Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another whinging fucking towelhead

Well, yet again we have another story in the media about someone being put into prison for good reason and the shithead crim starts crying about "human rights".

Supreme Court Reviews Muslim Inmate's Allegations of Harassment in Prison

Monday, October 29, 2007

WASHINGTON — A Muslim inmate says prisoners around the country are regularly mistreated by their jailers because of religious faith. The Supreme Court is considering his case Monday.

The issue in the inmate's lawsuit is whether he can sue prison officials for allegedly confiscating two copies of his Quran and his prayer rug.

Abdus-Shahid M.S. Ali, a convicted murderer, says the books and rug are among the personal items that have been missing since 2003, when he was moved from a federal penitentiary in Atlanta to a facility at Inez, Ky.


Ali is serving a sentence of 20 years to life in prison for committing first-degree murder in the District of Columbia.

Somehow they, and their do-gooder supporters, seem to forget that the reason they're in prison in the first place is because they deprived someone else of their rights. In this case, the piece of shit whinging this time is there for murder. OK - so I use the term "piece of shit" because he is a Muslim more than anything because I wouldn't mind betting that when he committed the murder, he probably felt justified in doing it. Note that this is first-degree murder.
Screw the rights of the victim is the impression I get here.

Muslim inmates have been subjected to "very hard times and bad treatment" at the hands of federal, state and local prison employees because of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Ali says in court papers.

So, is he saying that non-Muslim inmates have it easy in prison? Considering the definitive class society that exists in prison, I would suggest that life is tough all round for everyone in prison as far as it goes with treatment from other convicts. With all the "human rights" that inmates are granted - many of which are NOT available to the homeless or even the average joe in society as repayment for breaking the law - the treatment from the Watchers would be the least of ones worries.

It seems as though "the many prison employees think that they can hurt you best taking your personally owned property," Ali wrote.

Ali added that because he has "practiced his faith to the fullest" he has been subjected to prison officials repeatedly confiscating and destroying his legal and religious property.

He said he has been harassed for his religious beliefs "year after year" in both the District of Columbia Department of Corrections and the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

Ali says the items he turned over to prison officers in Atlanta for shipment never arrived at Inez.

In the Supreme Court, the question is whether federal prison officials qualify as law enforcement officers and are therefore exempt from suit under the Federal Tort Claims Act of 1946. The statute bars liability claims against law enforcement officers involved in detaining property. Two lower federal courts ruled against Ali.

Besides the two copies of the Quran and the prayer rug, Ali is missing stamps and other personal items worth $177 that he says weren't sent along to Big Sandy penitentiary in Kentucky.

Let me think about this for just a second.

It is truly a bad thing to judge someone on the colour of their skin, hair, looks and race, because, quite honestly, how someone looks doesn't dictate the kind of person they are and how they will behave. It is commonplace here to suggest that if someone is from New Zealand or is of aboriginal descent then there are 3 things that you cannot give them: A fat lip, a black eye, and a job. This is actually incorrect as I know quite a few people from both groups that have much higher personal standards than a lot of white trash that live in this country.

Where the difference comes in is the beliefs that a person may have.

If a group of people read Mein Kampf and believe in the ideals contained therein, then that makes their behaviour a constant. Similarly, if a group of people of various races read a text glorifying the practices of a war-mongering paedophile who decries death and destruction to non-believers, and the reader declares that they're a firm believer in that text - does that not dictate that they are someone to be wary of, regardless of the fact of whether they wear a sheet on their head or not?

So - a people not of this "religion" who believe in plurality and acceptance are attacked and 3000+ like-minded (ie: accepting) people are killed simply because they don't adhere to the 'prophetic' teachings of the hateful misogynist, I think it is exceedingly easy to comprehend why the book that reaffirms this hate might be thrown into a furnace and a blanket that facilitates the prayer might be used for the dogs to lay upon at night.

The solution is has many simple and easy-to-follow steps:
- Don't plan and carry out a murder and then claim hardship when caught.
- Don't openly follow a "religion" that preaches hate towards the people in the country in which you live.
- Don't openly follow a "religion" whose proponents dance in the street when cowardly attacks kill 3000+ people in an attack in that country in which you live.
- Secure those "Human Rights" in the countries that is predominantly that "religion" and then you can whinge and complain about minor inconveniences in the country in which you reside (and commit crime).

