Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Dual Nationalities

I noticed that Charlize Theron featured heavily on Sunrise this morning. Seeing that she was born and raised in Africa and now lives in America: Does that make her an African-American? I say YES.

I might even suggest that she is even MORE African-American than maybe 99.99% (ie: 1 in 10,000) of those claiming that title in the United States who have NEVER set foot or lived anywhere in Africa.

So, if you think I am being racist, think about whom it is that is claiming a nationality that they are not entitled to? Who is the one promoting misrepresentation to themselves and everyone they claim this title from?

If you're Irish, you're Irish.
If you're American, you're American.
If you're a Pom who moves to Australia, then you're an Aussie.
If you're a Muslim in Australia who doesn't want to fit in, you're not wanted (so piss off!)

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