Friday, October 05, 2007

Can't even buy a pig from a Muslim

Yeah - it's a bit late but I just found this article about Muslims who get jobs in shops and then refuse to touch certain products while suggesting that it somehow insults their religion.

Target shifts Muslims who won’t ring up pork

Department stores in Minn. reassign some cashiers over religious conflict
Updated: 12:14 a.m. ET March 18, 2007

MINNEAPOLIS - Muslim cashiers at some local Target stores who object to ringing up products that contain pork are being shifted to other positions where they don’t need to, the discount retailer said Saturday.

The Star Tribune reported this past week that some Muslim cashiers at local Targets had declined to scan pork products such as bacon because doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs. They would ask other cashiers to ring up such purchases, or sometimes customers would scan those items themselves, the newspaper reported.

Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has now offered its local Muslim cashiers who object to handling pork the option of wearing gloves while cashiering, shifting to other positions or transferring to other nearby stores.


Islam teaches that pigs are unclean and eating pork is a sin, and some Muslims feel selling or handling pork is also forbidden because it would make them complicit in the sins of others.

Damn straight! I don't give a shit if you don't like what I'm buying. I am there in that store to buy a product that I wish to purchase and you, ask a checkout-monkey, have no right nor say in the matter on what I purchase.

I was going to say that if the cultist types don't like it then they can quit but I'd almost do what I can to prevent that happening since it is bloody rare to see a Muslim with a job. All of the Islamic types that I see around the place are on welfare and seemingly expect my taxes to pay for their bludging, whinging, anti-western lifestyles (while living in the west).

Collision of work and faith.

As the local Muslim population grows, fueled by immigration from East African countries such as Somalia, efforts by Muslims to live by the rules of their faith often come into conflict with the realities of the American workplace.

Disputes over how employers should accommodate prayer times surface from time to time, and there’s an ongoing dispute involving cab drivers who serve Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport—many of whom are Muslim—who refuse to take passengers who are carrying alcohol.

The Metropolitan Airports Commission is expected to vote in April on a proposal that would hand out 30-day license suspensions to cabbies who refuse service for any reason, with a second refusal leading to a two-year revocation.

I love that bit. Just like a checkout operator who thinks that they have the right to tell you what you can and cannot buy because of their worship of a paedophile - some shithead cab driver thinks that he can refuse your fare because you're carrying an unopened container of liquor.

It makes me want to get a bag of pigshit that will leak everywhere in the boot when placed in there just to annoy the cretin.

Worker walks over issue
Muse Dahir told the AP this past week he quit his job at the Sam’s Club in Bloomington after he was transferred from another position to cashiering and was ordered to ring up pork purchases.

Fuck it... the only Muslim out there with a legitimate job that he didn't get through his family - and he quits... :(

He said it doesn’t matter if the pork product is packaged. “Even if you just sell it to someone, you break a promise to Allah,” he said.

FUCK ALLAH!!! If that piss-poor excuse for a deity was really all-powerful, why are there pigs in the first place?

You stupid pack of c*nts!

1 comment:

Caz said...

I don't get it: if even the selling of pork products is against their beliefs, then, surely, the obvious solution is to NOT TAKE A JOB IN A FUCKING STORE THAT SELLS PORK!


They are not personally doing the "selling": the store is. The scanning action is simply the final stage of the sales transaction.

Taking a job they know they won't perform? Then expecting special accommodation to meet their religious needs?



I don't think so.

Not as though every store in a town sells pork, do they? Tens of thousands of stores don't.