Friday, July 28, 2006

Vietnam Veteran Dies Needlessly

You know... I seem to find myself asking "What is going on in the world??" Just a little bit too often lately.

Here is a case of a Vietnam Veteran walking into a office of the Department of Veterans Affairs down in Melbourne, sits a while, then pulls out a gun and shoots himself dead.

Now, from this, I know for a fact that there will be:
- people concerned about those who work in the offices of the DVA and will rush to get counselling for those workers.
- MORONS saying that if we had tougher gun controls, this couldn't have happened.
- MORE MORONS saying that it wouldn't have happened had there been security on the desk at the entry to the building.

When, IN FACT, the whole solution could have been avoided simply had the Department for Veterans Affairs actually done what it's name suggests and works FOR Veterans and not AGAINST Veterans - which is what it actually seems to do!

The man was known to have made threats to DVA staff.

Does anyone out there know WHY he would have made threats to DVA staff? Anyone? C'mon, it's not that hard a question....

THE REASON why threats are made against staff in government offices is that people are TOTALLY FRUSTRATED at the utter ineptitude of some staff; bewildered by the mindless, half-witted bureaucracy enforced by others; and, forced to listen to bullshit excuses about why payments to those who DEFENDED THE COUNTRY have NOT been kept up with the cost of living since 1976 when BLUDGERS in Canberra and every state parliament vote themselves anywhere between a 5-to-25% payrise every stinking year. If they can't get a pay-rise for themselves, they vote for an increase in travel allowances - don't they, *Mr* Iemma? (I use the "Mr" very loosely because people of your ilk are not worthy of respect in any way shape or form!)

The people in this country who ARE worthy of respect are the ones who CLEAN UP the FUCK-UPS of politicians when it gets to the point where their bullshit lies cannot save them any longer!

So... we have members of the MSM saying Muslims are worthy of respect.
We have feminists saying that they're worthy of respect.
We have dole-bludgers saying that they deserve something for nothing.
We have drug using shithead football players saying that they're worthy of respect.
We have politicians who say that they could make more money in private enterprise because of their skills and they deserve respect. Not only do I doubt that a shithouse rat makes anything near what these bludgers do (yet does it better) but the shithouse rat also does not control the budget and vote themselves constant pay rises while everyone else in the country seems to have permission to go fuck themselves!

"We don't believe the DVA handled this very well, nowhere near sensitively enough.

NO SHIT, Sherlock - What gave away the clue???

"They knew he was not a mentally well man. The fact is the tightness of government money had driven this man to an extreme act; the same government he once put his life on the line for."

The tightness of government money? It's NOT THEIR FUCKING MONEY!!!
Not only do they control OUR money as taxpayers - they can't control it very well. It might be better said that they couldn't run a greasy stick up the snatch of a $5 whore let alone the budget of an entire country!

Fellow prison officers said Mr Heffernan had been deeply disturbed after thinking a surprise exercise in which a female guard was "taken hostage" by inmates was real.
"It wasn't a good thing to have happen to a Vietnam vet," a source said.

Nah - it was a perfectly reasonable act. Get someone who was in the jungles of Vietnam and a mental condition because of it and then scare the shit out of him by helping him relive the days that made him into the mental wreck that he is now.

"The DVA was far too officious. They were technically correct but they were dealing with a man who needed real compassion and care," he said.

Just him? He's the only one needing real compassion and care? Nobody else? They're all good to go except for him? Right.

"He was never ignored," the source said.

BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!!!! They're ALL ignored unless they get loud about it. A Veteran just about HAS to shove a gun in the face of a government official to get the prick off their high horse and to DO something.

For what it's worth - I've never been in the defence forces as my father banned me from joining due to what he went through. I know enough from friends who are ex-defence, Vietnam Vets, Korean Vets, an Uncle who landed at Gallipoli and talking to diggers over the years that if this country needs a soldier, a RAAFie or a Sailor, they can look not in my direction because you can do the honourable thing to serve your country - then your country says "FUCK YOU" when it's safe again.

