Sunday, January 21, 2007

Recruitment Agencies #1

I can see this post as being the start of quite a few along these lines.

What I plan to do here is start naming and showing the homepage of Recruitment Agencies that operate here in Australia that claim to be "professional" in their business dealings but actually aren't and you should AVOID as a part of your business.

Here is a tip... One of the KEY elements of 'Business' is Business Communications. If you do not communicate with clients or staff then you are not achieving the most basic of elements required to operate effectively. If you intend to alienate potential clients then you would want to make sure that the capital for the business is limitless as your income will be, or should be, nil.

A lack of communication and basic courtesy definitely does NOT portray professionalism in any way, shape or form. In fact: Not making return contact with a potential client indicates laziness and apathy. It gives a general impression that your time & effort as a client isn't really worth much to anyone at that particular company and you can expect to always be regarded as an inconvenience. That is, unless you like paying for the privilege of being treated like the equivalent of pond scum.

It seems that so many companies seem to forget that the job applicant of today may be the employer of tomorrow - and you can trust me when I say that I possess a LONG memory when it comes to those who thought they could get away with bone-idle laziness and those who treated me with respect and extended basic courtesies.

As such, I am quite happy to display the banners and/or home pages of agencies that I consider to be inept and unreliable. For the sake of clarity: don't go whinging that you're going to sue me if you represent one of these companies. If you go broke, it will be due to your lack of business etiquette and acumen - it won't be because I advertised the fact.

In the case of recruitment agencies, they deal with people who are looking for work. Often these people are *real* professionals - they know how business communications and etiquette works and the value in treating clients with respect. As someone who practices simple courtesies when it comes to business communications, the following process is abhorrent to someone who wants to be a contributor to society rather than a debt:
- Submit an application for a role.
- Hear nothing back from the agency.
- Make contact with the agency.
- Being told "If we don't contact you then we didn't proceed with your application".

How can behaviour like this be regarded as anything but pathetic & unprofessional? Is it not a real indicator of a company with which you should not waste your valuable time? It is. I do not care for excuses about how much time it takes to contact someone or what your silly company policies say - the above is NOT acceptable behaviour for a company that wishes to stay in business. End of story!

Here are the first few....

First Choice Recruitment provide clever and insightful staffing solutions.

Offering trust and skills, coupled with in-house experience of more than forty years in the recruitment and human resource arena, our clients know us as experts in the field of permanent placements, temporary staff and part-time personnel.

Provide "clever" and "insightful" staffing solutions??

Offering "trust" and "skills"??

How? When?

How delusional do you have to be to think that you can make a claim like this about your business practices when you can't practice simple etiquette?

They may be experts at taking money from companies looking for staff but they are utterly incapable of treating clients with respect.

Perafel offers a comprehensive range of professional services for employers and job seekers.

With years of experience in the industry, we have built up a strong network of relationships and inside knowledge to help you find the best people, and roles, before the rest.
Yep - we've built up a very solid network of people that we can ignore when the mood takes us. We've even managed to associate ourselves with a substantial client base that are willing to be ignored by us over and over again.
Whether you require permanent staff, specialist consultants or are seeking a total recruitment solution, we have the knowledge, experience, and, most importantly, the quality candidates to match job seekers with businesses of all sizes.
Well... we have a bit of knowledge and experience but we don't really have that many "quality" candidates as we couldn't be bothered to contact them to let them know that they may have missed out on a role. That's their fault anyway - we can't be expected to pander to their insecurities about how their application is going.
It's all about selection. Each and every candidate is interviewed and tested. We use the latest software technology to gauge their skills, this compliments our consultants' ability to personally profile each one. We match software abilities and as importantly - character.
Oh yeah - we use all the latest software like Microsoft Word 1.0 and Windows 98 - and we have the very best in consultants to go with this cutting edge technology. Our specialist consultants are trained in the use of rotary-dial phones so that they can ignore all our clients equally.

We are considering changing our slogan from "People Helping People" to "Hire someone through us and you'll be getting someone about the same standard as our own staff: slack - idle - lazy."

