Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Apprentice 2: Military Man

In an email account that I have set up purely to accept subscriptions (like news items, product notifications from Amazon, etc etc), I found an email from a partner company to Townhall telling me about this book written by the bloke (Kelly Perdew) who won the final in the second season of The Apprentice.

Those who check in with Nilknarf from time to time would know that she has a soft spot for "The Don", or rather: "The FAKE Don" considering that I'm an Aussie kid and there will ever be one "The Don": Sir Donald Bradman.

The advertising blurb for the book reads:

When Donald Trump told Kelly Perdew, "You're hired," in the finale of season two of The Apprentice, Perdew credited much of his success to one thing -- his U.S. military training. In his new book, Take Command, Perdew demonstrates how his personal formula for success can help anyone succeed in any venture, be it serving our country, running a small business, acting as the CEO of a large corporation, or working for Donald Trump!

Take Command examines the strong connection between military leadership and business success and offers an insider's look at Donald Trump, the leader. Perdew wrote the book to educate corporate America on the leadership principles that are instilled in veterans as well as let transitioning military servicemen and women know they've "got the skills to pay the bills" in the civilian sector.

In Take Command, you'll learn the 10 principles Perdew relies on for success:

Duty. Do what you're supposed to do, when you're supposed to do it.

Impeccability. If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right.

Passion. Be passionate about what you do, and do what you're passionate about.

Perseverance. It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.

Planning. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

Teamwork. There is no "I" in TEAM.

Loyalty. Remain loyal, up, down, and across your organization.

Flexibility. In all aspects of life, the person with the most varied responses wins.

Selfless Service. Give back.

Integrity. Take the harder right over the easier wrong.

Take Command teaches you how you can take the can-do military spirit and be all you aspire to be -- and win.

I admire someone who can show all of those qualities and I aspire to having all of these qualities at my disposal at some time in my life. The only thing is that I consider possessing-these-qualities and succeeding-in-the-corporate-world to be a paradox.

I'll admit that I've never been a huge corporate player and I detest politicking in the workplace when everyone is supposed to be striving towards a common goal; but I do know that acting honourably, with integrity and loyalty to the company, and doing the job right the first time is a total crock of shit unless you OWN the company.

Arse-kissing and lying is what pays in the end. The further up the date of the middle-manager that you are performing the rimjob on: the better off you will be. Doing your job and doing it well does NOT get you noticed and it does NOT get you promoted in the grand scheme of things.

I DEFY any middle manager, senior manager or CEO to PROVE ME WRONG!!

I know for a fact that none will be able to.

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Ant & The Grasshopper Revisited

I know this has been posted in other places before but I thought it relevant considering the current climate in this country and it ties in well with an article just written by Doug Giles. Surprisingly enough, this bloke is a preacher. Sounds like the kind of preacher that would give a fire & brimstone sermon that would have you shitting your pants :)


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate like him are cold and starving.

The ABC and Channel 9 show up to provide live coverage of the shivering grasshopper, with cuts to a video of the ant in his comfortable warm home with a table filled with food.

Australians are stunned that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so while others have plenty.

The Democrats, the Greens and the Coalition Against Poverty demonstrate in front of the ant's house.

The ABC, interrupting an Aboriginal cultural festival special from North Queensland with breaking news, broadcasts them singing "We Shall Overcome."

Bob Brown rants in an interview with Ray Martin that the ant has gotten rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his "fair share."

In response to polls, the Liberal Government drafts the Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti-Discrimination Act, retrospective to the beginning of the summer. It is quickly passed through the Senate.

The ant's taxes are reassessed and he is also fined for failing to hire grasshoppers as helpers.

Without enough money to pay both the fine and his newly imposed retrospective taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

The ant moves to Asia, and starts a successful agribiz company.

The TV stations later show the now fat grasshopper finishing up the last of the ant's food though Spring is still months away, while the government owned house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house crumbles around him because he hadn't maintained it. Inadequate government funding is blamed, Kim Beasley now is appointed to head a commission of inquiry that will cost $10,000,000.