Well, Minister for Veterans Affairs - maybe someone will shove that gun on your face instead of their own and MAYBE those who actually DO SERVE their country will get a fair shake instead of some know-nothing shithead behind a desk in Canberra who does nothing for anyone but themselves.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Convenient Canadians (& Australians)`

I was sent this by a mate in Canada.

While the numbers of Australians in the region are nowhere near 50,000, there is still a large number of "Convenient Aussies" who go: "I moved to a region where it is well known that there will be strife of some sort as it's been here for years but it's still the responsibility of the government (to which I pay no taxes), to come and rescue my stupid, pathetic arse - and then to cop it sweet when I say that they didn't come quick enough!"

What further annoys me is that I hear that the Police in Victoria are following suit of the USA in that they're not allowed to state appearance of a race when trying to locate a suspect yet people of the same appearance stand up and proudly say SHIT like "I'm a Lebanese-Australian!" or "I'm an Asian-Australian!" or "I'm Scottish-Australian!" (for balance).

What the fuck are you? Are you Lebanese, Asian, Scottish or Australian? If you're one of the former, then FUCK OFF back there! If you can't come here and proudly proclaim to be an Aussie and accept us like we accept you then who hell needs your ungrateful, bludging arse? PISS OFF!

Same goes for DICKHEADS in the media like Spoonman (OK - I don't think he is that bad but while in the car the other night, I did hear him ADD to the division in this country by referring to some woman as a "Lebanese-Australian"). This joker makes sense when I've listened to him but like all radio shows, I'm not going to give them credence by calling in and saying the usual shit like "Long time listener, First time caller....".

Here is the article from the Toronto Sun...

Convenient Canadians

What in heaven's name are 50,000 Canadians doing in Lebanon?

Surely they can't all be there for a wedding, or a family reunion, or an academic conference, or even as tourists?

The estimated 50,000 are roughly 20% of all the Lebanese who have become Canadian citizens -- about 250,000 of 'em.

Put another way, there are twice as many Canadians in Lebanon as there are Canadians in the army.

Are they all in Lebanon for a visit? Hardly.

Most are dual-citizenship Canadians who've chosen to return to the motherland to live as Lebanese -- until trouble strikes and then they want the Canadian government to rescue them, not the Lebanese government.

Under terms of Canada's dual citizenship policy, the country in which people choose to live, or to visit, takes precedence over Canadian law -- which isn't to say we, as a country, shouldn't help people in trouble.

Frankly, any dual-citizenship Canadian who chooses to live in one of the danger areas of the world should not expect Canada to rush to his aid and rescue him and relatives when danger threatens.

Instead, appeal to the government you prefer to live under, rather than the Canadian one.

Now Canada is chartering seven ships and a bunch of aircraft to rescue these citizens, many of whom have chosen not to live in Canada. Does Canada have an obligation to be responsible for them? The cost to taxpayers of removing tens of thousands from Lebanon is enormous.

How many, one wonders, of these people will move back to Lebanon when the crisis is over and security is restored -- assuming it ever will be in Lebanon?

The view that "a Canadian is a Canadian" and all should be treated equally may need revising.

Why should the government be responsible for naturalized citizens who return to live in a dangerous country in which they are also citizens?

Tourists or short-term visitors are in a different category.

Some MPs have suggested Canadians in Lebanon whose principal country of residence is Canada, should be rescued first, since those whose primary home is Lebanon are better able to survive than visitors.

Although Lebanese have settled in Canada for well over a century and are productive citizens, Canada's current policies risk clogging the country with people who shouldn't be here and whom we don't want.

Already, we won't deport terrorist suspects or criminals if there's fear they may be executed or tortured in their birth country. This means virtually no bad guy can be deported to the Middle East.

Canadians of Syrian or Iranian descent should avoid visiting Damascus or Tehran where they're in danger of being grabbed on phony charges -- which in no way is to suggest that the Lebanese Canadians being evacuated have done anything illegal.

We already have a self-described al-Qaida family in Canada, with one member charged with murdering an American soldier in Afghanistan. Many feel this family doesn't deserve to be Canadian, since their allegiance is to an enemy of Canada.

Canada accepts that dual citizens have special rights. But the policy needs fine-tuning. It can be argued -- as some countries do -- that allegiance should be to one country, not two or three.