M&T Resources is a leading provider of ICT contracting and permanent recruitment solutions. As a client or potential candidate, our commitment to you is based on the values of Reliability, Experience, Support, Performance, Energy, Commitment and Trust.
Trust?? Reliability?? Support?? Energy?? COMMITMENT???!!

I can tell you for a fact that NOBODY in the Brisbane office of M&T seems to understand what any of these qualities represent. Yet again, we have another company that has what they call a "Values Statement" that is intended to bullshit the world into thinking that they not only possess those value but that they practice them as well. HA!

To be fair, the centre of brilliant incompetence for M&T seems to be located in the Brisbane office. The office in Canberra bent over backwards to try and secure me a role. Of course, they too did not call me back when nothing was heard from the government department that didn't know if they really wanted someone to fill a role or if they wanted to flex the afternoon off.

When thinking of M&T, think: Brisbane's Leading Unit (of) Dim-witted Grotesquely-Egotistical Retarded Slackers or B.L.U.D.G.E.R.S.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Fucking Tent Merchants!

Sounds like a plan to me!

(article on
A SUNNI Muslim community group has called for all Australians, both Muslim and non-Muslim, to denounce outspoken cleric Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilali.

How's this for a 'denouncing'?

Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilali is a:


Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilali is a:


Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilali is a:


Do you think that is clear enough for him to understand? Oh... that's right - he's only lived here since 1982 and still cannot speak the language. I know for a fact that if I lived in his country (that's right - HIS country - the one where he should fucking stay! In other words: NOT THIS ONE!), I would have learned the language after 24 years!

In the television interview, the sheik labelled white Australians "liars" and said Muslims were more entitled to be in Australia than those with a convict heritage.

Really? Pray tell, please inform me of anything that Muslims have contributed to society other than an oppressive religion? What have you lot done to benefit Australia? Any other country in the world? I can tell you: "Bleeding the Social Security system dry because, as a follower of Mohammad, you're lazy, stupid and unemployable" does NOT count as being in the positive.

Responding to the criticism, Mr Howard said it was up to the Islamic community to show leadership on the issue, warning they risked embarrassment and hurt if the sheik was not reined in.

Too late. If there are good and decent people in the Islamic world, I'd like to meet some of them because I sure-as-shit haven't yet!

Darulfatwa today issued a statement saying it had fielded scores of calls from non-Muslim Australians angered by the sheik's comments, and received a number of complaints from Muslims who claimed they had been the target of discrimination.

Unfortunately, thanks to the efforts of professional LIAR, Sheik Taj al-Din al-Hilali, and his ability to act purely as an unelected political representative rather than a spiritual leader by saying what people want to hear, good and decent Muslims (there has to be some out there - surely....) will continue to be discriminated against by those who will take out the stupid acts of an individual against a group in society.

Darulfatwa has also increased their stock by several points by speaking out against this moron. Well done!

"The Hilali has again been a divisive figure in the community causing tensions between Muslim and non-Muslim Australians," Darulfatwa said.

No shit!

"Hilali is not a revered figure nor is he an Islamic representative to Australia's Muslims.

Then piss the stupid cunt off! (sorry about language) What's so hard to understand about that?? Revoke his passport? Leave him there with the other Camel Jockeys!

"Australian Muslims must take every opportunity to denounce the Hilali as their leader, including those at the Lebanese Muslim Association, while non-Muslims can support their fellow Muslim friends by not recognising or labelling the Hilali as a mufti to Australia's Muslim community."

Yeah... well... getting rid of the spastics who deem themselves to be religious leaders is the start. Next thing needed is a way to deal with the standard of journalism in this country. Oh... wait - I know just how to fix that....

(Thanks to The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler for the design.)

The sheik is on holiday in Egypt in what was supposed to be a self-imposed exile following comments he made late last year during a Ramadan speech at Sydney's Lakemba mosque.

Stay there, shit-for-brains.

He compared immodestly-dressed women to "uncovered meat" and said they were responsible for the sexual assaults they incur.

The sheik said his comments on Egyptian television were taken out of context.

He said the same about the media reports of his comments made at Lakemba mosque.

So.. which is it? Australian media got it wrong... Egyptian media got it wrong... Who got it right? Did those words mean something else? Was the punctuation wrong? Sounds more to me like my initial definition of this cocksucker was correct.

