Thursday, November 17, 2005

The net is the future

"The net is the future" - Murdoch

RUPERT Murdoch said yesterday it did not matter whether newspapers were being sold in paper form or online in 20 years; they would succeed as long as they retained a focus on quality journalism.

And therein lies the problem: "...focus on quality journalism".

Looking at this from the angle of reality, what Rupert has said equates to:
"Publication of the news is going to be around regardless of whether it is in print form or online. We're still going to only deliver either half the news and then it only be the bits we want you to know so that you will be swayed towards our left-wing bullshit ideology. We will continue to use half-witted morons who know nothing about anything to write this rubbish that you think keeps you informed. Truly a case of the blind leading the blind!"


aussiewriterdave said...

Onya mate at it again!! Checked into your blog a while ago and it was empty but I notice you since rectified the omissions :)

Don't want to kill you laughing but I am trying my hand at a blog too
not half as spectacular as yours unfortunately! Cheers dave

Caz said...

aussie - hope you enjoy your blogging; will try to drop in to see what you're up to every now and then.

Jai - yeeesss; I think you nailed that pretty well. Funny how the guys at the big end of town still haven't figured out how to tap into the web and make money. It's not as though the Internet is "new". Just shows that the MSM is neither nible nor adaptable. A bit like Telstra really (classic example): they have been milking their cash cow copper wires for so long, and they STILL think it won't ever dry up, despite all evidence to the contrary, and they're STILL scratching their heads trying to work out "oh gosh, what should we do", while the entire company goes down the gurgler. Meanwhile, other companies are already taking over. MSM? Yeah, those guys are still sitting around scratching their balls; no bloody idea what's hit them.

Nilk said...

The stupid stick, caz. :)

Nick and Nora Charles said...

Nice one Jai. Well spoken as usual.

I rather think you've got the hang of this blogging business.


Jai Normosone said...

The ability to speak my mind and not have to kowtow to an inept editor of an unreadable newspaper is really starting to appeal to me :)