If someone wants to be a Canadian, that person should give up citizenship in his birth country.

An exception should be made with the U.S. on grounds that we are geographically, traditionally and culturally close.

But for other immigrants, the choice should be one citizenship and one passport.

It's too late now for Lebanon, where 50,000 Canadians outnumber Americans by a two-to-one ratio.

Ludicrous. Change the law before the next crisis!

Friday, July 21, 2006

"The LARK Program"

In keeping with my recent inability to post anything even remotely original (as I seem to be sent things that, to me, are funnier and more interesting), here is my latest offering. Enjoy :)


A female libertarian wrote a lot of letters to the White House complaining about the treatment of a captive insurgent (terrorist) being held in Guantanamo Bay. She received back the following reply:

Dear Concerned Citizen,

Thank you for your recent letter roundly criticizing our treatment of the Taliban and Al Quaeda detainees currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Our administration takes these matters seriously and your opinion was heard loud and clear here in Washington. You'll be pleased to learn that, thanks to the concerns of citizens like yourself, we are creating a new division of the Terrorist Retraining Program, to be called the "Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers" program, or LARK for short.

In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided to place one terrorist under your personal care. Your personal detainee has been selected and scheduled for transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence next Monday.

Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud (you can just call him Ahmed) is to be cared for pursuant to the standards you personally demanded in our letter of complaint. It will likely be necessary for you to hire some assistant caretakers.

We will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with those you so strongly recommended in your letter.

Although Ahmed is a sociopath and extremely violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his "attitudinal problem" will help him overcome these character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences. We understand that you plan to offer counseling and home schooling.

Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. We advise that you do not ask him to demonstrate these skills at your next yoga group. He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless (in your opinion) this might offend him.

Ahmed will not wish to interact with you or your daughters (except sexually), since he views females as a subhuman form of property. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him and he has been known to show violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the new dress code that he will recommend as more appropriate attire. I'm sure you will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the burka -- over time.

Just remember that it is all part of "respecting his culture and his religious beliefs" -- wasn't that how you put it?

Thanks again for your letter. We truly appreciate it when folks like you keep us informed of the proper way to do our job. You take good care of Ahmed - and remember...we'll be watching.

Good luck!

Cordially, your friend,

Don Rumsfeld

[Note: obviously the letter wasn't written by Donald Rumsfeld but it reads better that way :) ]

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

BREAKING NEWS:- Muslim Heaven!

sent to me via email - probably blogged somewhere else but I just HAD to post it :)

Muslim Heaven, June 13, 2006

Al Qaeda leader "Abu Musab al-Zarqawi", killed by US Forces in Iraq last week, has just met with the first of his 72 virgins that Allah promised !!

Daily News reporter Jack Hoff captured THIS exclusive photo of Mr al-Zarqawi with his first virgin.

"Allah is good!"

Monday, July 17, 2006

What you do now can kill your grandchildren???

I've just finished watching 'The Ghost in your Genes' - a topic on the Horizon program shown last week on SBS.

This documentary virtually confirmed something I had long believed and often been told to be bunk by "those who know" - or think they know.

What the show spoke about was an emerging science in genetic research called epigenetics, or, if I understand correctly, the study of genes retaining some memory of the previous generations from whence they came.

Previous scientific thought suggested that your genes were your genes and that their sequence was locked into place and no matter what you did in your life, the genes that you pass on to your children will be those that you were given upon your own conception.

So, instead of your offspring (unless you're like me where nature has decreed that you are never, never, never, ever, ever, ever going to be allowed to breed :) being given a clean genome sequence, they will actually get one from you that has been affected by your life experiences. If you've been through a traumatic experience; famine; good harvests; no stress, etc. etc., the differences will be reflected in your future generations.
Proof of this has been found in children and grandchildren of survivors of the Jewish Holocaust in the 1940's.

Before you say: "Ah, but that's just a Jewish thing to whinge and complain the way they do like on TV - there are no flow-through effects there!", think about this.... Studies have been done on women who were pregnant and present at the site of the 9/11 attacks on the Twin Towers in New York City. A child that had not been born yet cannot be affected by 'teachings' yet it shows that they were.
Surprisingly, it was only children who were in the third trimester at the time of the attacks who were affected.