"I love Australia. I respect the Australian nationality, Australian society, the land of peace. Australia is the best country in the world."

I bet Sheik Donkey-Fucker wouldn't be saying that if he wasn't getting free money on the dole.

Mr Trad said his imam friend was a proud Australian.

So Mr Trad is a liar as well then?

Sheik Hilaly is likely to return to Australia later this week and confront a storm of protest from within and without the Muslim community.

I'd be asking Customs to give the Goat Scotum a full cavity search but I've got the feeling that this skirt-wearer would enjoy it a little bit too much.

Sheik Hilaly came to Australia in 1982 and was granted permanent residency in 1990.

There's a lottery that everyone lost on.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Get them outta there!

I'm with this bloke with regards to bringing the troops home (and most other things he puts on the sign outside his restaurant, Casa D'Ice, 1901 Lincoln Highway, North Versailles, PA 15137.

Of course, my interest in getting the troops out of Iraq isn't based on the same reasoning that the Moonbat Left use (do they even understand the concept of 'reason'? Seems to me that the Wannabe-Communists say that everyone is entitled to their opinion - but only when it concurs with their own!).

Simply put - I object to my tax monies being used to defend the rights of people who will only lose them again 15 seconds after the USA and everyone else pulls their troops out. These people only understand the way of the warlord and they tolerate it because they embrace it when it's their side that's reaping the benefits and crying foul when they're on the receiving end. Quite frankly, it's typical bronze age/schoolyard mentality that will never be fixed while the people in these countries want to embrace a primitive religion (ie: Islam) which allows them to act and behave in the lawless manner that they do.

There is only one thing that is consistent in these countries. They breed hate.

They breed hate for anything non-Muslim.
They breed hate for anything Western.
They breed their hate into their children.
They contribute NOTHING to the world except hate and oil.
They will not embrace a western-style 'civilisation' with what passes for democracy.

So... The solution....?

Close the borders.
Pull ALL the soldiers out. All the rebuilding efforts & people. Everything.
Have a demilitarised zone around the entire area. Any unauthorised vehicle by land, air or sea, entering or leaving: Stopped with extreme force.
Anyone trying to smuggle in anything that could make weapons - instant execution.
Anyone trying to smuggle anything out that may be a weapon - detonate it AND them together in the DMZ.

This way - soldiers aren't putting their lives at risk for a people that will slash their own throats before they show appreciation and the taxes of all the countries involved will be used on their own people instead of wasting BILLIONS on people who don't give a shit if you live or die, but would prefer you to die....

Absolutely NO emigration from these areas to civilised countries. If they can't get their own shit in a pile in their own country, what makes you think they're going to be able to do it anywhere else?

Finally, the Greens/Socialists/Lefties and all those assorted cocksuckers who seem to have little grasp of the reality of the dangers emanating from these countries thanks to their worship of a sadistic paedophile from history - THEY can live in the DMZ and they can spend their money from the jobs they have and see how grateful the people of the region are when it's theirmoney on the line. Considering how few of these people have houses, jobs or anything resembling a work ethic, they won't last long without their bongs and their dole money.
Oh yeah - any attacks, either by force or verbal, on the soldiers protecting the borders - met with the same deadly force that any potential escapee may have.

I'm not preaching death or hate or calling for an eradication of people from the Middle East - I'm just saying that they should keep their brand of hate in their own part of the world and not export it to people who aren't involved and don't want to be involved.

Oh yes - one final point. Any bullet - any rocket - any bomb - any attack whatsoever on the state of Israel and the Jews - met with a 100-fold response on random targets. I don't give a shit that it may seem unfair - it's about time these people grew-the-fuck-up and took responsibility for their actions instead of blaming everything on the media and the west.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

The 12-year itch??

I found this while scouring the news sites today...

It's another one of those opinion pieces that talks about relationships and everything else that goes wrong when males & females try to coexist when they're too rigid in their thinking. I've reproduced the piece in full as the link will probably be cut in a week or so.

Look out for 12-year itch boys
January 04, 2007 12:00am

TRADITIONALLY it may be the man who gets on bended knee and asks The Question but statistically it is the woman who 12 years later decides she's had enough and files for divorce.

