Tuesday, January 24, 2006


There are times when I like to peruse the dictionary to reacquaint myself with certain words that you see and hear used by various groups in society.

The word in question that started this was fascist. No, wait - I think it was sociopath which then led my to psychopath, then I came back to fascist. I needed to check up on this because I noticed a poster of some left-wing droob in the Queen St Mall in Brisbane yesterday comparing George Bush to Hitler.

Hmmm... let me think about this... George W Bush <-> Hitler... Well - they're both male so I guess the conclusion is fair and truthful in the mindset of a progressive* type of female (*term used with extreme sarcasm). Yes - this is my dig at feminism and how it is a crock of shit. Check out this latest article by Mike S. Adams on Why I don’t take feminists seriously. If you don't understand what I'm saying, I'll make it clear: feminism = bullshit. Those who know me will know the vein I mean this in (the correct one!). If you want to claim that it's some sort of attack on females having rights or equality, then revise that to be: your mindset = bullshit.

So, coming back to words again....

I noticed in the 'related words' area for fascist that the word reactionary was in there.

Hmmm... thinking again... OK - if fascism is the quietening of opposition by censorship and dictatorial controls (thinking Beattie government here), then surely reactionary would be a reference to how they resolve problems that they create - by reacting to them -as in the typical knee-jerk reaction that is used oh-so often for problems that were foreseen by Blind Freddy but not so by Labor Party MP's and their advisors.

"What problems?" You say? How about:
- a $400 million Stuporstadium in the middle of Brisbane. How many hospital wards could remain in operation around the state just so people in Brisbane can go see some grunting neanderthals grab each other by the genitals; fall down while playing horsey-in-the-middle with a stupidly shaped ball; and speak in one-syllable sentences?
- a proposed $120 million Stuporstadium Mk-II for the Gold Coast. That might pay for a doc or two, maybe an extra cop and a student teacher.
- and while on the waste of taxpayers money: with regards to Petie Beater's latest 'holiday', I wonder how much of the cost of that holiday was paid for by the taxpayers of this state. Seems like every time I go on a holiday, I have to foot the entire bill myself. Of course, all denials about taxpayer cost MUST be discounted as PB would need to speak to refute the claims and we all know that you can tell when a politician is lying by noticing that his/her lips are moving.

The problem with the hospitals in this state didn't start a fortnight ago - they started YEARS ago when the plans for worthless projects were still on the drawing board.

So, coming back to words again.... (part the-second, after rant-break)

Who would have thought (ie: me) that reactionary actually referred to an ultra-conservative or extreme right-wing ideal? Someone who was opposed to progress?

So, using *my* thinking and definition of a 'reactionary', we have a socialist government opposed to progress and is post-reactionary to the problems they create. Does this not sound like the norm or am I mistaken?

Bring back the siphilitic monkey.

As an end-note, maybe a few of those women who feign offence at the word sheila should actually look it up in the dictionary and realise that it is NOT an offensive term.

I just wish that people would use a goddamn dictionary before throwing labels around.

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