The grasshopper is soon dead of a drug overdose; the Sydney Morning Herald blames it on obvious failure of government to address the root causes of despair arising from social inequity.

The abandoned house is taken over by a gang of immigrant spiders, praised by the government for enriching Australia's multicultural diversity, who promptly terrorize the community.

Sounds about bloody right.... >:/

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Can I? Can I? Can I?

Does anyone watch SBS? Anyone? So it's just me watching that almost-porn that they put on there most nights? Rightio then....

Believe it or not, I'm not actually here to bag the shit out of someone in this post - I'm going to say something positive for once :)

In short, if you're up for some *different* TV that is very entertaining with a LOT of that trivia type stuff about sex that you'll never, ever, ever, ever, EVER use again in your life, then maybe you should be watching SBS on Sunday nights from 8:30 to 9:30 (pm). There are 5 parts left in the televisual series of the book: Dr Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation (Dr Tatiana being better known as Olivia Judson).

I have to admit though that what really does it for me is that smile - man-o-man-o-man (*phew*). Her voice being the mix of upper-crust British with the strong American undertone threaded with what is most likely a very black and sarcastic sense of humour AND being the perfect age for me.........
(dreamer.... (*sigh*)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


There are times when I like to peruse the dictionary to reacquaint myself with certain words that you see and hear used by various groups in society.

The word in question that started this was fascist. No, wait - I think it was sociopath which then led my to psychopath, then I came back to fascist. I needed to check up on this because I noticed a poster of some left-wing droob in the Queen St Mall in Brisbane yesterday comparing George Bush to Hitler.

Hmmm... let me think about this... George W Bush <-> Hitler... Well - they're both male so I guess the conclusion is fair and truthful in the mindset of a progressive* type of female (*term used with extreme sarcasm). Yes - this is my dig at feminism and how it is a crock of shit. Check out this latest article by Mike S. Adams on Why I don’t take feminists seriously. If you don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it clear: feminism = bullshit. Those who know me will know the vein I mean this in (the correct one!). If you want to claim that it's some sort of attack on females having rights or equality, then revise that to be: your mindset = bullshit.

So, coming back to words again....

I noticed in the 'related words' area for fascist that the word reactionary was in there.

Hmmm... thinking again... OK - if fascism is the quietening of opposition by censorship and dictatorial controls (thinking Beattie government here), then surely reactionary would be a reference to how they resolve problems that they create - by reacting to them -as in the typical knee-jerk reaction that is used oh-so often for problems that were foreseen by Blind Freddy but not so by Labor Party MP's and their advisors.

"What problems?" You say? How about:
- a $400 million Stuporstadium in the middle of Brisbane. How many hospital wards could remain in operation around the state just so people in Brisbane can go see some grunting neanderthals grab each other by the genitals; fall down while playing horsey-in-the-middle with a stupidly shaped ball; and speak in one-syllable sentences?
- a proposed $120 million Stuporstadium Mk-II for the Gold Coast. That might pay for a doc or two, maybe an extra cop and a student teacher.
- and while on the waste of taxpayers money: with regards to Petie Beater's latest 'holiday', I wonder how much of the cost of that holiday was paid for by the taxpayers of this state. Seems like every time I go on a holiday, I have to foot the entire bill myself. Of course, all denials about taxpayer cost MUST be discounted as PB would need to speak to refute the claims and we all know that you can tell when a politician is lying by noticing that his/her lips are moving.

The problem with the hospitals in this state didn't start a fortnight ago - they started YEARS ago when the plans for worthless projects were still on the drawing board.

So, coming back to words again.... (part the-second, after rant-break)

Who would have thought (ie: me) that reactionary actually referred to an ultra-conservative or extreme right-wing ideal? Someone who was opposed to progress?

So, using *my* thinking and definition of a 'reactionary', we have a socialist government opposed to progress and is post-reactionary to the problems they create. Does this not sound like the norm or am I mistaken?

Bring back the siphilitic monkey.

As an end-note, maybe a few of those women who feign offence at the word sheila should actually look it up in the dictionary and realise that it is NOT an offensive term.

