Thursday, September 28, 2006

Wild Bean is CRAP, eh!

(Sorry for the bit of Canadian language in the title but it fits :)

Well... here in Oz, BP (British Petroleum) has taken a wonderful step forward in presentation in marketing by introducing what they call the Wild Bean Cafe back in 2004.

It was now possible to turn up to a servo in the middle of the night after a 4- or 5-hour drive and get a half-decent coffee instead of the mud that McDonalds makes (even though it does keep you awake).

But then, THANKS to the usual halfwits of the world who sue corporations for any reason and the cretins in marketing who think that they need to be "proactive"* in preventing said halfwits from having a go: the only kind of coffee you can get at a Wild Bean Cafe is a COLD one!

I have to have my coffee HOT. Not quite thermo-nuclear hot but definitely more than the 65-degrees-C that the staff have been instructed to not go over. To me, that is COLD and I can inhale a 12-oz cup in the same time it take to drink a similar sized glass of water.

I supply them with a non-leaking travel mug and informed them that I am indeed old enough to take responsibility for my actions and that if I spill it on my dick then that is my tough shit. I have even gone to the lengths of asking them to show me to the microwave overn so that I could heat the pathetic attempt up to a satisfactory level. Of course, I don't abuse staff or belittle them because they are acting under instructions from idiot managers.

If you like HOT coffee: AVOID BP & WILD BEAN CAFE!!!

* "Proactive" - wank-word used by management = do it my way.

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