Here is a case of a Vietnam Veteran walking into a office of the Department of Veterans Affairs down in Melbourne, sits a while, then pulls out a gun and shoots himself dead.
Now, from this, I know for a fact that there will be:
- people concerned about those who work in the offices of the DVA and will rush to get counselling for those workers.
- MORONS saying that if we had tougher gun controls, this couldn't have happened.
- MORE MORONS saying that it wouldn't have happened had there been security on the desk at the entry to the building.
When, IN FACT, the whole solution could have been avoided simply had the Department for Veterans Affairs actually done what it's name suggests and works FOR Veterans and not AGAINST Veterans - which is what it actually seems to do!
The man was known to have made threats to DVA staff.
Does anyone out there know WHY he would have made threats to DVA staff? Anyone? C'mon, it's not that hard a question....
THE REASON why threats are made against staff in government offices is that people are TOTALLY FRUSTRATED at the utter ineptitude of some staff; bewildered by the mindless, half-witted bureaucracy enforced by others; and, forced to listen to bullshit excuses about why payments to those who DEFENDED THE COUNTRY have NOT been kept up with the cost of living since 1976 when BLUDGERS in Canberra and every state parliament vote themselves anywhere between a 5-to-25% payrise every stinking year. If they can't get a pay-rise for themselves, they vote for an increase in travel allowances - don't they, *Mr* Iemma? (I use the "Mr" very loosely because people of your ilk are not worthy of respect in any way shape or form!)
The people in this country who ARE worthy of respect are the ones who CLEAN UP the FUCK-UPS of politicians when it gets to the point where their bullshit lies cannot save them any longer!
So... we have members of the MSM saying Muslims are worthy of respect.
We have feminists saying that they're worthy of respect.
We have dole-bludgers saying that they deserve something for nothing.
We have drug using shithead football players saying that they're worthy of respect.
We have politicians who say that they could make more money in private enterprise because of their skills and they deserve respect. Not only do I doubt that a shithouse rat makes anything near what these bludgers do (yet does it better) but the shithouse rat also does not control the budget and vote themselves constant pay rises while everyone else in the country seems to have permission to go fuck themselves!
"We don't believe the DVA handled this very well, nowhere near sensitively enough.
NO SHIT, Sherlock - What gave away the clue???
"They knew he was not a mentally well man. The fact is the tightness of government money had driven this man to an extreme act; the same government he once put his life on the line for."
The tightness of government money? It's NOT THEIR FUCKING MONEY!!!
Not only do they control OUR money as taxpayers - they can't control it very well. It might be better said that they couldn't run a greasy stick up the snatch of a $5 whore let alone the budget of an entire country!
Fellow prison officers said Mr Heffernan had been deeply disturbed after thinking a surprise exercise in which a female guard was "taken hostage" by inmates was real.
"It wasn't a good thing to have happen to a Vietnam vet," a source said.
Nah - it was a perfectly reasonable act. Get someone who was in the jungles of Vietnam and a mental condition because of it and then scare the shit out of him by helping him relive the days that made him into the mental wreck that he is now.
"The DVA was far too officious. They were technically correct but they were dealing with a man who needed real compassion and care," he said.
Just him? He's the only one needing real compassion and care? Nobody else? They're all good to go except for him? Right.
"He was never ignored," the source said.
BULL-FUCKING-SHIT!!!! They're ALL ignored unless they get loud about it. A Veteran just about HAS to shove a gun in the face of a government official to get the prick off their high horse and to DO something.
For what it's worth - I've never been in the defence forces as my father banned me from joining due to what he went through. I know enough from friends who are ex-defence, Vietnam Vets, Korean Vets, an Uncle who landed at Gallipoli and talking to diggers over the years that if this country needs a soldier, a RAAFie or a Sailor, they can look not in my direction because you can do the honourable thing to serve your country - then your country says "FUCK YOU" when it's safe again.
Well, Minister for Veterans Affairs - maybe someone will shove that gun on your face instead of their own and MAYBE those who actually DO SERVE their country will get a fair shake instead of some know-nothing shithead behind a desk in Canberra who does nothing for anyone but themselves.