Sunday, September 03, 2006

Integrate or FUCK OFF!

Honestly? What is so hard to understand about the concept of learning the language and treating your women (and ours) like real people instead of possessions?

Australia is NOT a Muslim nation (and hopefully it never will be) yet people of the Islamic faith are allowed to live here (and collect Social Security which they SHOULDN'T get - there's enough bludgers here now!) and are accepted. Yet, the values of THIS COUNTRY aren't good enough for some followers of the Cult of the Paedophile and think that they can live in their own little enclaves and take over suburbs in major cities and treat Aussies like 2nd class citizens?

Excuse me? If you came here as a refugee - is that not the treatment that you claim you are fleeing yet you think it's OK to go to another country and do it to other people?

Then they pipe up again and demand that THEIR law is the only one that counts. If you want Sharia Law; if you want to treat your women like 2/3 or half the worth of a male (as I've seldom seen behaviour becoming a man in a Muslim male); if you want to riot in the streets about the AUSTRALIAN Prime Minister upholding AUSTRALIAN values; then FUCK OFF back to the country from whence you came!

If you try to tell me that you're an Aussie while holding "values" listed above: you're not one of us - you're just a coward and a liar!
If you think that it's more important to be something other than an Aussie and that the country should change to suit you, then again: FUCK OFF!! There's countries out there that are Muslim and will happily accept those ideals. MY country isn't one of them.

For the record, if you're one of these bleeding-heart liberal-minded cock-biters that say that I'm wrong - YOU can PISS OFF with them! Let's see just how well you'll get on in a Muslim country behaving the way you do here?

So... the choice is simple.... Learn English and treat women as equals or LEAVE!
If you want to indulge in Threats of Violence against civilised people just to get your own way - be warned that the government hasn't been able to disarm ALL of the nation just yet.

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