Monday, September 05, 2005

Speed Enforcement Facts & Myths

This is an email I sent out recently to a couple of friends:

A site worth checking out in more detail…. One that (on first appearances) seems to be working towards safety on the roads rather than running a few advertisements on TV and collecting revenue and calling that "active road management".

It seems that, yet again, the Kiwis have beaten us Aussies at doing something constructive about tackling the problems and ill-informed slogans rather than giving the old shrug and saying: "yeah, but what can you do?" while more laws are created to make life difficult for people with unique vehicles, yet existing ones aren't enforced.

In short, I am getting thoroughly sick & tired of the moronic bureaucrats who sit in offices all day with no idea of what it is actually like to be out on the roads, other than the times they are driving their single-occupant cars to work, of course. They build roads to suit cars only with no thought given to the Carriageway on which they build that road and they build the road using the technology of the new millenium with thinking from the 30's.

Driving around SE Queensland, I see a number of electronic billboards over various major stretches of roads. The concept of using these electronic billboards is brilliant - until you see the purpose for which they are used....
You never see "Accident on road ahead, use Exit X to avoid" or even notices about severe storms, that is: something that would actually be useful. No - Main Roads or Queensland Transport (whoever runs these things) only ever put their STUPID, ASININE, BRAINLESS, HALFWITTED slogans on there:
"Every K over is a Killer"
"Speeding or Drink Driving - What's the difference?"

...and the list goes on.

Yet again, the fools of this world think that nonsense slogans and advertising will take the place of actual education and teaching people to use the roads - and this is the reason why people will continue to die on the roads in hideously high numbers. No dumbarse journalist writing his 'inspired' piece in some rag will fix it - nor will some trained liar sitting on his fat arse in a huge chair in parliament have something resembling a clue on the complexity of the problem that even exists let alone any idea on how to fix it.
This is also why the vast majority of road users should be described as "car operators" and not "drivers". To operate a vehicle is one thing (that even a monkey can master) but to actually drive requires thought and intelligence - something that the monkey might have but car-operators in this state do not.

In short, it means people with some balls and some brains needs to get into the various ministerial portfolios of this so-called "Smart" state and they need to start kicking the heads of both the foolish 'advisers' below them and the halfwitted bureaucrats who procrastinate on everything.

Unfortunately, the solution will never be found while people elect fools to these jobs; while the power & money mad unions are allowed to dictate who can sit in parliament and who cannot; and while the politicians are not held accountable for their acts of ineptitude. Idiots in these jobs will continue to ignore the issues with a preference being to fatten their own wallets.

A friend of mine has suggested that you would need to assassinate only a couple of them before the others started coming into line. The idea has merit but it seems that those who pushed the gun buy-back scheme could see that the people needed to be disarmed before something along these lines actually happens.

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