Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Philips Senseo #2

With regards to my previous post about the Philips Senseo, I have received a reply from a very helpful member of the Consumer Connections team of Sara Lee (who must own Harris Coffee, who must subsequently be associated with or own Moccona - not quite sure on the details though).

Many thanks for the reply:

From: {name deleted for privacy reasons}
Sent: Monday, 31 October 2005 2:19 PM
To: {my email}
Subject: RE: Philips Senseo

Hi {myname}

Thank you for contacting the Senseo Consumer connections.

We are glad that you are so happy about Senseo being available in Australia. As we are all here.

Yes we all very aware of Coffee Milk, unfortunately due to Food Laws in Australia, Customs will not allow the product into Australia yet. Maybe sometime soon.

We can only hope and wait.

We currently have 4 flavours available in Australia – Medium Roast, Dark Roast and Extra Dark Roast. Decaffeinated has just been released into WW supermarkets. Look for it next time you shop.

New flavours to follow next year (mid year) so keep an eye on in the coffee isle.

Yes, currently retailers have the $20 cashback of the Philips Senseo coffee pod machine available from most retailers. Best of luck in converting your friends.

If you would like to take part in promotions, research or receive information concerning Senseo newsletters, bulletins – please advise us, we would only be too happy to provide you with this information.

Kind regards


SENSEO- Consumer Connections

Sara Lee Australia
18 Forrester Street
Tel: 1800 794 329

My further reply:


Thank you for replying to my letter.

Considering that I am so happy with the machine, I will gladly accept any information regarding it and participate in promotions and research.

I consider it to be very unfortunate that our food laws do not allow the importation of coffee milk as it really does improve the taste. I would suggest that we (as Aussies) would be more than capable of producing the product ourselves but there has obviously never been a need for it in marketing terms. The funny/sad thing about Australia is that if we don't know that something exists: we don't need it. I think I may write to Pauls milk and Pura and see if they have plans for such an item considering the proliferation of coffee machines on the market now (just open any Myer/Grace Brothers catalogue). I would encourage Harris (Moccona) to do the same as it will benefit not only myself but will also assist in market share once people become aware of the product. An Australian-made coffee milk product would be a wise route as well instead of an imported product. A win-win situation in my opinion :)

I hope that the future of Senseo is set here in Australia as it will mean that the machines with the larger water tank may make it here. I can understand the full range not being available at this time while the market is uncertain about the machine.

There have been a few people interested in the machine through my weblog so I will post your replies on there as well (slightly edited to remove contact details, of course :)

I hope to hear from you soon.


Now I need to start petitioning the major milk manufacturers in the hopes that they are looking towards creating such a product. More to come on this very soon (I hope).


Caz said...

Jai - as I am untravelled (I don't think Sydney & Canberra count; nor Geelong), I am ignorant of this "coffee milk" thing. Quite intrigued. Just when you think there are 200 variety of "milk" in the supermarket, someone points out that there is even BETTER milk in other countries, especially for coffee making. Go figure!

As you say, though, surely our local dairy producers can come up with something...they keep coming up with other crap we don't even want, so you'd think this coffee milk thing should be on their commercial agenda.

Nilk said...

Hell, caz, I can't even drink coffee, and my friends forbid me to make it so I'm with you. I keep thinking of 'coffee milk' as being some sort of uht condensed milk combined with coffee flavour.

No doubt I'm waaaaay off base on that, but I would expect that.

Good to see you're getting results, jai. Good manners work (almost) every time.

Jai Normosone said...

I know what you mean about the milk in the supermarket. There is actually only one milk for me in the supermarket and that is the A2 or Jersey Gold milk. Comes from Jersey cows instead of Fresians and has different enzymes in it that can work better for people that are lactose intolerant.

I get it because it tastes like real milk instead of a mix that has been purified to within an inch of its life!

I don't drink coffee for the caffeine as it has no effect and I probably shouldn't drink it either as I have gut problems to start with - but it tastes good.
I don't drink, smoke, take drugs, or chase bad/any women - I have to do something to create pleasure! :)

Uh yeah - NOPE! That coffee & milk stuff that's like evaporated milk is just slightly better than nothing.

I like manners :) There is no call or need to abuse people unless they really deserve it. I've been known to call help lines and ask the help desk person to put me onto someone I can get stuck into because I don't want to abuse the person who has just answered the phone. You can hear the relief on the line sometimes :)