Married couples - like smokers - are becoming a minority in a world where divorce affects about one in every three couples. According to a new report it is still the woman who initiates separation, while men tick the "I don't know" box as to why their marriage ended.

A University of Queensland study examined the gender differences between men and women and found women were not only more likely to initiate separation - they were also more inclined to cite more reasons for the breakdown.

Cue the cartoon of the baffled man shrugging his shoulders while his weary wife packs her bags, according to Relationships Australia's Anne Hollonds, who admits it might be a stereotypical image but one defined by statistics.

"It is hard to generalise because every situation is different but sometimes if a woman is taking action it is a sign she has been thinking about it for a while and she is ready, which can then take the bloke by surprise," she explains.

"That can then make it harder for him in that he doesn't feel in control, and then there is sadness and bitterness and anger on both sides."

The $3 billion wedding industry is a moneyspinner that is not going out of fashion anytime soon. Despite the cold, hard statistics men are still asking the question and women are still saying yes -- 100,000 couples every year say "I do".

But on average about 12 years later 64 per cent of women will start divorce proceedings.

The "It's not you - it's me" rationalisation dolled out to stunned men might be an easy way out but the University of Queensland academics conclude that, in some circumstances, the woman is not walking away because she is unhappy - but because the marriage is making her husband or her children miserable.

"Thus it appears that wives' greater monitoring of and responsibility for the quality of relationships paradoxically extends to taking responsibility for ending the marriage in circumstances where they perceive that their husband or children are being adversely affected," the densely worded report reads.

Ms Hollonds translates that to meaning women are still the caretakers of a relationship - even if that caretaking comes in the guise of guiding the demise of the marriage.

"Women are more likely to be the initiators for counselling, they are more likely to ring for a doctor for their husband; they are more likely to take action," Ms Hollonds said.

"It goes back to what is traditionally the woman's role; they are the ones who take control, to do things for the family is seen as women's work.

"This isn't to suggest that the men are completely happy, but women are more likely to be active around the issue of what is happening to the marriage because they are more familiar with the role.

"Men work longer hours or drink more with their mates rather than deal with the reality of what is happening, whereas women are more able to face facts and that requires a lot of thought and planning.

"Sometimes they have to do things on their own because things have deteriorated to such an extent that they can't engage their partner and he can remain in denial. That's why some men say they had no idea what was happening."

Women are twice as likely as men to initiate separation, according to the report, and are happier in following years, with the research indicating the spouse who initiated the break-up has a more positive attitude to divorce, is more able to articulate why the marriage ended and can see more alternatives.

Clinical psychologist Grant Brecht said it can come down to classic lack of communication with women analysing relationships to pieces with their friends while the husbands then miss their emotional cues.

"Sometimes the women will then communicate from an emotional state and the men will then write it off as them being emotional," he said.

"In more cases than not, men - no matter what they say - make their priority work and they will put in long hours where females are often left to organise socialising. Women will put more effort into nesting and trying to make relationships working while they are organising dinner parties and feeding and bathing the kids."

A recent Relationships Australia survey found when it comes to improving a relationship, men tended to nominate unoriginal actions such as "doing nice things" and "cooking", while women picked more practical measures like "trying to get issues out in the open".

Ironically the same survey found only 10 per cent of couples surveyed were worried about the future of their relationship, 22 per cent were "not very worried" and 68 per cent were "not at all worried".

So despite the sour statistics, rose-coloured relationship beginnings still have roots in optimism - either that or denial.

Author unknown.

I went to post a reply to the article but it seems that it is limited to 1,200 characters. I don't think I can write anything that short anymore....

In any case - feel free to tell me I'm wrong if you disagree. I'm always wrong anyway when it comes to a disagreement with a female - I'm used to it.

I have a theory (it may be wrong seeing as I'm an eternal bachelor and can think for myself).

Look at the relationships of people you've known & met over the years - what is something that is consistent in relationships in various age groups?

Young blokes: find a bird that will give him the sex he wants and he will be happy to float along and be content being with her until there is a threat that she's going to leave whereupon he will make a move. This move may be any one of the following: moving in together; getting engaged; getting married; having kids; taking an overseas holiday; buying a house together. Any one of these things or more and not necessarily in this order.