I just wish that people would use a goddamn dictionary before throwing labels around.

Dual Nationalities

I noticed that Charlize Theron featured heavily on Sunrise this morning. Seeing that she was born and raised in Africa and now lives in America: Does that make her an African-American? I say YES.

I might even suggest that she is even MORE African-American than maybe 99.99% (ie: 1 in 10,000) of those claiming that title in the United States who have NEVER set foot or lived anywhere in Africa.

So, if you think I am being racist, think about whom it is that is claiming a nationality that they are not entitled to? Who is the one promoting misrepresentation to themselves and everyone they claim this title from?

If you're Irish, you're Irish.
If you're American, you're American.
If you're a Pom who moves to Australia, then you're an Aussie.
If you're a Muslim in Australia who doesn't want to fit in, you're not wanted (so piss off!)

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Boy accused in gang rape escapes charges

What the hell is this????

A BOY, 8, involved in the alleged gang-rape of a girl, 3, in Cairns will escape prosecution because he is too young.

The boy, who lives in the same street as the girl, is not legally required to stay away from the victim or undergo counselling because he is not 10 years or older.

An 8 year old involved in pack rape??? Where the hell did a kid this age get the idea of indulging in pack rape - and on a 3 year old girl yet???

Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg has slammed the loophole in the Juvenile Justice Act and called for legislative change.

And, of course, there is the usual political grandstanding from he-who-dodges-legal-prosecution. "Make it the fault of the current government rather than recognising that it is a law that has been around for many, many years AND ignoring the bigger issue here."
For once, this is not the fault of Peter Beattie's incompetence or his merry band of wandering morons.

Sen-Sgt Horan said the young boy is accused of enticing the girl into a bedroom on January 5 and raping her.

He allegedly invited his 11-year-old and 13-year-old friends, who also live in the same street, to do the same, Sen-Sgt Horan said.

So, it was the youngest of the 3 boys who enticed the girl into the room and then invited his friends to do the same? Again: Where the hell did this kid get the idea to do this?

There hasn't been much in the media about how it's OK to rape if you're a practitioner of the Religion-of-the-Confused-Paedophile and it's damn unlikely that the kid came up with the idea on his own - so where did the idea and motive come from?
I will never say that the kid is blameless in all of this but *someone* has obviously allowed or assisted this kid in seeing something that put the idea into his head; whether it be allowing him to see it in a movie (that he shouldn't have seen) or from the internet or whatever. In any case, his parent/s or carer were obviously NOT doing their job.

This is a particularly emotive subject for me as I have a neice that was messed about with for many years by her mother's boyfriend WITH the assistance of the mother. NOTHING was done about it THANKS to the band of halfwits at Family Services in Ipswich in Queensland (their ineptitude is well known to those who are on the wrong end of this sort of treatment). I would have done something about it myself but the family would not tell me where the vermin lived.
What makes it worse is that I met someone recently who has a 3 year old girl and the thought of someone doing something like this to an innocent child makes me want to grab them by the throat and shake them until their teeth rattle and inflict all sorts of pain on them.

OK - I might sound cruel but I've made it pretty clear in other posts that I have no problem with eradicating vermin that are, or will become, a debt to society. *Someone* has to do the job and it sure as hell isn't being made better by aggrandizing politicians, powerless police and politically-correct judiciaries.

The ONLY upside to this is that *hopefully* the girl is young enough that she will not remember the sequence of events.

In the case of the boys involved, I have to admit that it would not be prudent to remove them from the face of the planet just yet due to their respective ages (especially the youngest one), but if there were to be any signs of a recurrence....... The only problem here is that it would probably be too late for yet another young female.

The big hypothetical: remove the child from existence or allow them another chance at life?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

'Road Spy' causes Budget Problems

New in The Crappier (Courier) Mail today: Text message 'Road Spy' service slammed

A NEW text messaging service that warns motorists of police RBT sites and speed traps is under fire after it was launched only days after Queensland's worst Christmas-New Year holiday road toll.

