Monday, November 21, 2005

Muslims or Media??

I noticed on the 'news' this morning that Muslim groups are (apparently) going off their tree about some drug-taking bimbette who goes to Bali and gets caught with some ecstacy tablets; says she is a Mulsim; is found guilty of possession; and gets to come home.

Is she a druggo? I don't know & I don't care. She's a model - this tells me that having a conversation with her would be slightly more painful than repeatedly stabbing myself in the eye with a sharpened house brick. I think it may be part of the job description to take drugs.
In any case, models are paid to look good and not much else - I don't know how anyone can live with a model unless they too happen to be just as much of an airhead (I will also acknowledge that there are some who *are* intelligent and can carry a decent conversation. Would both of you put your hands up, please?)

The question I have is:
Why are the Muslim groups complaining about what this woman is wearing and her imbibing of alcohol but nothing was said about the group of 5 dickheads who chose to beat up a cameraman outside court after they went and showed (idiotic) solidarity for accused terror suspects?

Is it OK for Muslim MALES (none of them are men! Childish pricks that they are!) to beat up someone in the street simply because he is an onlooker with a camera and that women must do as they're told and cover up?

Did the Muslim groups kick up as much of a stink about the cowardly thugs but the media chose to ignore the statements from them because it wasn't as "Newsworthy"?

It seems that Muslim extremists aren't the only terrorists in this country while we have a media that thinks it has a god-given right to disseminate information that suits its own political agendum - something which is not too dissimilar to the one-eyed propaganda that a population were given thanks to the Taliban.

What makes it funnier is that the media are the most critical of blogs - something which has propagated IMMENSELY thanks to the ineptitude and incompetence of the media and their distinct inability to be fair and balanced.


Nilk said...

I hope Michelle Leslie makes a bucketload of moola out of this. She'll need it to pay for a permanent bodyguard after playing their game and winning. :)

Caz said...

I can't agree. Three months in jail, home safely, she should be grateful that her stupidity ended so remarkably well, and get her face out of the media cameras. She did something stupid in a foreign country, it was trivial compared to others, ditto her sentence - there's NO story, just bloody lucky and a shit load of money behind her.

Besides, I'm just so bloody sick to death of people selling their trivial stories & the media eagerly buys this crap, of course.

In this particular case, much worse things have happened to much better people, through no fault of their own. I'm not in the least interested in this flibbertigibbet. Wasn’t interested while she was in jail, not interested now that she’s out.

Jai Normosone said...

Yes, I am calling them childish pricks. They are not "men". They have no honour to anyone other than themselves (of course, this does not imply that the average Australian male has any either).

Has the media turned their attention to something else for a second there? I don't know - I don't care. The media, by and large, is inept - much like you and your head-in-the-sand mentality.

Read some more posts Obliviot - you'll see that comment was made about the 2000-odd halfwits who rampaged around the place attacking anyone and anything. They could have been at a cricket match or a football game for all the principles they had about what they were doing.

Here's a tip: close your Socialist Left rag and read about what the Muslim nation is really like. Maybe you, as a female, like being worth less than a dog?