In other words: I'll gladly burn your knee rag and your book of hate while your double standards continue to drive the cowardly, French-like do-gooders into dictating how I live in my country!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dumb black fellas

Oh wow... like "DUH!" Anyone with any inkling of knowing what it's like to work for something just to see another person come along and be handed all manner of additional privileges simply because they claimed a minority status.

Nothing makes the blood boil quite like slogging your guts out just to be passed over thanks to some rich arsewipe or a half-witted bureaucrat who want to grant favours to relatives or friends. It goes without saying that with Australia about to go to a federal election in just over a month that, if Labor gets in, the favours that will be granted to the union bosses (more bludgers!) will make your head spin.

As a sidebar - Just in case anyone confuses me for a Liberal Party supporter: it is more a case of being a hater of the Labor party rather than a supporter of anyone else. The Labor Party, by and large, exist PURELY to create jobs for the boys and to enact a policy of "Do as I say, not as I do!" This has been proven time and again by every Labor government in this country for far too many years.

Anyway - back to the topic of giving Black Americans* extra favours based simply on their skin colour....

[* = they are "BLACK Americans" - NOT "African Americans" - NOT unless they were born IN Africa and became citizens and then emigrated to the USA! Actually - they're just plain old "Americans" - just like everyone else that is a citizen of the country. How about everyone stop trying to make themselves into a down-trodden minority and looking for ways to get special treatment from everyone else?]

State Bar of California, Civil Rights Group Spar Over Affirmative Action

Monday, October 15, 2007

By William LaJeunesse

Does affirmative action work? An explosive study that suggests it does not is pitting the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights against the State Bar of California in a battle over admissions data that could determine once and for all if racial preferences help or hurt minority students.

"Currently only about one in three African-Americans who goes to an American law school passes the bar on the first attempt and a majority never become lawyers at all," says UCLA law professor Richard Sander.

In an article published in the Stanford Law Review, Sander and his research team concluded several thousand would-be black lawyers either dropped out of law school or failed to pass the bar because of affirmative action.

Known as the ‘mismatch’ effect, Sander claims students who are unprepared and whose academic credentials are below the median are admitted to law schools they are unqualified to attend. If those same students instead were to go to less elite or competitive schools, more would graduate, pass the bar and become lawyers.

So if I understand correctly what is being said: They're saying that if you lower the standards to get onto the difficult & challenging career paths for certain people then more of those people are going to fail because they can't handle the difficult & challenging part. GENIUS!

Hey, while we're at it - let's get that minority of dwarves (all 7 of them, even) into the NBL. I mean, they won't make it on their own merits, so let's just put them there anyway so that they can prove that they can do the job.

What's that? They can't do the job? You racist! What did the pudgy, short-arse, singing dwarf population do to you that you have to be elitist and want to exclude them from opportunities that everyone else can have? Oooohhh... that's right - they're not being excluded because of some pre-conceived BULLSHIT notion that it's their skin colour or fatness or singing - it's because the little shits are NOT UP TO THE JOB!!

Similarly -- if a member of a minority is being excluded, in todays world, from embarking on a particular career path - chances are that it's because THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO DO THE JOB!!

Do we send skinny Asian girls out on road games to swing sledge-hammers or drive heavy machinary? NO! It's not because they're Asian - it's because they aren't physically able to do the work (ignoring the fact that most cannot drive to save their lives anyway - and that IS because they're Asian! Go on... prove me wrong...)

Lowering the standards for black Americans to get into law only panders to the notion that the standards have to be lower because we white folk think they're dumb - and THAT is truly insulting.

Friday, October 05, 2007

About bloody time!


Three cheers for the judiciary! (Finally)

A murderer got his just desserts after sitting in prison for 20 years when he should have been put to death when the sentence was passed!

Court 'closed', inmate executed
From correspondents in Washington

October 04, 2007 07:50am

* Court refuses to stay open to hear appeal
* Inmate Michael Richard subsequently executed
* Local media outraged by attitude of court

A TEXAS death-row inmate was executed after a local court refused to stay open an extra 20 minutes to hear an appeal.

