Thursday, September 28, 2006

Germaine Greer vs Steve Irwin

I saw this on CNN last week.

Germaine Greer is slagging off at Steve Irwin.


She moved to England and say that she won't return to Australia unless welcomed by the traditional owners, yet says that many turn up to the airport to greet her when she arrives?
Which tribe are they from? The tribe that "owned" the whole country?

Greer, best known for her feminist book "The Female Eunuch", said Wednesday Irwin was an "embarrassment" and a "self-deluded animal torturer."

There is only one embarassment in this argument -- and it ISN'T Steve Irwin.

Greer said Irwin had not treated animals with the respect they deserved.

Just because he didn't stick his finger up the date of a horrid, comtempible whore like Greer actually works in his favour from where I stand.

Greer can stay in England - or better yet, go to Afghanistan and put a potato sack on her head and she can take the cock-biters in the media who put credence in what she says and publishes her comments in the "news".

Steve Irwin was 100 times the man that Greer could ever hope or want to be >:)

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