Monday, July 10, 2006

Aussie Dunny Pets

There! You see??!! I told you that the noise coming out of the bog was from the Barking Dunny Spider, but did you believe me? NOOOOO-OOOOO....

The problem with this image is that I know for a fact that these bastards can jump - finding that there would not only help you evacuate your bowels in record time but would make you jump pretty high as well!

I dunno where the pic was taken - just came in an email from a mate. Looks like a female Huntsman to me. Even in the shitter, some women just can't leave you alone :)


Caz said...

I used up at least half a can of spider kill spray on a huntsman once, and the bugger STILL wouldn't die. You'd think the damned thing would have drowned in that much spray, but nooooo, I eventually had to squish the hideous, ugly, mean, nasty - eeewww, the memories. *shiver*

Jai Normosone said...

Ice cream bucket or even a normal bucket works much better. Just put the bucket over it and wait for someone to come along who will take the bucket outside :)

I don't kill spiders because I hate flies more - and since spiders kill flies... :)

Nilk said...

I love huntsman spiders. I kept plenty of them as pets over the years, and even Magilla knows that they are good value. (I've trained her to step on the redbacks).

That one is most definitely a female, and looking at the size of her abdomen, she's either just eaten or is getting ready to lay eggs.

I hope it's the former and not the latter. You don't want a female huntsman with an egg sac. Especially one that size!