At 10am on September 25, the US Supreme Court announced it would review in early 2008 an appeal by two Kentucky death row inmates challenging the legality of the lethal injection.

The same day, Michael Richard, 48, was due to receive the deadly cocktail at 6pm in southern Texas for the rape and murder of a woman in 1986.

His attorneys said they rushed to draft an appeal to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the state's highest court for criminal cases.

At 4.50pm, the lawyers called the court to ask it to remain open 20 more minutes after they were stalled by a computer malfunction.

"We close at five,'' was the response from the court clerk, a quote widely reported by local media.

In a last-ditch effort, Richard's attorneys took their case to the Supreme Court, which remains open for executions.

The legal move delayed the execution by a few hours, but since the convict did not file his appeal with a local court first, his arguments were not accepted in Washington.

The execution went ahead that evening and Richard was declared dead at 8.23pm.

It's quite easy to see that the writer of this article is some anti-death penalty do-gooder. Obviously they've never known anyone close to them to be raped or murdered.

The court's behaviour angered a leading Texas daily newspaper, the Dallas Morning News, which expressed outrage in an editorial entitled "We Closed at 5".

"Hastening the death of a man, even a bad one, because office personnel couldn't be bothered to bend bureaucratic procedure was a breathtakingly petty act and evinced a relish for death that makes the blood of decent people run cold,'' the newspaper said.

This has to be one time when I say that I love bureaucracy. It's just a shame that the same bureaucracy is what was responsible for this person being allowed to remain alive for another 20 years while his victim could not.

Justice needs to be swift and sure and seen to be done. In this case it was seen to be sure - now all they need to do is work on the other 2 requirements and the crime rate might actually go down.

Can't even buy a pig from a Muslim

Yeah - it's a bit late but I just found this article about Muslims who get jobs in shops and then refuse to touch certain products while suggesting that it somehow insults their religion.

Target shifts Muslims who won’t ring up pork

Department stores in Minn. reassign some cashiers over religious conflict
Updated: 12:14 a.m. ET March 18, 2007

MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.


Islam teaches that pigs are unclean and eating pork is a sin, and some Muslims feel selling or handling pork is also forbidden because it would make them complicit in the sins of others.

Damn straight! I don't give a shit if you don't like what I'm buying. I am there in that store to buy a product that I wish to purchase and you, ask a checkout-monkey, have no right nor say in the matter on what I purchase.

I was going to say that if the cultist types don't like it then they can quit but I'd almost do what I can to prevent that happening since it is bloody rare to see a Muslim with a job. All of the Islamic types that I see around the place are on welfare and seemingly expect my taxes to pay for their bludging, whinging, anti-western lifestyles (while living in the west).

Collision of work and faith.

As the local Muslim population grows, fueled by immigration from East African countries such as Somalia, efforts by Muslims to live by the rules of their faith often come into conflict with the realities of the American workplace.

Disputes over how employers should accommodate prayer times surface from time to time, and there’s an ongoing dispute involving cab drivers who serve Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport—many of whom are Muslim—who refuse to take passengers who are carrying alcohol.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission is expected to vote in April on a proposal that would hand out 30-day license suspensions to cabbies who refuse service for any reason, with a second refusal leading to a two-year revocation.

I love that bit. Just like a checkout operator who thinks that they have the right to tell you what you can and cannot buy because of their worship of a paedophile - some shithead cab driver thinks that he can refuse your fare because you're carrying an unopened container of liquor.

It makes me want to get a bag of pigshit that will leak everywhere in the boot when placed in there just to annoy the cretin.

Worker walks over issue
Muse Dahir told the AP this past week he quit his job at the Sam’s Club in Bloomington after he was transferred from another position to cashiering and was ordered to ring up pork purchases.

Fuck it... the only Muslim out there with a legitimate job that he didn't get through his family - and he quits... :(

He said it doesn’t matter if the pork product is packaged. “Even if you just sell it to someone, you break a promise to Allah,” he said.

FUCK ALLAH!!! If that piss-poor excuse for a deity was really all-powerful, why are there pigs in the first place?

You stupid pack of c*nts!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Burqa-bomber hides identity

I can't say that I'm surprised about this.

