Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Gun violence kills '1000 every day'

GUN violence is a global epidemic that kills an estimated 1000 people a day and stronger international controls on the sale and movement of arms are needed, a report released today said.

"If 1000 people a day were dying of avian flu, the world would sit up and take notice," said the report, published by IANSA, a group of agencies including Amnesty International and Oxfam.

Well then... thanks for the news about this revelation.

If 1000 people a day were dying of avian flu... - thank you for that comparison Amnesty & Oxfam - you've justified my reason for not giving either of you any donations. The original reason is because the money mostly leaves this country and doesn't help those in need here. Charity begins at home, remember?

OK - OK - I don't give either of you any money because I just don't give a shit.

More importantly, these two organisations are complaining about guns and people killing people with guns. Thank you SO much for the assumption I had to make that this was around the entire planet.

Have any of the boneheads in either of these "charities" thought about how many people die each day, around the globe, on the public road systems? It's more than 1,000 people I can tell you!

Which deaths are more easily prevented?

One set of deaths are the result of crime (obviously). Various police forces around the planet either don't have the resources to tackle the crime problem or are bought off (in 3rd world countries) to look the other way. The other people are dying because they are trying to commute in one form or another and are being killed because road rules aren't being enforced and people are not being taught how to drive.

So.... yet another DICKHEAD in the media wants to push their personal agenda about how guns are bad but are quite happy for everyone to be armed with another form of weapon: the licence that 99% of the population seemingly gets out of a Corn Flakes packet!

1 comment:

Caz said...

Yep, cars & pedestrians were the first example to pop into my head too.

They're not concerned about how many kiddies die each day from dirty drinking water? A lot more than 1000 of them.

Workplace accidents? 5000 killed in Australia alone each year. Yep, more than double road accident numbers!

Okay, let's just worry about guns and criminals then.