What does it tell you... It says that a bloke can find contentment and stability very easily. Of course, it also indicates that your average Aussie bloke is quick to take the woman for granted.

When does the bloke make a move? When the woman is getting itchy about their "relationship".

What does *this* tell you? It says that women, by and large, need to have progression in their lives. Something to keep the juices flowing (so to speak) and keep the relationship alive. There needs to be change: home renovations; career; engagements; marriage; kids; things to keep one's mind active and interesting. Of course, having a few kids also means having no time to be bored or to think about the relationship going nowhere unless the bloke is one of these typical cowards who thinks it's OK to beat up on a woman.

It all comes back to stability trying to cohabitate with change. If one member of the pairing gets slack and doesn't put their fair share in, the other *WILL* notice and people know that life is too short to hang around and waste your time with someone who doesn't think the way the partner does.

Then it delves into the area of legal theft where the "justice" system (term used VERY loosely) is heavily weighed against the bloke and he could face all sorts of penalties depending on how rabid the woman wants to be when she leaves - particularly if there are kids involved.

The solution...

Blokes: think with big head instead of little head and wonder if you're up to the challenge of keeping life interesting for someone who will change the 'rules' at every opportunity. Just because you do something good in 1998 - it's not going to carry you through until the day you die.

Women: Be a bit more selective about who you let into your beds. My observations show that young women all want the pretty little bad boys with their tiny little tattoos and their pretend 'attitude' who will treat you like dirt and not like a lady (then again, not many women act like ladies now anyway...).

It seems that those of us who get our acts together and have a few houses, few debts, a business, can run our lives and haven't gone in for the one-night-stand routine aren't wanted until that old biological clock starts ticking and suddenly the useless bad boy with no brains and no future isn't that great a catch anymore. Well, guess what - you leave us sitting on the sidelines for long enough, we work out that most of the women out there aren't worth finding after you've been through that emotional wringer a few times.

The REAL solution....

Blokes: GROW UP! Don't buy that stupid 6-cylinder clunker with the big exhaust or spend huge amounts of money on toy cars. Spend the money on your future and invest. Have some self-discipline and train yourself to treat others with respect and honour and one day you might actually grow up to be a 'man'.

Women: Have some self-respect and don't reward the cretins of this world by giving them the goodies they desire betwixt your thighs when they haven't worked for it. Hint: Using the "when in Rome" theory and becoming a drug-taking drunkard like most blokes out there DOESN'T make you a catch except for someone with bloody low standards. Stand up for yourselves. Be strong and independent and don't expect the world to change constantly to keep *you* happy.

What does the fault boil down to? Laziness. Sloth. Apathy. Both men and women in this country practice it and things will never get better while you indulge.

If you think that I'm just a rambling idiot in the darkness - check out some articles by Doug Giles. Makes damn good sense this bloke. I reckon that any bloke that earns the hand of one of his daughters in the future will have earned it and will get a smart, articulate, independent and extremely desirable woman in his life.

Girls get RAW

*sniff* - It's news stories like this that bring a tear to my eye. A tear of joy, that is.

EXCITED chatter echoes through a room filled with young women. Clutching bags of ammunition, they are bursting to get outside and get their hands on a gun at the Madden Rifle Range at Belmont, in Brisbane's east.
They're there as part of Brisbane City Council's Real Adventure Women (RAW) activities program.

The Women Take Aim shooting activity gives women the chance to use several different guns – including shotguns, pistols and rifles – to shoot targets at the shooting range.

One of the group leaders, Stacey Wedlock, 23, says that when she first came to the range a year ago with her friend Megan Cottan, there were about 40 women, around half the present turnout. "It has just exploded. A lot of people who had been before have brought friends. That's how it has started to build," she says.


"We didn't know what to expect – at first we thought it would be a bunch of rednecks," Wedlock says, adding that she and Cottan decided not to tell anyone where they were going.

And isn't that the usual story. People in this society have so many preconceived notions about something that they won't allow themselves to experience it so that they can find out for themselves.