Burqa-bomber kills 13 in Pakistan
By Saad Khan in Peshawar

October 01, 2007 04:11pm

A SUICIDE bomber wearing a woman's burqa struck at a police checkpost in northwestern Pakistan today, killing at least 13

people and wounding 20 others.

The blast happened on the outskirts of Bannu, a key garrison town near Pakistan's troubled tribal areas bordering

Afghanistan where the army is battling al-Qaeda and Taliban militants.


"A man disguised in a burqa got out of an auto-rickshaw when police stopped the vehicle for a search. He then blew himself

up, killing at least 13 people,'' police officer Asar Islam said.


Police sources said they had earlier received intelligence that male suicide bombers dressed in all-covering women's burqas,

a common garment in conservative northwestern Pakistan, would soon launch attacks.

We've heard in the latest year or so about various states in various western countries allowing Muslim women to be photographed for their drivers licence while wearing a burqa.

I just hope that the MORONS who preach acceptance of a religion that detests us non-believers, are the ones who are on the receiving end of a shotgun barrel when someone thinks it's a good idea to go and hold up a bank or a gas station using one of these 'ghost costumes' as a disguise.

Do-Gooder: Help! Police! I was robbed! Help!
Police: Did you get a good look at your attacker?
Do-Gooder: Um....
Police: What did they look like?
Do-Gooder: Uh....
Police: Was it a man or a woman? A child or an adult? Skin colour? Hair colour? An amputee maybe?

Daylight Saving in Qld

The Gold Coast wants Daylight Saving:

Gold Coast threatens to go it alone on daylight saving
By Greg Stolz

* Queensland Government rules out daylight saving
* Gold Coast threatens to go it alone in new time zone
* Most Queenslanders in support of daylight saving

THE Gold Coast is considering defying the the Queensland Government and going it alone on daylight saving.

Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke was seeking legal advice yesterday about whether the tourist strip could have its own time zone

after the Government controversially ruled out a daylight saving referendum, despite a majority of Queenslanders supporting it.

Coast business and tourism leaders joined Cr Clarke in condemning Premier Anna Bligh's decision to reject a referendum, daylight saving trial or southeast corner zonal system. Ms Bligh justified the decision on Government-commissioned research showing minority support for daylight saving outside the state's southeast.

A frustrated Cr Clarke said he had asked the city solicitor to investigate the legality of the Gold Coast going it alone on daylight saving.

He said ideally, southeast Queensland would introduce daylight saving under the banner of the Council of Mayors.

Cr Clark is frustrated? Maybe Cr Clark should think about where the boundaries of Queensland actually begin & end. Hint for this self-absorbed idiot: QUEENSLAND doesn't start at Tweed Heads & end at Labrador! There is more to this state than your shithole corner!

"It's a really stupid decision by the Government – the people want daylight saving,"

Which people?
Was this an actual poll taken of people on holiday on the coast or your mates at the golf club?

"It's just ridiculous, absolutely ludicrous, that the Premier can bow to the wishes of the minority," Gold Coast Licensed Venues spokesman Jim Bell said. "The majority want it and we should have it."

As opposed to the minority on the Gold Coast who think it should be implemented and a state full of people be forced to change so that they may increase their profits?

Gold Coast Tourism chief executive Pavan Bhatia said the multibillion-dollar tourism industry would fight the Government's decision.

"There's lot of investment in this town that is dependant on something called sunlight," Mr Bhatia said.

Bullshit! The Gold Coast only has sunshine as an ancillary feature. It's the drug-life that is the popular attraction in that dump!

Government polling this week showed that 51 per cent of respondents statewide supported the adoption of daylight saving – a level that increased to 63 per cent in the southeast corner. Support throughout the rest of the state, however, was much weaker at 31 per cent.

I actually support the dual time-zone for Queensland idea but object greatly when power-mad local councils start dictating what the time should and shouldn't be in their regions.

Let the Gold Coast have their daylight saving - it's not like anything of any consequence happens down there other than an increased crime-rate; drug-taking; drunkenness; and tolerance of debauchery.

Does Malaysia have Daylight Saving? What about Singapore? Bangkok? Has anyone worked out that the closer you get to the equator, the more STUPID an idea it is to have Daylight Saving? Evidently not.

