Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Student funds 'misused' at university

It seems that student funds were misused at Melbourne's Monash University.

HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in student funds were used to pay for overseas junkets and postgraduate education of staff employed to provide services at Australia's biggest university.

Victoria's Monash University has moved to take over the running of student services amid allegations that its company Monyx, set up to manage compulsory student fees, has mishandled the funds.

The company has been accused of paying for staff to undertake master degrees at the institution's Graduate School of Business worth almost half a million dollars, as well as overseas trips and tours of US campuses.

So who thinks that this is an isolated incident and that, by and large, the funds collected by the compulory unionism imposed by Student 'Associations' is used for good?
If you are, then you're either a complete moron - or a proponent of the Student Union system. I would suggest that you're both.

Under the VSU changes, passed by parliament last year, universities will no longer be able to collect the fees that go towards student services. The Howard Government argued the money was also used for student politics.

Damn straight that the money was used for student politics!

I was employed by a student union because of compulsory unionism. I never received Austudy and I refused to pay the fees due to a lack of services received for what I had paid. I paid my own way through and I worked at the same time.

Compulsory membership to an left-wing bunch of dickheads like that really stuck in my craw but I had to do it because I needed the money in order to complete my studies.
I was even threatened with job loss back in 1992 (I think it was around then) by the General Manager of this collective of Indian-Chief halfwits (I was the Indian) if I didn't vote Labor in the upcoming federal election at the time. Actually, this was put to the entire staff in a meeting and not just me. We were told that if the Libs got in then we'd all be out of jobs because compulsory unionism would be abolished.

Money was wasted at the DDIAE/UCSQ/USQ Student Union hand-over-fist and I understand that it still is. There were junketts interstate for board members and their girlfriends and many, many members did not get value for money from their union fees due to the wastage (well - until I started playing Robin Hood anyway.... >:)

It couldn't have happened soon enough that compulsory unionism was abolished. The next big thing that needs a scalpel through it in every university is the removal of DICKHEAD lecturers/professors who think that it's OK to bring personal political opinions into the lecture theatres to inflict on impressionable students.

I've thought of going back to study many times in the last few years but I just know that it's not worth the agro. Having to put up with the Moonbats and their special rights for minority groups would be too much to ignore.


Caz said...

Hey, don't rule out doing some Open University studies, if it takes your fancy (subject choices are limited, but still a range, depends what interests you), and the only person you have to interact with is your computer.

Some of the Uni's have better online studies than others, but it's really amazing the quality they can offer these days, without even stepping on campus.

Jai Normosone said...

Thanks - I'll have to check that out :)