Other tests were done on lab rats where they were exposed to a toxin that would flip a switch on one of their genetic elements. Not only did the switch get reflected in their offspring but this was carried through subsequent generations. Inference is given that non-exposed rats continued with their genetic structure unchanged.

I just know that this topic will have some serious detractors and supporters in the scientific world. Myself, I am a supporter. I have long believed that, as the offspring of a violent alcoholic, that I have the same weakness for addiction - this is why I knew from an early age that I should never, ever start drinking. Well, that and the fact that I am a totally cheap bastard and don't want to have to pay stupid amounts of money for a good time that I'll never remember anyway :)
Considering that I'm a shit-stirrer as well and have no problem walking into a pub out west and asking for a glass of milk just to see the look on the face of the publican and the people in the bar. Quite a few have said that either I can fight or I'm just nuts. I just say that I like milk :)

Now, considering that people have always been of the opinion that "my life is my life" and what I do to it won't affect anyone else, let alone their offspring - what genetic switches are being flipped in people here in Australia now that we are regarded as one of the highest users (per capita) of 'social' drug use - marijuana, ecstacy, ice, etc? Don't forget alcohol in that mix either.

What genetic switches have been 'flipped' in those around us who've abused their bodies in the belief that they will just pass on a 'clean' genome sequence?

Kinda scary, eh?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Maybe I should be glad....

Maybe I should be glad that I'm single? I get to avoid all of this:

You Can't Win (or Why Men Die First)

If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat race -- you're a male chauvinist.

If you stay home and do the housework -- you're a pansy.

If you work too hard -- there's never any time for her.

If you don't work enough -- you're a good-for-nothing bum.

If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay -- this is exploitation.

If you have a boring repetitive job with low pay -- you should get off your lazy behind and find something better.

If you get a promotion ahead of her -- that is favouritism.

If she gets a job ahead of you -- it's equal opportunity.

If you mention how nice she looks -- it's sexual harassment.

If you keep quiet -- it's male indifference.

If you cry -- you're a wimp.

If you don't -- you're an insensitive bastard.

If you make a decision without consulting her -- you're a chauvinist.

If she makes a decision without consulting you -- she's a liberated woman.

If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy -- that's domination.

If SHE asks you -- it's a favour.

If you appreciate the female form and frilly underwear -- you're a pervert.

If you don't -- you're gay.

If you like a woman to shave her legs and keep in shape -- you're sexist.

If you don't -- you're unromantic.

If you try to keep yourself in shape -- you're vain.

If you don't -- you're a slob.

If you buy her flowers -- you're after something.

If you don't -- you're not thoughtful.

If you're proud of your achievements -- you're full of yourself.

If you're not -- you're not ambitious.

If she has a headache -- she's tired.

If you have a headache -- you don't love her anymore.

If you want it too often -- you're oversexed.

If you don't -- there must be someone else.

Men die first because they want to!

Just had to post this - score is now 0 for 7.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dancing on Ice

Channel 9 have managed to do it again....

In the ever-increasing world of broadcasters wanting to do a reality show where they can make some bucks by having people call in to vote for their "favourite"-whatever, the "Fuck off, already" Eddie Maguire crowd are trying to cash in on another celebrity-based show.

I know that Channel 7 has run a couple of seasons of this sort of thing with "Dancing with the Stars" but I refused to watch that on the basis that if I want to see dancers competing, then I will watch some DANCERS and not the Obliviots that inhabit TV already.

Channel 7 further delved into the "celebrity" gene pool by creating another celebrity show this time with singing. I won't watch Australian Idle (I know how it's spelt and this way is more relevant!) and music videos aren't worth watching anymore thanks to what passes for "talent" in the music world now. Same goes for radio but the killer there are the untalented fuckwits that are employed as announcers.

Can anyone see where this is going?

Yep - it ALL comes down to the announcers, the presenters, the people out front!

