Monday, September 19, 2005

"Good politician! Sit! Stay! Rollover!"

While I grumble quite a bit about the lying, cheating, stealing, brotherhood of back-stabbers known as politicians, and even agree with a mate when he says that maybe a few should be assassinated as a reminder to the rest that they should pull their socks up and get on with the job instead of jobs for the boys - sometimes they deserve praise for doing what is right.

Shifty acquaintance, Nick, once told me that if I happen to write to a policitian that I should put it on the blog. Here is one sent to the Premier of South Australia regarding a hit-and-run case of vehicular homocide committed by an ex-police prosecutor and now high-flying lawyer. This lowlife ran over a cyclist while driving drunk and then ran away and hid for several hours while his blood alcohol content came down. He was not tested for BAC by the senior police officer when he finally gave himself up anyway. Can anyone say "Corruption"?

It just proves the point that if you get a gun and kill someone you don't like, you can look forward to maybe 12-20 years jail depending on the judge. If you get a car and kill someone, you can get like this fool did and receive a $3,100 fine and a suspension from driving for 12 months or 2 years.

Anyway, this note was sent to the Premier of South Australia, Mike Rann, for his part in getting the case looked at again as well as donating some public funds to a charity created in the name of a female Australian cyclist (Amy Gillett) killed earlier this year in Germany while on a training ride.

Dear Premier Rann,

I understand that you were the individual that pushed for the Royal Commission into the (murderer) Eugene McGee and his actions in the death in the cyclist, Ian Humphries.

I would just like to say a hearty "Thank You" for your efforts (and that of your government as well, I would assume) in pursuing this matter and not allowing the lowlife McGee to thumb his nose at the law & justice.

I have also been informed that your government has also made a donation of $50,000 of public funds to the Amy Gillett SAFE foundation. Thanks is also warranted for this act of good will.

It is acts like this that demonstrate to the public what compassion and justice are all about. I hope you continue to make similar judgements for the people in South Australia for many years to come.

As a side-bar, would it be possible for you to send some instruction on how this can be achieved to your peer, Mr Peter Beattie, Premier of Queensland, on how to handle cases of injustice as well as cases of vehicular homocide involving cyclists?

Thank you for your time.

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