the choice myself to do them - but in saying that, there were also MANY times in my life when I was causing trouble or about to cause trouble but could not because I was brought under control and not allowed to loiter in areas and ways that would have enabled me to be a debt to society.

So... Can anyone tell me what it is that makes people think that the world is their child care centre? What is it? Is it just because the parents/carers are just bludgers or are they just plain ignorant and stupid? I'm inclined to think it's all of the above.

Kids play at home under supervision.
Kids play at friends houses under supervision.
Kids play in parks; at the beach; on the footpath - under super-$%^#ing-vision!!
Can anyone see the common link here?

They are KIDS - not adults - not young adults - KIDS! Small people with minimal wisdom and cognitive skills to think ahead about the consequences of their actions - this is why the big people MUST TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for *their* actions and monitor the little individual and train them to handle situations and grow up as a well-adjusted member of society - not as a welfare-sucking debt to that society who wants to slag off and steal from those who have a job with one hand and happily take booze and cigarette money with the other.

I was in a situation last Friday night that would have ruined my night out had I not forced myself to not get uptight about it.

I went out with some friends to a local food outlet to have some dinner. Note that this is a venue that people with classic cars go to at the end of the working week to relax and spend time with other people who share their passion, so there are vehicles moving around, albeit slowly, but still a danger to children.

WHERE in this is a small diner or the carpark where vehicles are moving, a playground for children under 10? If these kids want to play, why are they not at home with at least one of those people who created them? Do the parents think that they're the only ones who have worked all week and need a break? Hmmm... obviously NOBODY else in this world works besides them and we need to just tolerate their screaming shitrats as they ride their scooters around under the feet of everyone else.

I can also tell you that the ears of the parents pricked up the very second that I said something to one of the children. At least they had the common sense to dare not chastise me because I chose not to tolerate their laziness.

This is not being written by a child-hater by any means. Some parents out there take their responsibility very seriously and teach their children manners. I met one over Christmas that, as a 3yo, has better manners than some people I meet. Definitely a credit to her mother. In fact, she would be a child that you could almost take anywhere and know that she would behave. Again - something you can't expect from a lot of kids or even teenage-children, or even adult-age children nowadays.

Parents: Teach those manners AT HOME and have the kids USE those manners BEFORE you take them into public. Out in the world is where their BEST manners should be on display - not their worst. Your efforts will be appreciated far more than the laziness you exhibit when you allow them to run riot.

Be also aware - if *I* have to correct your child, I will also be more than happy to teach some manners to those that created them as well.


Nilk said...

All of the above is right, Jai.

I also believe that the social engineering of the lefties has a lot to answer for. After all, so much control is taken from the parents - kids are told their rights and not responsibilities.

They are considered able to leave home at 12,13,14 and get a living away from home allowance, and the parents cannot forcibly return them home.

Parents are not supposed to physically discipline their children (says she who told the checkout chick that she gave Magilla a black eye once just for fun LOL. It was worth it to see the poor girl nearly choke on her tongue!), yet are held accountable if said child gets out of hand.

And there has been a generation or two of parents who are never around. They have to work, so the bulk of the rearing falls upon childcare workers, teachers or grandparents.

And you can't supervise children all the time. They still need unsupervised play so they can develop an independent sense of self. Just in a secure yard and not on railway lines.

One of my cousins was killed by a train, but he was 18 and drunk, so while it is a tragedy, it was his own fault and nobody else's.

Jai Normosone said...

Lefties... Grr-rrr... Most of the lefties I meet aren't fit to be used for mulch - except for the shit that pours out of their heads!

True - kids cannot be supervised all of the time but they also cannot be supervised none of the time as these 3 obviously were.