I admit that I was dubious about what Anna Bligh was going to do when she fell into the job of Premier of Queensland - she's got big shoes to fill if she's going to be anywhere near as incompetent as Petie Beater. It seems though that she got it right on this one in that she is sticking up for QUEENSLAND.

Let the Gold Coast secede from the state. How about the Gold Coast also not stick its hand out to the State Government for monies (ie: taxes from ME and people from ALL over the state. Ie: the "minorities") to maintain facilities that are often neglected while corrupt councilors vote themselves pay-rises and new cars.

It's not like Ron Clark has made much sense in the last couple of years anyway. What can be expected of someone who employs an abusive cretin like Jim Soorley to be your "advisor" after hitting public office?

Druggo Footballer Gets Sympathy

Oh dear... poor Georgie cries because a close friend died. That is indeed a sad thing because it is rough losing friends and family before their time. BUT.......

Don't look in my direction for sympathy or sadness if the bloke died of a drug overdose. Maybe women wouldn't be having miscarriages in hospitals if the druggo's of the world weren't congesting emergency rooms with self-inflicted life-threatening conditions.

Would Georgie be so sad for him if Chris Mainwaring had lived ONLY because he was rushed to an emergency room and treated while, for example, it was her sister sitting in the emergency room missing out on treatment because he was occupying a bed that someone who truly deserved medical attention could have used? A hypothetical situation, for sure, but the dickhead does not deserve extra privileges simply because he could run around and kick a ball.

Fuck the Hippocratic Oath, I say. Save those who aren't wasting public hospital funds through their own stupidity.

It's about time people in this society remembered that they should be held responsible for their actions and that people who CHOOSE to live in the public eye are NOT entitled to act like the morons that so many seem to be. If you want to be a private person with a private life then DON'T maintain a celebrity lifestyle unless you're prepared to accept the responsibilities that go with it. If you cannot handle being in the spotlight and need drugs to cope: bite the bullet and get OUT of there and get a real job! Some people can handle being the centre of attention and some cannot. Those that cannot without some "help" should be mature for once in their life and get out of the game. It's as simple as that.

Recreational drugs are NOT fun and I still say that every country on this planet should make Saturday the "Swing a Dealer Day" (by the neck until they're dead) until the message gets through that there are better ways to make money.

I long for the day when hospitals have a heavy security net at the entrance and anyone with a self-inflicted condition (ie: drugs or alcohol) take a seat in the 2nd-class room while those who are in need of medical attention through no fault of their own take precedence. If a druggo dies while waiting - who cares - one less maggot on the Social Security net.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

More Trash Reporting

This just smacks of what I call "typical media reporting" in this country.

Channel 9 chopper narrowly avoids disaster
By Fiona Connolly

October 02, 2007 01:00am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

A CHANNEL Nine helicopter crew filming the NRL grand final narrowly avoided disaster after a laser beam was shone from the

ground, temporarily blinding a cameraman.

The vast majority of the clowns in the media cannot get simple terms and definitions correct and continue with their hit'n'miss attitude of reporting by suggesting that a laser shone through a camera lens "almost" creates a disaster had it gone in the eyes of the pilot.

So... did the laser actually go into the eyes of the pilot?
Is the feigned outrage from Channel-9 execs based more on the concern of maybe losing a helicopter - or the people inside?

Nice going on those "reporting" skills, Fiona. I understand that since you almost entered the wrong building while studying at University to get the piece of toilet paper that you call your "Degree in Journalism", you must also be qualified to be a School Teacher and may soon embark in a career as a Civil Engineer.

Oh, I know for a fact that the owner of this fluff piece would justify her position and make all sorts of excuses but the simple fact is that her facts are wrong and her Editor is just as big a moron for allowing such tripe to go to print.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Human Rights???

Amnesty International is trying to gain clemency for the Bali Bombers??


Amnesty stands by Bali clemency plea

October 02, 2007 06:58am
Article from: The Daily Telegraph

THE head of Amnesty International Australia's bid to save the Bali bombers has asked the families of victims to understand why he is fighting to spare the killers.

Amnesty International Australia anti-death penalty co-ordinator Tim Goodwin yesterday told the families of the dead the execution of Bali mastermind Amrozi and his two accomplices would not deliver justice or prevent future attacks.