Ch7 had the diminutive little prick that was on Hey Hey It's Saturday not enough years ago. What was it's name? Daryl Sommers? The head on the stick had more talent! At least Grant Denyer on the singing one doesn't seem to be too bad - at least he can drive a car.

So - back to Ch9.
Instead of getting someone with any sort of on-air charisma, they've gone to the pot where they find the new presenters for Funniest Home Videos (a misnomer in itself). I'm bloody certain that the only way some of those birds get the job on that show is by how long they took it on the board room table!
For Dancing on Ice, they pick some saucepan shuffler by the name of Jamie Durie (is that how you spell it? Who cares....). His co-host is some bird who is so wooden in her performance that they must have injected her with viagra or something. If you picked her up off a street corner, you'd get splinters in your cock!

Needless to say, I did tape the show because I knew that Ch9 was going to have endless advertisements with opinions from dickhead presenters and more endless replays of boring routines. Basically, I just wanted to see one show to perve on the girlies in their minimal costumes. While they looked very pleasing, I can't stand it anymore and even with the fast-forward button being worked overtime, the show is still totally unwatchable.

Good thing for me, I guess. Can go back to my own dance classes instead of watching someone else have fun :)
Thanks Channel 9 for making the decision so easy! :)

QR for Careers???

What the??!!

First, I hear an advertisement on the radio stating that Queensland Rail, now known as QR, has a Careers webpage. Then, upon looking at the webpage, I see that some cock-biter has suggested that QR offers "…rewarding career opportunities in areas like: Information Technology…"

Who the fuck do they think they are kidding???

If there is anything to be said, it is that Queensland Rail DOES NOT offer anything resembling a rewarding career in Information Technology!! - not unless you happen to be an unskilled dickhead with a leaning towards being a political player who doesn't care who they step on; use; abuse; deceive; and will suck copious quantities of dick if it means that they can make someone else look bad while making themselves look good.

Queensland Rail will happily allow it's "rewarding career" prospects wallow in go-nowhere jobs where there is NO chance of advancement unless someone dies, or leaves the organisation for a company where their skills are acknowledged and appreciated.

All you IT Graduates: BE WARNED!! Don't listen to the spin! Don't believe the SHIT!

They will tell you that QR is a respected leader in the IT field. BULLSHIT!!

Queensland Rail is known far and wide in the IT industry as being stocked predominantly with people who *think* they know what they're doing when in reality they wouldn't know shit from clay. The people who are truly skilled and do give a rat's arse about the quality of their work, just do their jobs without the need to run to a manager's office to say how good they are.

So too should ALL Queensland Rail employees be concerned should they have access to email. Even though an agreement may be in place yet NOT be legally binding: non-security-cleared factions will happily take it upon themselves to NOT work with the formal Security section in preventing SPAM and assorted unwanted, unsolicited, non-work-related emails into the organisation, yet will NOT provide the software that they use themselves to entrap employees to locate it. Management will also happily use illegal entrapment techniques and policies to reduce employee numbers while claiming that there is a No Forced Redundancy policy.

Is this software made avaliable to employees to assist them in cleaning up their machines so that anything that is offensive in nature can be removed? NO!

Is information sent around saying that an employee can be sacked if a file exists in a temporary directory because Windows does NOT clean up after itself? NO!

Note: this is not directed to the 2 or 3 managers in IT in the organisation that actually give a rat's arse about their staff. Their jobs are hard enough without being lumped in with the rest of the morons that are running the joint.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Spot the difference...

Gregory Itzen (actor)
Plays US President Charles Logan in '24' (Fox)

(pic from IMDB)

Peter Beattie (politician)
Plays at being Queensland Premier

A total nobody on the world stage.
(pic from somewhere - who fucking cares)

Spot the difference....

One is an actor working overtime to portray himself as an incompetent imbecile at every conceivable opportunity. The other one *... hmmm....

(Let's start this one again)

One is a politician on TV who does things that benefits his public image while doing nothing useful for the people while the other one *.... (SHIT!)

(Take: 3)

One runs around with no idea of what he is doing in his job and blames everyone else for his shortcomings while *... (oh, COME ON!! Give me a fucking break here!)

