Thursday, January 04, 2007

Burst cocaine condom kills man

Every once in a while, a bit of good news comes along....

A QUEENSLAND man died after a condom full of cocaine burst in his stomach during a flight to Australia from Thailand.

The man had swallowed 37 condoms containing the drug, the Australian Federal Police (AFP) said .

A 26-year-old female alleged to have taken part in the smuggling operation was said to have swallowed 28 condoms containing cocaine.

The man, who has not been named, arrived on a flight into Brisbane from Thailand on December 20.

He became ill and was rushed to Prince Charles Hospital where he had surgery but died on December 27.

The AFP said it was believed the man had overdosed after one of the condoms ruptured.


Oh yes - I know - It's not very charitable to wish such a painful and gruesome death on my fellow man but, gosh darn it, what sort of life was he wishing on his fellow man (and woman)? You know - the kinds of lives that not only destroy that of the taker but oh-so many around them.

To me, this is just a damn good start. May there be many more deaths in the coming year of drug-traffickers, drug-dealers and those is power who accept the gratuities to cover up the practices and not act upon them.

I won't wish for numerous deaths of actual users - I wish for them to get better and to realise that there is *much* more to life than escapism.

If only I could start my campaign of "Swing a Dealer a Day" with a public hanging in every capital city of a convicted dealer until there are none left.


Anonymous said...

I can tell you this was not good news to this man's family who will deal with this for the rest of their lives.

Jai Normosone said...

Yes, it is unfortunate for the family of the individual involved.

Had the moron been less self-absorbed and more inclined to listen to those who cared about him - he would still be alive today.

He made the decision.
He chose to traffic the drugs.
He chose to swallow the condoms of drugs.
He was old enough to take responsibility for his actions.
It was HIS duty to HIS family to not indulge in such stupidity.

I refuse to feel remorse for his family because he chose to traffic in death and died because of it. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Anonymous said...

why a condom though?
i don't get why he used condoms...

Jai Normosone said...

Sorry - that is a question I cannot answer. I figure that the thought process would be:

- "Well... I can wrap my pecker in one of these and not get too many diseases from those Thai prostitutes, so I reckon that I should be able to pack it full of drugs and subject it to one of the strongest acids about and it should come out fine."

It ranks up there with:

- "Hey - these drugs are so cool and can give me brain damage and kills stupid bastards -- but I ain't one of them. Let me at it!"