Sunday, September 03, 2006

Fingerprints kept Illegally

Well, DUH!!!

This report suggests that it was just the Victorian Police that were doing this.

THE fingerprints of up to half a million innocent Victorians have been retained illegally by Victoria Police.
Senior police have warned the scandal could expose the force to a fine totalling millions of dollars.
Leaked documents, seen by the Sunday Herald Sun, reveal it could take police two decades to clear a backlog of hundreds of thousands of fingerprint sets.

Seriously: Is there anyone out there STUPID enough to believe that if the police destroy that little card with your finger-painting on it? They ALWAYS say that the prints will be destroyed which I believed when I was younger but I know now that the original collection card of the prints will be destroyed but the question avoids an answer when you ask about COPIES of your prints.

Having been someone that's been printed a couple of times, the subterfuge used to obtain your prints has been something foremost in my mind when dealing with the Police.

Don't get me wrong - I am far from being anti-cop as I would most definitely be in prison or dead now had I not been thrown around that back room by the ears all those years ago. I am actually grateful for that.
What troubles me when dealing with the police is that great numbers of them (not all) treat everyone they meet like potential criminals and/or suspects and use the line of "If you've done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to worry about!"

Well, I'll tell you: I will not be fingerprinted again nor will I ever participate in a DNA test unless there is actual need for it (ie: a charge being laid). I like my privacy to be mine and my word is my bond. Accept that or piss off!

Opposition police spokesman Kim Wells said: "The Victoria Police is an organisation you would expect to abide by the law, so I'm gobsmacked by this."

Fucking dreamer....

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