Police Minister Judy Spence condemned the Road Spy service as irresponsible and motoring body the RACQ called for it to be shut down, saying it would help drink-drivers and speedsters flout the law and cause more carnage on the roads.

Well, of course Police Minister Judy Spence would condemn the service - it's undermining the efforts of the Police, or better known as the QRPS (Queensland Revenue Protection Service) to keep Queensland afloat after Peter Beattie has driven it broke through his mismanagement.

"I think all motorists could live without it and in fact would have a darn better chance of living if they had nothing to do with it," RACQ spokesman Gary Fites said.

"From what we can see, it provides no public service whatsoever."

"All it does is assist drink-drivers and speedsters to break the law and keep on breaking it until they kill or maim someone."

Oh yes - the RACQ. The greatest toothless tiger when it comes for standing up for the rights of motorists. The right (or rather, priviledge) to drive anywhere without being considered to be nothing more than a cash cow. The largest and most powerful lobby group in this state and have the ability to influence the respective ministers on what actually WILL save lives on the roads but they prefer to just take that membership money and slag off at cyclists while happily toeing the political line.

But Mr Fites said there was a big difference between warning people about speed cameras and alerting them to RBTs.

"Knowing what we know about the road toll and particularly the role of speed and alcohol in that road toll, I just can't believe that someone would look to make money out of a service like this," he said.

...as opposed to a government that is happy to make money out of the constituents for minimal infringements of the law while willingly ignoring methods to reduce the road toll.

Ms Spence said: "I have concerns that these types of initiatives are irresponsible and are attempts to undermine this government's road safety initiatives."

WHAT Road Safety Initiatives? A couple of advertisements on TV?? Yeah - that's really working to save lives, you HALFWIT!
Where is the education?
Where is the retesting of drivers?
Where are the psych tests for people who reoffend?
Where are the harsh punishments for those who drive unlicenced in unregistered vehicles?
Where are the murder charges for people who use their vehicle like a weapon?
Where are the speed cameras when they should be outside schools and shopping centres? (where steel on flesh causes more damage than steel on steel)
Where is the enforcement of ALL road rules instead of just the profitable fines?
Where are the benefits for those who do obey the road rules and attract no fines?

"Road Safety Initiatives"?? This government and it's ministers have NO road safety initiatives other than fines for speeding justified by intentially flawed and false statistics!

Anyone who gives Judy Spence or Gary Fites any sort of credence in the media is (incredibly) MORE stupid than they are!

Monday, January 09, 2006

I O U $10,000,000

As per usual, I am a few days behind the news.


Sorry, I should correct myself when I use the term "news" because Shane Warne is NOT news - he's a cricket player who stayed the immature halfwit he was when he was 14 and just continued the party mood with the drinking and smoking into his adult life.

In fact, the best 'news' I've heard about him in recent weeks was the claim that his wife is going to sting him $10 million in the divorce. Apparently this claim has been refuted but who knows for sure?

As stated in the above article link, he has now made a "promise" that he will give up his international cricket career (and maybe get a real job?) if his children can't cope with his pending divorce.
Will this "promise" be as genuine as the one he made to his wife about "honour" and where he vows to "cherish" her? I could be wrong though as he may have written his own wedding VOWS to Simone, his soon-to-be ex-wife.

"I swear to love, honour and cherish you until I get drunk again and decide that a piece of tail that hasn't squeezed out a couple of kids is good enough to get me by until I get home again."

To be honest (I always am) and even though I am talking from the vantage point of a bloke (which means that I should root for the bloke getting divorced so that the ex-wife gets as little as possible): I just hope that she cleans this wanker out because he deserves it!
He is nothing more than a two-faced liar who is putting on an act and is saying honourable things to the media so that he won't look so bad to the public and that his (misguided) fans will forget about his selective memory when it comes to promises.

Warne said the downside to an international cricket career was the amount of time he was forced to spend apart from his family.

"With everything you do, unfortunately there are some sacrifices you have to make," he said.

Apparantly those 'sacrifices' don't include 'fidelity'.

IF he was a REAL man with honest values and took seriously the giving of his word and taking vows then his children would not be in the situation of having to cope with the divorce of their parents.