There is SO much misinformation out there that is propagated by what is termed to be the "Gun Control" crowd. Here's a hint: The people who run the target-shooting clubs and organisations like the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and the National Rifle Association, or NRA, in America are the TRUE proponents of gun control. These organisations seek to teach and educate and to remove firearms from the possession of those who seek to do harm to others. The leftie-losers who claim to be the "gun control" crowd are actually gun prohibitionists - they want everyone to be disarmed, to not have an interest in something that they don't find interesting, to not develop a skill that they could never master, and to be at the mercy of the lawless.

But they enjoyed their first experience so much they decided to do it again with a large group of friends.

Wedlock is now a RAW leader, spends weekends at the rifle range and after undergoing training has applied to get her firearms licence.

Most Sporting Shooters Association of Aust (Qld) members are males, but president Don Ruwoldt says the proportion of females is significant.

There are around 35 females aged between 11 and 18, 45 between 18 and 25, 120 between 25 and 35 and around 600 over 35.

So... average-type women go along to a range to try out something new - they think they're going to be around beer-swilling morons and will be attacked BUT they actually find it to be interesting, fun, challenging and the people there to be quite normal and personable as well? Fancy that.

But shooting is also proving to be popular choice for young women.

Women can benefit from RAW activities says Duffield, because they are able to challenge themselves without committing to the ongoing membership of a club.

In addition, it's a great opportunity to meet new people and be physically active in the outdoors.

"Research from Griffith University shows people become energised and have a feeling of self accomplishment and enjoyment," she says.

According to Duffield the program was designed to encourage women to try activities in a safe and supportive environment.

She said anecdotal information had shown it resulted in a lifestyle change for many women, in that they furthered their participation in the sport once they have given it a go, often by going directly into the club.

So... women are finding it challenging and exciting? That is good. It will also build your confidence and knowledge in areas that will benefit you in other areas of your life. Please, don't try to use the excuse of "I don't want to get hit on by the blokes out there..." because if you go to work, a pub or club, a gymnasium or even a shopping centre, you'll get hit on there just as much or even more.

For information on RAW activities, visit
Next shooting day: Feb 3, Madden Shooting Range, 292 Mt Petrie Rd, Belmont, 8am-3.30pm. Contact Don Ruwoldt,

I would also suggest you contact the local chapter of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia and learn the truth about firearms from people who know rather than from someone who wouldn't know which end to hold.

Do you go to an astronomer to learn how to build a house? Do you go to a plumber to get a database management system implemented in a business? NO. So why go to a member of the Great Unwashed to learn about a subject of which they know NOTHING?

Burst cocaine condom kills man

Every once in a while, a bit of good news comes along....

A QUEENSLAND man died after a condom full of cocaine burst in his stomach during a flight to Australia from Thailand.

The man had swallowed 37 condoms containing the drug, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) said .

A 26-year-old female alleged to have taken part in the smuggling operation was said to have swallowed 28 condoms containing cocaine.

The man, who has not been named, arrived on a flight into Brisbane from Thailand on December 20.

He became ill and was rushed to Prince Charles Hospital where he had surgery but died on December 27.

The AFP said it was believed the man had overdosed after one of the condoms ruptured.


Oh yes - I know - It's not very charitable to wish such a painful and gruesome death on my fellow man but, gosh darn it, what sort of life was he wishing on his fellow man (and woman)? You know - the kinds of lives that not only destroy that of the taker but oh-so many around them.

To me, this is just a damn good start. May there be many more deaths in the coming year of drug-traffickers, drug-dealers and those is power who accept the gratuities to cover up the practices and not act upon them.

I won't wish for numerous deaths of actual users - I wish for them to get better and to realise that there is *much* more to life than escapism.

If only I could start my campaign of "Swing a Dealer a Day" with a public hanging in every capital city of a convicted dealer until there are none left.

Boy shot after egging SUV

Police: Boy, 14, fatally shot after egging SUV
POSTED: 1407 GMT (2207 HKT), December 3, 2006

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A 14-year-old boy who was throwing eggs at cars along with two other teenagers was shot and killed by someone who had been in a sport utility vehicle that was hit, police said.

Danny Crawford was killed by a gunshot wound to his upper body, Franklin County Coroner Brad Lewis said. He died in an alley on the city's west side early Saturday, authorities said.

