Sunday, June 18, 2006

Bucky the Beaver: "Those choppers are HUGE!!"

Renowned cleric for the worship of Muhammed The Paedophile (peace be upon him) says that Australian PM, John Howard, should convert to Islam.

Sorry, dude - I understand that John Howard already has a religion and it seemingly has nothing to do with mutilating or degrading women and having sex with livestock. Nor does it worship a child rapist cum warmonger and preacher of hate.
"Islam is the absolute truth.

"I say to all infidels, it is useless to fight Islam for you will be destroyed and Islam will win absolutely."

Onlookers roared approval as Bashir urged them to "fight fanatically" for their religion.

Seemingly, he wasn't treated for senility while he played arse-bandit in prison.

Bashir, whose convoy was escorted from the capital by police motorcycle outriders, stopped twice along the 500km journey to pray, including once in a service station prayer room, where he again slammed Australia's government as "kaffirs", or unbelievers.

Isn't it funny how if I were to refer to someone as a "Kaffir", I would most likely be carted off to a holding cell and charged with some form of hate speech - not to mention the trial by media that would be executed by the MORONS who believe that Islam is the religion of peace.
Kaf·fir also Kaf·ir
1. Offensive.
1. A Xhosa.
2. often kaffir Used especially in southern Africa as a disparaging term for a Black person.
2. Kafir A Nuristani.
3. also kaffir Islam. An infidel.

So, advice is now being dispensed by a cretin to world leaders on how the world should be run. But wait! How can the advice be sound when the same person utters quotes along the lines of:
Bashir urges Muslims to fight infidels
when it is a known fact that, according to the rule of The Paedophile (peace be upon him), anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel? Does that also mean that anyone who isn't fashioning themselves after The Prophet is therefore not a paedophile and doesn't think it's OK to rape children and livestock?

Since neither a goat, a camel nor a child (of either sex) is remotely attractive to me in any way shape or form, I guess I will have to settle for being a Kaffir.

Before anyone questions why I equate Islam with being The Cult of The Paedophile, think about this:
- You do not worship Satan if you live for peace and honour and honesty and lightness in your life.
- You do not join Scientology if you never want to leave Earth in a spaceship.
- You do not follow Buddhism if violence is your 'thing'.
- You do not worship Jesus if you hate Jews.

Yet, if the person whose teachings you follow is someone who was well into adulthood and 'started' on a girl when she was 6 and had your first child by her when she was 9. You're either a member of NAMBLA or you condone child rape. There is NO reasonable excuse to accept this nor can the facts be refuted.


Anonymous said...

'advice is now being dispensed by a cretin to world leaders on how the world should be run'

Yep, but the moron is only in the White House for another few years!

Caz said...

Would you believe I read stuff defending this guy, and suggesting that the MSM should take a "chill pill". They argued that he had nothing to do with the bombings, that is, no direct connection, and his sentence, if anything, was a bit harsh.

Fucking cretins defending a cretin.

Do you think they have the decency to at least blush when they hear what this guy really thinks?

Jai Normosone said...

That's just it - they don't listen to what he thinks or says.

They just look at him and judge him to be in a 3rd world country and without their university education (ever been on the receiving end of someone who thinks you're stupid because they judge you to be uneducated?) and he becomes someone who needs their help to get his message across.

But on the other hand, there are those who listen to world leaders who grew up using the term 'nucular' (for 'nuclear') and they're deemed to be stupid.

I grew up using that term myself - also 'ambewlance' and a few like that. There is also an increasing number of people, including media, in this country using the term 'Train Station' yet nobody sounds them out for being stupid.

For the record, 'Train Station' is an incorrect term based on laziness. The correct term is 'Railway Station' and don't anyone pull this crap in saying that buses have stations so trains do too.
'Night' is not 'nite'.
'Light' is not 'lite'.

The MSM causes more problems than they think they fix with their constant inability to use the language correctly and arrogant judgements of who is evil and who is not.

Caz said...

A global one for you Jai: "movies".

Yes, it's the equivalent of taking the dog for "walkies".

Like to see a "film" anyone? It's FILM for gawd's sake! *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Just a factual note - not an argument against your basic point. - NAMBLA is a "man-boy" thing, so your subject, who got a girl pregnant, is unlikely to be a member.
Child rape is child rape, regardless of the gender. I don't know the facts surrounding this individual, but I can make some guesses based on what you wrote of him.

Makes my skin crawl.