(Attempt #4)

One knows that he is an actor whose primary role it is to bullshit the public into thinking that he is someone he is not while the oth*.... (FUCK IT!!!!)

Aussie Dunny Pets

There! You see??!! I told you that the noise coming out of the bog was from the Barking Dunny Spider, but did you believe me? NOOOOO-OOOOO....

The problem with this image is that I know for a fact that these bastards can jump - finding that there would not only help you evacuate your bowels in record time but would make you jump pretty high as well!

I dunno where the pic was taken - just came in an email from a mate. Looks like a female Huntsman to me. Even in the shitter, some women just can't leave you alone :)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

0 for 6 (TMI Files)

Well... seeing as I'm not very good at lying, I will 'fess up right from the word go that I am going to steal the idea of the 'TMI Files' from my mate Nilknarf.

I figure that my mates have pretty much had a gutful of me whinging about not being able to find a woman that can tolerate me, so I'll dump it on that poor sod that reads my blog (whomever you are - sorry about this :)

Well... my score now stands at none for 6. That's not bad when you consider that I'm not really trying that hard to drive people away.

I registered on a dating site (NO! Not RSVP or AMM - bleh :P ) about 2 months ago as I figured that someone isn't going to magically turn up and that I need to actually go looking and that maybe someone on there is going to be desperate enough to want someone like me. HA! More fool me.
Still, one has to at least try this sometime as a friend (she's #2) that I was interested in did say to find someone younger and with less baggage. The problem there being that this friend is still the pick of the crop because she is nobody's fool -- but I took her advice and respected her wishes and started my search anyway.

I don't know about anyone else who has tried this, but I seem to find an extraordinary number of women who are looking for someone with a particular build and has integrity and honesty and caring etc etc etc (qualities which I believe I have) yet I seem to consistently find those who are too busy in their lives to have someone else there after their careers and such (not counting #2 from above - I have nothing negative to say about her! She remembers herself as she was 10 years ago - I only knew her as she is now and I still say that she is the choice selection! :)

I will keep trying but I long for the day when I find a woman who means what she says and says what she means.
If I'm not good enough: say so.
If you've found someone better: say so.
If you're looking for someone short, skinny, weak, domineering and dishonourable: say so.
Just don't LIE about what you want so that you can appear superior to your girlfriends or appear to have your head altogether with what you want. If you want a bloke who talks shit and can't do anything useful with his life other than work on his crappy car worth all of $300 with $5,000 wheels on it, then don't write a profile that says that you want a bloke who won't make you cry; will be honest and caring; and won't try to bang you up the arse in a public park!

Say what you mean - mean what you say.
It just seems to me that women pretend to want a bloke that will treat her with respect and dignity and like a lady - but when he comes along, he is the LAST thing they want.

(again - friend from above.... #2 of the 6 (so far) is NOT included in the group-of-liars :) Just thought I'd better qualify that....

Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong in my points but experience is teaching me different.

Weird things in my head #0001

I figure that it's about time I stopped griping about the incompetent moron politicians and premier of Queensland and maybe share a few more things with the person who reads my blog (thanks! :)

Those who know me know that I have a lot of weird thoughts come out of my head at times and they always seem to miss the "idiotic filter" on the way out and are thus shared with the world. In the case of this blog, I'll just start again at one - the numbering system is required because it won't be the last dumb thing I will say or think in my life :)


On the way back from the shops this afternoon (having a coffee and reading news printed out from various news sites and I was about 1.5km from home on the bike (pedal kind) after having had a nice short blast of a ride (about 5km) with a tailwind (the best kind :)

Coming to the top of a hill, past goes this Toyota Landcruiser dual-cab 4-wheel drive with what I initially thought was a sheep on the back.

First thought was:

Oh? He's taking his girlfriend for a drive?

Upon looking again, I realised that this sheep wasn't a sheep but was actually a dog - or to be more precise, a labradoodle (the crossbreeding of a labrador with a poodle which gives a really good dog for people requiring a guide dog for the blind).

Next thought was: (as I like animals)

Hey... That's really nice of that blind guy to take his dog for a ride....


Hey - Waitaminit????