The teens were throwing eggs at cars when an SUV that was struck chased them, Detective Tim Huston said. The vehicle stopped and several gunshots were fired, he said.

Police were looking for the shooter, who fled in the SUV, Sgt. Dana Norman said. The SUV believed to be involved was found a short time later near where Crawford died.

The other teens were not hurt, police said.

Many who know me know that I openly dislike SUV's (also known as 4-Wheel-Drives). Actually, it's not the vehicles I dislike - I quite like them - it's the DICKHEADS who buy them and don't use them for the purpose for which they were built - to go places that standard cars can't.

Anyway, I won't go into this now....

The point I will make though is about the ever-increasing number of youngsters who somehow think that, as a child and being a subsequent parasite off their parents until they get a job and contribute to society, they have rights resembling those of myself. THEY DO NOT!!

A child has the right to be seen and not heard. A child also has a right to an upbringing that will not see them emerge into society as a criminal - this includes the right of supervision and control from it's parents.

A child does NOT have the right to act lawlessly and then state to whomever they've assaulted that they have rights and the person can't give them the kick in the arse that they deserve.

Of course, I don't really support the idea of shooting kids (not all of them, anyway - some of them *do* deserve something resembling an 55th-trimester abortion though). Sorry - that was out of line to my pro-life friends and those with kids but there really are some teens that are better off becoming fertiliser than a member of society. Some people even used to say that about me! (the upside being that you wouldn't be reading my shit had they been successful :)

Basically, people need to remind kids that if they choose to break the law and disrespect other people in society - they are those out there who can not only break the law better than they can, the results can often be far worse for the individual who didn't expect the reception they got for their efforts.

Simple solution: If you have kids (and this is NOT directed to friends of mine who I know to be good parents) - raise the little bastards to have some respect. You can also do your job of not expecting the rest of the world to be your babysitter just because you decided to get lazy.

Do your job or you can spend another 9 months making a replacement if the kid has so little value in your life that you'll let it run wild.

Idiot Transportation "Solutions"

Why is it that the road toll in Queensland is higher now than it has ever been yet there is just one knee-jerk reaction from the political "leaders" after another rather than addressing the issues instead of trying to solve the problem when it could have been avoided in the first place?

This is an entry in response to an article in The Crappier Mail last week.
Oh yes... As per usual, we have the "Premier" of Queensland out there making statements about issues he knows NOTHING about.

I will say that I agree with the confiscation of vehicles of serial offenders, to claim that speeding and young people (of which I am *not* one of either group) are the core group dying on the roads is displaying his ignorance yet again.

There are already laws in place that are there to make the roads safer but are they enforced? NO!
There are methods that are tried and tested overseas and work exceptionally well - but are they considered or adapted to this country? NO!
There are psychological means to make people choose to obey the laws willingly as a member of a forward-thinking society, but are they considered or used? NO!
There is the option of education programs and retesting of existing operators (of motor vehicles) out there to prevent people dying *before* the fact, but is this considered or used? NO!
Are speed cameras primarily located around schools, shopping centres, roadworks and other areas where steel-on-flesh is more likely to destroy a life than steel-on-steel? NO!
Is the value of the life of your child, sister, brother, mother, cousin, friend or neighbour worth more than the value of a fine to the state budget? NO!
Are mobile speed units being deployed in a fashion that enhances the work of the police in trying to save lives? NO!
Are all road rules being enforced instead of just those that are profitable to the budget? NO!
Are those who intentionally cause issues on the roads being charged as conspirators to commit murder? NO!
Are people who wield vehicles like weapons treated the same way as someone who walks down the street with a gun (even an unloaded one)? NO!

So... what *is* being done by the Beattie Government (or the NSW, Victorian, Tasmanian, South Australian, Western Australian & NT governments for that matter) to try and reduce the carnage on the roads?


It is just the same old knee-jerk reaction and the usual running to the media spruking how good they are performing when their efforts are nothing short of piss-poor.