"I think I'm a very good father."

Oh yes, you're an upstanding role-model for your son. I wonder what he will do to the woman he swears an oath to if he has to go away for work (or play)?

You made your bed, Shane, you dickhead - now lie in it!
As per usual, I am a few days behind the news.


Sorry, I should correct myself when I use the term "news" because Shane Warne is NOT news - he's a cricket player who stayed the immature halfwit he was when he was 14 and just continued the party mood with the drinking and smoking into his adult life.

In fact, the best 'news' I've heard about him in recent weeks was the claim that his wife is going to sting him $10 million in the divorce. Apparently this claim has been refuted but who knows for sure?

As stated in the above article link, he has now made a "promise" that he will give up his international cricket career (and maybe get a real job?) if his children can't cope with his pending divorce.
Will this "promise" be as genuine as the one he made to his wife about "honour" and where he vows to "cherish" her? I could be wrong though as he may have written his own wedding VOWS to Simone, his soon-to-be ex-wife.

"I swear to love, honour and cherish you until I get drunk again and decide that a piece of tail that hasn't squeezed out a couple of kids is good enough to get me by until I get home again."

To be honest (I always am) and even though I am talking from the vantage point of a bloke (which means that I should root for the bloke getting divorced so that the ex-wife gets as little as possible): I just hope that she cleans this wanker out because he deserves it!
He is nothing more than a two-faced liar who is putting on an act and is saying honourable things to the media so that he won't look so bad to the public and that his (misguided) fans will forget about his selective memory when it comes to promises.

Warne said the downside to an international cricket career was the amount of time he was forced to spend apart from his family.

"With everything you do, unfortunately there are some sacrifices you have to make," he said.

Apparantly those 'sacrifices' don't include 'fidelity'.

IF he was a REAL man with honest values and took seriously the giving of his word and taking vows then his children would not be in the situation of having to cope with the divorce of their parents.

"I think I'm a very good father."

Oh yes, you're an upstanding role-model for your son. I wonder what he will do to the woman he swears an oath to if he has to go away for work (or play)?

You made your bed, Shane, you dickhead - now lie in it!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

False Advertising

So, here we are in Queensland with the highest road toll of all the states over the Christmas period. It sure isn't because there has been a lack of police on the road as I've seen quite a few around.
Nonetheless, we still see the grinning communist, Premier Petie Beater, on TV saying that the toll is a disgrace and something must be done about it.

Unfortunately, the only solution that this union-stooge government is capable of conjuring is to increase fines and to inflict false advertising on the public.

How many people realise that if the government knowingly lies to you on a matter that isn't even a cleverly hidden lie and you vote them back in - who is the stupid one?

With the recent advertising campaign of the PROVEN lie that "Every K over is a Killer" of some melodramatic situation of some fictional mother and baby being turned into road pizza BECAUSE the bloke was speeding (nothing else implied - no sleep deprivation; no alcohol in the blood; no distractions at all. Not even bad decision making!), the advertising laws are being pretzel bent so far that they may never recover.


Who wants to place money on the bet that Queensland will have fixed speed cameras in place before Easter? Who also wants to place money on the bet that Queensland will NOT have undertaken any form of driver education before then either?
Fines increasing? That's a certainty!

I've said it before and I'll say it again - your life; the life of your wife/mother/sister/brother; the life of your child/unborn child/children are worth LESS to those YOU vote in than money to balance the budget. The tsk-tsk'ing of mindless MP dickheads who seemingly can't even drive themselves anywhere without either crashing a car or being drunk (a charge which they promptly have dismissed using the buddy system) is beyond a joke.

Since, it seems, that one cannot be treated like anything more than a fool when trying to explain to those in power about how to save lives, maybe I need to start an advertising campaign of my own?
I said I would do this if I ever win the lotto but I think I might have to take out a loan and do it anyway. I want to purchase a strip of land near the Gold Coast highway and erect billboards stating TRUE slogans like:

"Your life is worth less to the Beattie Government than a few $$ in the budget."

"Every $ earned from Speed Cameras is a Killer!"
(no less factual than their slogan!)