Left-wing moonbat, Tim Goodwin, says that the lives of the Bali Bombers are worth more than those of the people that were murdered in the name of Islam.

"The first thing I would say is I can't begin to appreciate people's suffering and their losses," he said.

"I'm not going to say I can even begin to understand and certainly I can see emotions are definitely running raw.

"These are unmistakably terrible terrible crimes against humanity that these people have committed but even so we think the answer doesn't lie in more violations of human rights."

That's right, DICKHEAD - you DON'T understand the suffering that family and friends go through when a member of their own is literally torn to shreds by shrapnel while they are on holidays and seemingly in a safe location. You can't begin to understand yet you still think that this planet needs trash like this on it. Tim Goodwin, you are indeed a moron.

So, human rights seem to only apply to criminals in the mindset of Amnesty International?

Mr Goodwin said the Australian chapter of Amnesty International was obliged to lobby to save the lives of the three terrorists as part of its universal opposition to capital punishment.

Since is it understood that Islam is a proponent of the eye-for-an-eye theory and the bombers are being tried and (hopefully) executed in a Islamic country: how about you show the truth of your convictions and allow yourself to be executed in the place of Amrozi if the grinning fool is worth saving?

However he denied the Australian arm had tried to avoid publicity because of fears of the public reaction.

Nah - you wouldn't collect donations from the Australian public on a daily basis and then use those funds to save people who would happily see us dead - and have already put those words into action.

Amrozi, Ghufron and Samudra face imminent execution by firing squad for their involvement in the terrorist attacks that killed 202 people including 88 Australians.

Mr Goodwin said they may have as little as weeks to live as their legal avenues run out.

The only right that the Bali Bombers are entitled to, is the right to have a bullet in the temple and then thrown into a sty to feed the pigs. I reckon that would be a fitting end to their "divine" quest. I think that an Islamic fuckwit proceeding into heaven covered in pigshit will really be sought after by those 70 virgins.

Headed "Death penalty is never the solution", the statement has been distributed to members and posted on AI websites all around the globe, including the Australian chapter's.

The death penalty is the ONLY solution.
This planet does not need perverse people like the Bali Bombers running around, committing murder and thinking it is funny. This is no laughing matter and fools like Tim Goodman could do the world a favour and join Amrozi's disected body in various landfills around the place. How stupid do you need to be to think that the bombers have rights while the victims and their families clearly do not (as dictated by his actions and words)?

If Islam is indeed a religion of peace (which, evidently, it is not): It's true proponents would not give credence to the actions of the bombers and would execute and bury them in a manner that is dishonourable to it's followers to show the contempt in which they hold people who double-cross their own ideals.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Been slack again....

Apologies to all who look back occasionally to this site to see what new crap I've written - life has just gotten VERY busy lately.

As is the way with how I view my life: if something is perceived to be difficult, different, or something I would not ordinarily be partial to doing - I would seriously consider giving it a go. Of course, this theory doesn't apply to perverse activities and things that are damaging to the body (I've only got this almost-complete one and I need it to last a few years yet without engaging in dickhead games like taking drugs or getting shot up the arse by some homosexual type).

I've still got plenty to say on lots of subjects - just no time to indulge in writing about them. I'm working on this though so please check back occasionally.

Of course, I will stick to my usual topics on:
- Cheering when a car thief crashes the car and dies (and, if we're lucky, takes a bunch of his stupid mates with him).
- Cheering even louder when some drunken fuckwit falls out of a high-rise building on the Gold Coast and turns himself into road-pizza (anyone remember that jerk's name?)
- Saying "Why didn't you take some more of your mates?" when yet another member of the Cult of the Paedophile (Peace be upon him) straps a bomb to his body and blows himself up, thinking that the next life is going to be better simply because some donkey-raper in a dress said so.
- Making references to the Paris Hilton's, Pamela Anderson's and assorted other slags'n'sluts of the world who somehow convince young women that they can act like drug-taking, sperm-collection points and pretend that they are 'ladies' as well.

Bugger - time to go.... keep a watch for new posts and may the gutless fuckers who send anonymous death-threats keep up their piss-weak work - you make me laugh! :)