How about the state Transport Ministers and their respective "Premiers" get about doing the goddamn job instead of making the roads safer for all instead of treating the public like expendable cash-cows? How about they concentrate their energies on serving the people and making the state better instead of standing behind podiums & in front of cameras saying "God, I'm good! Vote for me - I'm really not here to line my pockets - honest injun!"

The other option.... Make me Transport Minister for Queensland and I will halve the road toll in a year! Why? I can make the hard decisions; I know what needs to be done; I refuse to toe the line set down by union bosses and don't care if the public vote for me next time around. Your work ethic and results should speak for themselves.

In other words - the Politicians of this country should grow a pair.

Very true.
The politicians of this country *do* need to grow a pair if they are to have any part in reducing the needless deaths on the road. I guess this is the idealist in me.... thinking that peoples lives are worth more than budget-balancing fines and the best way to save money on aged care is to kill the populace off before they get old enough to need it.

And yet, while action is slow, nay, non-existent on some issues - when it comes to the political party of choice for the wannabe-communists, the Premier of Queensland will go in balls-and-all with intimidation tactics to reclaim monies that a candidate may have been entitled should she have remained a socialist but is required to return the money when the wishes of the Union Bosses cannot be pandered to as a priority.

Then we have a typically corrupt judge, Marcus Einfeld (as is the way of the Australian "legal" system) who is breaking the law; lying about it; still claiming a position of respect in society; and feigning disgust and persecution because somebody dared to criticize him over his behaviour.

"So what if I did lie about not being behind the wheel of that car? I was only a little bit drunk. I'm a judge! I judge you, not the other way around! I am entitled to special privileges - even if that includes lying about a dead woman being the driver of my car when I got caught driving dangerously. How dare you criticize me?"

Only to be met with yet another knee-jerk reaction of banning P-Platers from using mobile phones while driving. So it's OK for learner drivers to have mobile phones? It's OK for that diminutive woman in her never-seen-offroad 2-tonne, four-wheel-drive, chunk-of-shit, oversized-station-wagon to use a mobile phone? How about actually enforcing the laws in place already for the use of mobile phones in cars?

I'm not a p-plater and haven't been for many years but I can tell you for certain that there are bigger issues on the road than learner-drivers and p-platers - and a lot of it comes from the UTTER ARROGANCE of people in this country to operate a motor vehicle with their heads planted firmly up their arseholes while cruising the right lane of any given motorway.

Ban the Burqa

This was on CNN on November 17, 2006.
THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) -- The Dutch government, facing re-election next week, said Friday it plans to draw up legislation "as soon as possible" banning the head-to-toe garment known as burqas and other clothing that covers the entire face in public places.

The announcement puts the Netherlands, once considered one of Europe's most welcoming nations for immigrants and asylum seekers, at the forefront of a general European hardening of attitudes toward Muslim minorities.

"The Cabinet finds it undesirable that face-covering clothing -- including the burqa -- is worn in public places for reasons of public order, security and protection of citizens," Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk said in a statement.

"From a security standpoint, people should always be recognizable and from the standpoint of integration, we think people should be able to communicate with one another," Verdonk told national broadcaster NOS.


Amsterdam's mayor, Job Cohen, of the opposition Labor party, said he would like to see burqas disappear, though he did not advocate a ban.

"From a viewpoint of integration and communication, naturally it's very bad," he told reporters. "You can't speak with each other if you can't see each other, so in that sense, I'd say myself the less (it's worn), the better."


In Holland, policies associated with the nationalist fringe in 2002 have been co-opted by the center: holding asylum-seekers in detention centers, more muscle for the police and intelligence services, and visa examinations that require would-be immigrants to watch videos of homosexuals kissing and of topless women on the beach. Everyone must learn to speak Dutch, and Muslim clerics must mind what they say in their Friday sermons for fear of deportation.


The city of Utrecht has cut some welfare benefits to unemployed women who insist on wearing burqas to job interviews. The city claimed the women were using the burqa to avoid working, since they knew they would not be hired.

It's just that I've heard nothing more about it since the article which, I assume, would have provoked an outpouring of abuse and name-calling from the Great Unwashed (the left -- same diff. The crowd of moonbats that believe that Islam is the Religion of Peace as opposed to what it really is: the Cult of the Paedophile).

I guess I'm also too lazy to do a simple search....