"If Speed Kills, how do the cameras save lives?"

and a few more like that....

The question then would be to wait and see how long it would take before an order of destruction or a summons of legal action to arrive on my doorstep.

Hoppy New Year!!

Well, guess what? I think I am about to write a blog entry that (maybe) won't be a rant like my usual entries.... Here's hoping....

Firstly, apologies to all my friends (both of them :) for not sending Christmas cards (or, as I like to call them, "Chismyass" cards. This isn't an attack on Christmas or anything, just part of my usual style of renaming almost everything I come into contact with. I also like to see the look on peoples faces when they stand there and wonder if I told them to "kiss my ass" or was wishing them a "Merry Christmas" :)

Childish? Me? Naw.... NEVER!!!

What is childish though is the thoughts that went through my head at Christmas at home with the family when I came to the conclusion that I had been forgotten about in the gift-giving stakes. I'm kind-of ashamed about that. You spend a few hundred bucks on everyone else and the rest of the tribe can't scrape together a few bucks for a card. That is to be expected from my tribe though. My brothers (that are left) and dad are OK but the nephews and neices are all self-centred so'n'so's. Stuff 'em.

It's not that important anyway in the grand scheme of things because I did get to spend the day with those who mattered. I was also fortunate enough to not see #1-Nephew/future-drug-mule as well. This pompous little prick who is so full of his own bravado chooses to exercise honour when he feels like it and generally abuses me via text message on my phone (160km away) but never to my face.
I'm either growing old or realising that fighting with an imbecile is a waste of time as I told him as much. No more text messages.

Seems funny how telling people the truth can rub them the wrong way. Out of something like 20 people in the immediate family, there were exactly zero calls on my birthday a couple of days later. It's not like I can complain though as I think I am regarded as a right royal bastard by the family which was my own doing. I did get calls (again) from those who matter and I did get to spend the day with a woman that I didn't think even existed in this country anymore. Mates have been ragging me about being a sly bugger and shacking up with some bird and never told them. *Sheesh* - it seems to be that a bloke isn't allowed to be friends with a woman without 'doing' her. Is it lucky that I'm good at breaking the rules? :)

Anyway, I don't know about the 'rules' when it comes to asking someone out and I usually avoid the subject unless they happen to be quite extraordinary (too easy to stay in the comfort zone, y'know). The problem with speaking your mind (as I do) is that some think you're a freak who has already picked out the names of the children and where the wedding will be, etc etc etc. Not so. I just think that when you're interested in someone then you should say so - life is too short to skirt around the issue when you meet someone good. Some will say that it puts undue pressure on a woman when you do this but I think that a lack of confusion is a good thing and it helps to avoid the: "I can't go out with you because you're a friend!" hunk-of-bullshit/outright-lie that a bloke gets told all too often. Yes, it is a lie - if a bloke isn't good enough then he should be told that and everyone can get on with their lives.
Yeah, yeah - I sound like a cranky old shit but I get that way when someone thinks I'm a mug.
In any case, Ms Extraordinary hasn't lied or treated me like a mug and there has definitely been no thoughts of names of kids or wedding arrangements! :)

New Years Eve was quite good again. Did the usual thing of spending it with 2 mates (2 coffees - 1 in each hand!) while watching the fireworks. The fireworks were great but the 'mates' didn't last more than 10 minutes or so. Went home to bed and slept like a log (isn't it great when caffeine has no effect on you? :)

Now in the new year I need to buy another car. The SAAB is so close to being dead that the local preacher is warming up the last rites. I've thought about finding something that is 15 years old or thereabouts again but I think I need to bite the bullet and get something a bit newer that I don't need to work on. The old 9000 model is a great car though - it's been further offroad than most 4x4's you see in Brisbane and it's carried more junk in the back than most garbage trucks (most of which still seems to be under my house... :?
In any case, it's time to give a car dealer the shits....

Happy new year to all - especially Nick & Nora, Nilknarf & Magilla, Caz, and anyone else silly enough to read my crap! :)
May the new year bring all you deserve.